
"EMILY!" JJ screams as she hears the shot go off and watches her friend fall to the ground.

Turning to the unsub JJ raises her gun. Pulling the trigger twice in pure anger she hits him square in the chest. She runs over to him and checks his pulse. He's dead. She grabs his gun and runs over to Emily.

She puts the gun down beside her and looks down at Emily. "Emily, I'm calling 911. Keep looking at me. Do not close you're eyes." JJ says.

She grabs her phone and dials 911 as fast as she can and puts the phone to her ear.

"911 what is you're emergency?" The operator asks.

"This is special agent Jennifer Jareau with the FBI I need an ambulance at the end of Potomac Avenue. NOW!" JJ practically screams at the dispatcher.

"Okay ma'am calm down. I am sending an ambulance they will be right there." The operator says.

JJ hangs up the phone and looks down at Emily. "JJ. P-p-put p-pressure on t-the w-wound the b-b-bullet went r-r-right through." Emily stutters. JJ nods and looks down at Emily's stomach. Putting her right hand on top of her friend and her left under she tightens her grip a little bit and watches Emily wince.

"Okay Em, I want you to look at me. Do not close you're eyes." JJ says.

A minute later an ambulance is pulling up and two EMT's are getting out of it.

Running to the back the doors swing open and they wheel a gurney over to us

"What's her name?" One of the paramedics asks.

"Special Agent Emily Prentiss. The bullet went right through." JJ says.

The paramedic nods. "Let's get her on the backboard. Please step back." She says.

Once they get her onto the gurney JJ follows the three of them to the ambulance. "I'm coming with you." She says.

The paramedic nods and JJ gets in.

They pull into the hospital a few minutes later and unload Emily. Pushing the gurney into the hospital a doctor and two nurses meet them at the door. "Special Agent Emily Prentiss, one shot to the lower abdomen, bullet went straight through." The paramedic says.

The doctor nods and turns to the nurses. "Get her into OR 3." He says.

The nurses nod and take the gurney from the paramedics.

JJ watches as her friend is wheeled into surgery and she grabs her phone and dials Hotch's number.

"What's up JJ?" Hotch asks.

"Prentiss, got shot, we're at the hospital." JJ cries.

"We'll be right there JJ try to calm down a little bit." Hotch says.

"Okay." JJ says.

Ten minutes later Hotch, Rossi, Reid, and Garcia walk through the doors of the hospital over to JJ.

"JJ what happened?" Rossi asks.

"I-I don't know, one minute she was standing and then I heard the shot and saw her go down. God I just hope she's gonna be okay." JJ says.

Rossi wraps her in a hug. "Come on JJ. It's Prentiss. She's gonna be fine." He says.

Two hours, and a lot of crying, worrying and pacing, later the doctor comes out of the OR.

"Family of Emily Prentiss?" He asks.

JJ stands up immediatley. "Yes." She says. "Is she going to be okay?"

"Ms. Prentiss' heart stopped, twice, and she lost a lot of blood but she is going to be fine yes." He says.

"Oh thank god." JJ sighs. "When can we see her?" She asks.

"Right now if you like but only one person at a time." He says.

JJ turns to look at the team. "You go on in JJ. We can see her later." Garcia says.

"Thanks guys." JJ says.

Turning to the doctor she nods and he leads her into Emily's room.