
I am just putting this in the stories that I am currently writing. Just because I honestly feel so bad for everyone who is following whichever story this is that you are reading. I really feel like so bad. I know that I promised updates. And I really want to but... UGGGGG writers block to the max. Like it is ridiculous. I really really want to update though. I am gonna try now. And I know that I said that I would update cause I would have more time. And I do I have so much time right now. But i really... It is just not letting my brain work creatively. Though I am starting to go back and starting to add to these stories. (just so you know I am actually working on three different stories on here and haven't really been the best at updating like I said that I would be. :( ) I know you all probably thought that this was an update to a story. I really I feel so bad. But I will take this down once I get my act together and start firing on my writing cylinders soon and for those of you that are reading Echo and this is your update... That one will be coming next! I swear. I am going to finish at least one of these stories before the summer ends. Good lord I thought they would be done a long time ago. guess that never happened. whoops.

Anyway I wanted to apologize. I wanted to say thank you to all of you who still favorited and started to follow these stories. I promise that there will be updates. I really do. I love you all thank you for being a part of the writing in my life. You inspire me to keep writing and I want you to know that I am going to finish all of these fics for all of you *takes all of you into massive hug* thank you all again.