Okay, so this is a little experiment I wanted to do for a long time. Basically the story is from Pepper's point of view during the Avengers movie, also there is going to be a twist in the plot involving her getting blackmailed. So this fanfic will be set during and after the movie! Enjoy!

Pepper sighed smiling down at her phone, a projection of the inside of Tony's helmet stared back at her.

"Good to go on this end, the rest is up to you". Tony spoke from inside his suit, flying through the streets of New York.

"You disconnected the transmission lines, are we off the grid?".

"Stark towers is about to become a beacon of self sustaining clean energy". Tony smirked at the Pepper through the video call, her strawberry blonde hair lit up from the different electrical lights.

"Well assuming the arc reactor takes over and actually works". Pepper grinned, watching the man she loved.

"I assume". Tony flew around the tall buildings heading closer to Stark towers. "Light her up".

Pepper glanced down towards the different buttons at her fingertips carefully pressing down on the right switches. From the corner of her eye she could see the light glow as the building she was in lit up.

Once again one of Tony's grand designs successfully worked, never failing to impress her.

"How does it look?". She whispered biting her lips.

"Like Christmas". Tony replied, his eyes fixed on the huge lit up letters spelling his name. "But with more me".

Pepper glanced out of the window smiling before turning back to Tony.

"We've got to go wider on the public awareness campaign you need to do some press, I'm in DC tomorrow I'm going to do the zoning for the next three buildings-

"Pepper you're killing me, woman". Tony cut her off flying along the side of the building. "Remember enjoy the moment".

Pepper grinned feeling her heart pick up slightly.

"Well get in here and I will".

Grinning she switched off their video chat, slowly walking over to one of the huge screens containing the towers information on the new energy switch over. She could hear the faint noise of the machines taking the suit off Tony, while JARVIS was trying to talk to him at the same time.

"Levels are holding steady". Pepper bit her lip, staring at the screen in front of her. "I think".

Slowly Tony walked behind her glancing momentarily at the screen. "Of course they are".

Pepper turned to Tony smiling.

"I was directly involved, which brings me my next question how does it feel to be a genius". Tony said, removing his earpiece placing it on the table.

Pepper rolled her eyes, how could he possible suggest that to her.

"Well I really wouldn't know now would I?". she laughed standing closer to him.

"What do you mean? All this came from you". Tony pointed at the red head.

"No, all this". Pepper whispered smiling. "Came from that". she tapped gently on Tony's chest, gliding her finger over the hard surface of the arc reactor, memories of the footage of Tony's torture flashed into her mind quickly causing her to shiver.

Pepper smiled locking eyes with Tony, her heart picking up at the sight of him, immediately she felt calmer.

"Give yourself some credit, Stark tower is your baby". Tony touched Pepper's arm smiling down at the petite woman. "Give yourself 12 percent of the credit".

"12 percent." Pepper rolled her eyes.

"An argument can be made for 15?". Tony quickly replied holding his hands up defensively.

"12 percent! Of my baby?". Pepper laughed walking away from Tony, he could be an ass when he wanted to.

"Well, I did do all of the heavy lifting- literally I lifted all of the heavy things." Tony turned around slowly walking after the red head. "And sorry but the security snafu that was on you".

"Oh". she said sarcastically, kneeling down by the table, pouring champagne into two long glasses.

"My private elevator".

"You mean our elevator?".

"Was teaming with sweaty workmen". Pepper raised her eyebrows smiling, as Tony quickly sat down next to her. "I'm going to pay for that comment about percentages in some subtle way later aren't I?".

Pepper smirked handing a glass to Tony, his brown eyes searching for forgiveness.

"Not going to be that subtle".

"I'll tell you what, next building's going to say Potts on the tower". Tony held up his glass, staring at Pepper.

"On the lease". Pepper smirked raising her glass towards Tony's who quickly held his back.

"Call your mum can you bunk over?" Tony said, smiling at the laughing woman in front of him.

