Ch 18: Revealing the Ploy Towards Reasons

Story will now begin to be from more then one person perspective throughout the chapter.

italics mean thoughts.


I lay awake once more tied to the bed that the Doctor had left me on. He refused to kill me no matter how I screamed at him.

I was healed completely now but because I was not feeding upon humans I was not strong enough to free myself from the bindings upon me. This was becoming increasingly annoying. All I did at this point, now that I knew my yelling and pleading had no effect on him, was lay here and think.

The thoughts that drifted in and out of my mind were not the best ones. I still wished to die obviously, was the chief one floating around. Which lead me to trying to find a way to do just that upon my release from my binds. I also wondered what happened to the pair of brother and sister I had saved. They were in the nearby city so they hopefully were left out of the terrible chaos of the fight between Shiki and the villagers. Thinking along that line lead me to my father, had he after aiding me got away safely.

So I continued for a couple more days to just lay there and think as the Doctor continued to take care of me.

Doctor Ozaki

I entered the room again today to feed Natsuno. Upon entering all he did was lift his eyes open glance at me with his blurry eyes and then close them once more. I sighed.

Natsuno apparently finding I was turning a deaf ear to him had actually gone as silent as the grave. He did eat what I brought him but that was now the only reaction I really got from him. So I finally decided that this had gone on long enough.

"Natsuno you have healed completely so I should release you from your binds."

His eyes shot open to look at me. The first real reaction I had got out of him in a while.

"Then get them off of me already." He grumbled at me when his usual glare returned to his face. I looked at him for a few more minutes before I sighed.

"But if I do that you just plan on killing yourself when I'm not looking, right?" I stated it more as a fact then a question. He said nothing but his glare turned darker. Oh if looks could kill I would be six feet under by now. I paused and thought for a second. No I would be buried deeper because I had been getting that look since he woke up.

"I do have an idea about that fact though. If you'll hear me out." I looked him straight in the eyes to show that I was completely series about this. He glared into my gaze and then shifted it away.

"I will hear you out but I doubt it will change my mind." He finally stated. I smirked at him, he had taken the bait.

"Now Natsuno while I explain I do not want you to interrupt. If you have something to say just what till the very end." I firmly said as I pulled a chair over to sit by him. His only confirmation was to nod.

"Natsuno if you remember to save the village we had to take a very risky plan involving the Shiki letting their guards down." Natsuno was looking at me now and nodded his head.

"That plan involved me being drunk off of and then controlled by the Shiki woman. Then you would come in and override the control by biting me and give me a blood transfusion. This led me to be able to trick her and reveal what she was to the village. Are you following all this so far?" I spoke as if I was giving a lecture.

He nodded his head and stated, "Yeah so what is your point?" I grinned at him.

"Natsuno I saved you because yes I realized you were going to kill yourself and I did not believe you should do that but there was a second reason for my interfering in your suicide attempt." I stated this as I held up two fingers.

"The second reason is myself." I took the hand I had extended and then pointed it at myself. He blinked blankly at me.


"Natsuno I was bitten first by that Shiki woman multivalve times and then you." I leaned forward now putting my chin into my clasped hands on my knees. "I am a possible threat now because we never found out exact how a person is chosen to be brought back as a Shiki."

Natsuno blinked a couple times in confusion and then he froze as I saw the realization hit him.


Why was the Doctor talking about this? It didn't make any sense. So he got bitten a few times by a Shiki he should be happy he didn't die in the end and tu…I froze in my train of thought. If what he was saying was true this was bad. He could turn into a Shiki because of he had been bitten and we wouldn't know what type he would come back as. Also Also Also….It was my fault too. We had come up with the plan but I had not even thought that far ahead. I had only thought we needed to reveal the Shiki and get rid of them that was all. I…I never thought what that would mean for the Doctor if we went through with it…And now because I bite him the Doctor could turn into a Shiki.

"Natsuno." The Doctor spoke and I jumped slightly leaving my train of thought. He looked at me and sighed. Was this just a ploy to keep me from my plans? I thought.

"We both agreed upon the plan of action to save the village in the end. So I am not blaming you after all we probably would not of saved as many people if you were not there but now this is different." The Doctor gave me a hard look.

"Now I am saying this. I do not plan on dying anytime soon after all I am not that old." He pauses to grin at me. "But with the possibility of what will happen to me when I die, I need to have insurance. That means someone I can trust who knows the situation. Who I know for certain will do what needs done. Be it making sure I'm cremated to…" He trailed off and held my gaze. "To staking me if I turn into a Shiki." He continued to hold my gaze.

I thought hard really hard as I held his gaze. If this is a ploy to keep me alive it is a really good one. If I ignore it and then take my life what then. When he dies he might come back as a Shiki…He could come back and then suffer...suffer...just like Toru and then cause harm to others. I looked at him once more and then…

To be continued…

Naïve: So here is the new update to this story…Sorry it took so long.

Reborn: Took so long! Are you seriously trying to die? You haven't updated our story for more than a year.

Sanzo: Not to mention I can't remember the last time you updated our story.

Reborn & Sanzo: (pulls out their guns) What do you take use for?!

Naïve: (Hides behind Tsuna) I'll get to them I promise.

Tsuna: Hiiiiiiiiiii! (As guns lock onto him).

Naïve: Anyway Please review!