I don't own any recognisable Disney Characters, including the brunette (Melody, Ariel's daughter.)

In the middle of a lush forest in the middle of Maine, was a town populated by people as dreary as their state. They had no creativity, no imagination, no individuality, just being average. Incredibly and boringly average. If a joke was decided funny, everyone laughed. If it wasn't decided funny, no one would say it. Over time this lead to the same jokes over and over, everyone laughing, inwardly groaning. The jokes, like everything else in the town, were stagnant. Then a drop hit and made ripples. A drop named Jenny.

Jenny had been the only person in Imagination (or lack thereof) who was different. She was smart and blond, with blue eyes. She made up new jokes, drew colorful pictures of creatures she had seen in her dreams, wrote of strange people killing evil beasts with no name and monstrous bodies. She was a spark. They tried to stamp her out.

She'd spent several nights in jail for 'disturbing the peace', AKA telling her stories. Her father had grounded, bribed, and tried to talk her into being normal. She told him that human beings had no normal.

Jenny was one stubborn spark.

Eventually she stockpiled survival gear and ran off, setting up a camp outside of the city limits. The week she had spent away had been the best week of her life. She had no trouble finding food, and easily made a fire, and kept coals hot to save matches. She had plenty of time to work on her art and writing, and grew used to no one telling her to stop those silly things. They weren't silly, no more silly than their stagnant lifestyle. Then one night, she wished on a star.

"Star so big, star so bright, the very first star I see tonight, A wish I may, if I might, ask of you, if that's alright. O big star, in the night, I've seen animals and birds in flight, but I'm lonely, don't you see, I would like human company. Hopefully someone who understands me?" The last part I finished as a question.

"Nice job. Most people don't get that you use up the wish you ask for in the rhyme. Wished for wishes tend to not work." I spun around to see-

"Mom? I thought I asked for someone who understood me." I said. She smiled.

"You did, and I do. How did you take all those years in that town? Hell's more like it, I could barely take two months."

"Two months? What the hex are you talking about? You've been here all my life, 15 years!" She shook her head sadly.

"No. The woman you knew as your mother disappeared, probably kidnapped. I replaced her and modified your memories, along with everyone else's in that town." I cocked an eyebrow.

"Modified? What are you? CIA?" The woman chuckled.

"No. I'm an official protector of the Magic Kingdom. Although, we're sort of like the CIA. A lot less paranoid and a lot more awesome, though." I decided that I liked this woman.

"Magic Kingdom? You mean the park at Disney World?" She shook her head.

"THE Magic Kingdom. The one ruled by Mickey Mouse. The one where magic is accepted as being more real then science. The place you're going."

"Am I on TV? One of those hidden camera shows?"

"TV. Not as good as LPS. Lots more faulty too." A crow crawled out of the bag. It cocked his head. "'Ello."

"That crow just talked." I pointed and backed away slowly, freaked out.

"This is Hemlock." Said the woman, glaring at him. "He can talk. He's not supposed to show himself."

"It was stuffy in there."

"Shut up. How can Ms. Tabby stand you?"

"She can't."

"Gee. I wonder why."

"Are you done with your pointless bickering?" Said a voice cold as ice and dark as pitch. Hemlock looked like he was going to have a heart attack.

"Ohhh curses."

"Maleficent." Muttered the woman under her breath.

A woman appeared out of the forest. She had horns on her head and short raven black hair, yellow eyes that seemed to be on fire, and green skin. She looked as though she had stepped straight out of Sleeping Beauty.

"Joyce!" I turned around to see a dark haired girl with a noticeable tan leaning on the bank of the creek.

"Get Jenny to the School! I'll deal with her." Joyce said, turning to face the woman. Maleficent clicked her tongue.

"Oh, don't you know not to take what's yours?" Joyce scowled.

"You're one to talk."

"True." Maleficent smiled, more like smirked, as she sent a black blade with a glass orb at the end into Joyce's chest. Immediately Joyce started paling, then began to fade, the knife turning into... something. Something with yellow eyes.

Hemlock yelped. "Second star to the right, and straight on 'till morning!"

The brunette nodded. "Agreed. Let's get out of here!"

Hemlock flew over as she grabbed my arm and dove as Maleficent threw another of the knives at us. Hemlock clung on tight to my arm as we practically flew through the water.

When we surfaced it was light, due to some nice-looking street lamps nearby. A short black figure ran over.

"Are you alright?" Asked a guy with a very high-pitched voice. I couldn't see him clearly, in fact, I couldn't see anything clearly. I puked up some dark matter and shivered.

"I d-d-don't-" I puked again. I felt freezing. "F-f-feel so good." The shivers turned to shudders.

The brunette blanched. "Mickey, she's been stabbed." Hemlock jumped off and started pacing.

"Oh bad, oh bad, oh bad, bad, bad, bad."

"Get her to the infirmary." Mickey said.

Then I shuddered again. I felt as though my blood was boiling!

"Hot hot hot hot HOT." I shuddered one last time, then felt normal, a little weak, but normal. My vision cleared as the brunette looked at my leg.

"I – I can't believe it. It's gone! The knife is gone! So's the wound!" She said in surprise.

Then I passed out. Probably due to Hemlock giving me the Vulcan Nerve Peck. Of course, it might have been the day catching up to me.