"Sir!". Jarvis interrupted causing the couple to stop talking. "The telephone, I'm afraid my protocols are being overridden". Tony frowned looking down towards his slim phone. Why was he always interrupted at the worst moments.

"Mr Stark we need to talk". Tony quickly picked up his phone glaring into the screen.

"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark please leave a message".

Pepper laughed grinning down at the floor, something felt off about this sudden intrusion.

"This is urgent". Coulson replied staring at the billionaire through the phone.

"Then leave it urgently".

The huge silver doors of the elevator opened behind the kneeling woman. Agent Coulson walked through the doors, placing his phone into his suit pocket. Phil had become a friendly face to both Tony and Pepper, not that Tony would admit it- and after all the ciaos he presented a comforting figure to Pepper.

"Security breach!". Tony shouted putting down his phone, "It's on you".

"Mr Stark". Phil spoke staring at Tony, his face full of worry.

"Phil! Come in". Pepper grinned getting to her feet, still holding her glass of champagne she walked quickly to the sweet Agent smiling.

"Phil?" Tony question frowning after Pepper.

"I cant stay". Coulson smiled warmly at Pepper

"His first name is Agent". Tony said hurrying after Pepper.

"Come on in! We're celebrating".

"Which is why he cant stay". Tony whispered under his breath forcing a fake smile onto his face.

"We need you to look this over". Coulson said, holding a black folder towards Tony urgently. "As soon as possible".

Tony stood back raising his hands towards Coulson, shaking his head- Pepper rolled her eyes knowing what would come next. Tony's famous 'peeve'.

"I-I don't like to be handed things-

"That's fine!". she cut in taking the black folder from Coulson smiling. "Because I love to be handed things, so lets trade". Carefully she handed him her glass of champagne before turning back to Tony, shoving the folder in his hand while taking Tony's glass. "Thank you!". she winked drinking Tony's champagne.

"Official consulting hours are between 8 and 5 on every other Thursday". Tony said harshly to Coulson ignoring Pepper elbowing his side.

"This isn't a consultation". Coulson whispered to Tony.

"Is this about the Avengers?". Pepper cut in, watching Phil's reaction, slowly blushing as he turned to her. "Which I know nothing about".

"The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought". Tony spoke walking away from Pepper glancing at the two over his shoulder. "And I didn't even qualify".

"I didn't know that either". she smiled at Coulson, watching his worried expression.

"Yeah apparently I'm volatile, self obsessed- don't play well with others?". Tony opened the folder holding the small screen containing all of the information sent by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"That I did know!". Pepper laughed turning towards Tony.

"This isn't about personality profiles any more". Coulson spoke turning from Pepper to Tony.

"Whatever." Tony whispered clicking on the small screen, "Miss Potts?". he said pointing at Pepper, gesturing for her to join him. "You got a sec?".

"Half a mo" Pepper whispered to Coulson rushing over to join Tony, who was frantically clicking on the small screen.

"You know, I thought we were having a moment". Tony whispered.

"I was having 12 percent of a moment". Pepper looked at Tony, "This seems serious, Phil's pretty shaken".Pepper looked at her feet suddenly nervous. After everything they'd been through this seemed different. If S.H.I.E.L.D were worried about a threat, then it meant something was definitely wrong.

"How would you know- why is he Phil?"

Pepper stared down at the small screen in Tony's finger tips.

"What is all of this?" She whispered staring into his eyes.

"This is.. this". Tony said pulling projections from the small screen around the room. Each projection contained information about a number of different people, showing videos of different battles and fights. Pepper gasped glancing at all the information spread around the room. A video of the Hulk destroying New York caught her eye as she watched other scenes of two agents in the mist of fighting, one firing a gun and the other one aiming with a bow.

This was serious, S.H.I.E.L.D were setting up a team bringing earth's mightiest heroes together. Which meant that the world was in trouble- Tony was in trouble.

"I'm going to take the jet to DC tonight". Pepper whispered, her eyes fixed on the videos of each person in battle.

