DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Wars or the New Jedi Order, or the characters within the following story. It is made in appreciation and enjoyment of what already exists.

Author's Notes: I'm going to be sooooo flamed for this. I know half of you out there hate Jag Fel. Well, I like him, so flame away. This story takes place after the events of Edge of Victory I : Conquest, and stems from the obsession I have with Jag.


Chapter One: A Chance Encounter

Space. Cold, black, and empty. Devoid of everything except the distant pinpoints of burning stars. Everything was silent.

Jaina Solo thought the environment suited her mood at the moment; grim, depressed and lonely. She was prevented by webs of politics and trickery from rejoining Rogue Squadron. Her mother and father working on a project for Luke, while her mother was still recuperating from the injuries sustained at the hand of the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster, Tsavong Lah. Her uncle and aunt were who knows where, preparing for their child. Her brother Jacen was one of the most wanted human beings in the galaxy at the moment, in a great deal of danger, even with his mother and father. The Jedi were hunted, subjugated and harassed, after the Yuuzhan Vong's recent decree that they would give peace in exchange for the lives of the Jedi. In fact, the only thing that was keeping her upbeat was the recent victory acquired by her brother Anakin. To her starboard side floated the Errant Venture, the personal Star Destroyer of Booster Terrik, and currently the home of the young Jedi trainees rescued by Anakin at Yavin IV.

At least they were failing with her.

Jaina looked miserably around her once again, disappointed to find that what they were searching for had eluded them again. What was bothering her most was her lack of success in finding a location for another Jedi safe house, on the off chance the Vong discovered and attacked Eclipse or Shelter. She was nearly in the Unkown Regions now, slightly beyond the Imperial Remnant, a few hundred light years away from Adumar, the last known planet they had passed.

She started up her engines again, preparing to fly back to the docking bay on the Venture, when her sensors and warning tones started screaming through the cockpit.

"R-4! What is it?" she asked worriedly, frantically flipping switches and arming her weapons system.

Her astromech beeped and data scrolled across her screen. Twelve ships of unknown make, but similar to Imperial TIE fighters. A memory flashed through Jaina's head and when a hail tone sounded on her comlink, she picked it up warily, preparing to have her suspicions confirmed.

"Now what are the chances of this happening?" a familiar, confident male voice said in a mocking tone. "A lone Rogue, out on his own."

"Actually Colonel Fel, at this time I'm on leave from Rogue Squadron," Jaina said coolly. He always seemed so arrogant. "The chances are slim indeed."

"Lieutenant Jaina Solo," he stated, and Jaina was pleased to note just the slightest note of surprise in his voice.

Another voice came over the com at that moment and the voice was gruff and intimidating.

"May I ask who these friends of yours are Solo?" Booster Terrik asked shrewdly.

"Colonel Jagged Fel and Spike Squadron, a Chiss House phalanx," Jaina answered before Jag could answer something that Booster wouldn't like, "And he's also the nephew of Wedge Antilles."

She knew that would most definitely have some effect on Booster. The man had helped Wedge out as a teenager and considered him like a nephew.

"Wedge Antilles' nephew?" Booster voice had a mystified, but curious air to it, "And may I ask what you are doing here at this most opportune moment?"

There was some hesitation from Jag, and Jaina got the sense that he was communicating privately with his squadron. Finally when the answer came, Jag's words sounded serious and respectful.

"Sir, if you would permit it, I would request that we come aboard and talk face to face. There are matters that should not be discussed in the open."

There was a pause, but Booster agreed and fed them the coordinates for the docking bay. Jaina grimaced, it was the same as hers, which meant she was probably going to have to hang around him for much longer than she had bargained for. Yet at least this would take them closer to finding a location in the Unknown Regions. Things were finally happening.

"We are accompanying another ship, one with ambassadors to the Imperial Remnant, who the Chiss wish to talk to about the Yuuzhan Vong's… request and their standing towards it. What made us run into you, quite by chance, was the new equipment we were testing that senses gravity anomalies, such as the ones created by the Yuuzhan Vong's dovin basals. It detected the presence of the Star Destroyer and we pulled out to verify that you were not a Vong vessel," Jag Fel explained calmly a few minutes later in Booster's main conference room.

"I see," said Booster, his face betraying no feeling towards the Colonel's comments. "And now that you're here, what is your opinion towards the Yuuzhan Vong requests.

Booster seemed menacing all of a sudden. After all, his son-in-law and his two grandchildren were Jedi, and if the Chiss or Jag were holding any anti-Jedi sentiments, there wasn't going to be anything more for them to talk about, besides down the barrel of a blaster.

Jaina kept her eyes on Jag. This was partly because he was far from unpleasant to look at and partly because she was eager to hear his opinion on the atrocities of the Yuuzhan Vong. He had glanced at her for a long moment on the way out of his ship when they had landed in the docking bay, but she hadn't been able to read his facial expressions.

"Sir, I don't believe anything that the Yuuzhan Vong say about peace or truces. I've seen first hand the damage they can do when I was at Ithor. I don't trust them, and even if I did, I wouldn't turn the Jedi over to the Yuuzhan Vong," Jag Fel said decisively.

Jaina smiled to herself. Jag could be arrogant, but he made up for it with his overall good sense.

Looking approvingly at Jag, Booster sat back in his chair, twirling his mustache and thinking. Finally he seemed to come to some conclusion in his head and leaned forward to speak to Jag.

Strangely however, it was Jag that spoke first.

"Sir, interestingly enough, it was very fortunate that we have found you. I would like to speak to you, however I request that everyone besides the Jedi and you leave this room."

Booster looked surprised, but he nodded his head and people filed hesitantly out of the room, leaving Jag, Booster, Jaina and Anakin.

"This may come as a surprise to you, but my father's forces have decided that it's time to pick sides in this war. They've even offered to find a secret place to hide the Jedi," Jag explained carefully.

Jaina's eyes. Curiosity also stirred in her, wondering what had brought about the changewidened in surprise and she felt her heart beat faster. This was what she had been trying to accomplish in the past few months! But with her elation came some different emotions. Suspicion first, because it seemed so unbelievable. Of course, through this she would undoubtedly be in the company of Jag Fel more often, but depending on how they both choose to act, it wouldn't be so bad. If she looked past his cocky exterior, she might find a much needed friend.

Booster had seemed just as shocked, she'd felt it through the Force, but she didn't see any signs of it on his face. He was calm and calculating as he considered Jag's offer.

"I'm not in a position to be making decisions for the Jedi. However, I can arrange for you to meet with Mara Jade-Skywalker, Luke Skywalker and my son-in-law Corran Horn. I don't think that the meeting could occur right away, as they are all at various points in the galaxy, so you'll have to wait here for a week, maybe more. Is your squadron able to go on without you?"

Jag nodded solemnly.

"Well then. I'll let Jaina find you some quarters," Booster said jovially.

Jaina looked up, startled, with a confused look on her face.

"Well," shrugged Booster, "He's your friend."

Jaina rolled her eyes and the corners of Jag's mouth seemed to come up in a slight smirk.

Oh yeah, she thought, Flyboy and I, we're great friends.