"Tomorrow." Tony nudged her gently with his elbow.

"You have homework". Pepper turned to Tony, a faint roar came from one of the screens. "You have a lot of homework".

Tony tore his eyes off the screen facing Pepper, her heart sped up from the look in his eyes.

"What if I didn't?". Tony whispered.

"If you didn't?" Pepper smiled, "You mean when you're finished? Well.." Pepper whispered biting her lip as she whispered her plans into Tony's ear.

"Square deal, fly safe." Tony smiled leaning down towards Pepper lightly kissing her.

Pepper swallowed walking away from Tony, something about the videos made her feel uneasy.

"So any chance you're driving by LaGuardia?". Pepper smiled walking towards the slightly worried looking Coulson.

"I can take you there". Phil smiled letting Pepper walk into the elevator first.

"Fantastic". She whispered, watching Tony flick through the information on the screens as the doors closed in front of her.

Now was going to be the tough part, leaving New York knowing that Tony might be in some sort of danger, the lift shook slightly as Pepper sighed- did everything have to be so difficult, was it so much to ask for just one evening of peace.

"Everything okay?". Coulson whispered, causing Pepper to jump.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired I guess". Pepper whispered back glancing at Phil from the corner of her eyes. "I have a very bad feeling about all of this, I just- I don't want anything terrible to happen".

The lift doors quickly opened allowing the couple to walk out onto the ground floor, Pepper quickly slipped on her shoes and jacket forcing a smile onto her face.

"Pepper." Coulson whispered opening the door of the black car, letting her slide in before him. "I can assure you, Tony's going to be fine."

Pepper laughed looking up at the gentle face of the man sitting across from her.

"Phil you know what we've been through, thank you for trying to make me feel better but after the whole Justin Hammer situation I've come to terms with the fact that Tony has his armour for a reason".

"Then what's there to worry about?" Coulson replied smiling slightly.

"Everything". Pepper whispered gazing out of the window.

Over the past few days things had felt weird for Pepper, everyday it felt like someone was watching her- constantly peering over her shoulder. Like the build up to something big, the calm before the storm. Every night her sleep was plagued with dark nightmares that left her gasping for air, telling her body that something wasn't right.

The car slowed to a stop, telling Pepper her journey was over. The silence between her and Coulson was comfortable- almost peaceful, letting her forget that the Earth was at war with a great force of power.

Pepper turned to Coulson slowly, watching his face intently- Coulson was hiding his nerves trying to reassure her.

It wasn't working.

"Thank you for driving me". Pepper whispered smiling quickly at Phil.

"It's the least we could do, for interrupting your evening". Coulson replied placing his hand gently over Pepper's, "Believe me we will do everything in our power to make sure no lunatic can come close to controlling our world".

"Stay safe Phil". Pepper whispered tightly hugging the small man, her heart beating harshly in her chest. "What would we do without you".

He watched from a distance as the red head slowly got out of the black car, smiling at the Agent. Things were too easy, for everything to work as planned he needed to get her in a busy central place.

The airport.

It was perfect, full of people and loud noises. With Tony Stark busy with other distractions it would be so easy to target the famous Pepper Potts.

The vibration of his phone took his attention away from the red head walking into the airport.


"Where is our target?". The distinctive voice came from the other line.

"Heading towards the entrance of the airport, don't worry I'll keep an eye on her". He replied.

"Great. Send her a message, we've got to conform her worst nightmares."

"Then what?".

"Then bring her here, she's the only way to get to Tony Stark- once we've got the red head we can kill Stark".

"How do you know this will work?".

"Because they only have each other, once we've got his woman- Stark will not stop until he finds her".

"What will you do to her?".

"Make her pay for everything, let her feel the misery she's caused me".

PLEASE REVIEW! I'd like to know what you thought of the story so far! Tell me and suggestions you have to improve it or change it slightly? I'd love to hear what you all think! Thank you for reading!