Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya

I feel heavy.

My arms, my chest, my head, even my eyes feel heavy. So heavy. Light was filtering through my eye lids and someone was stroking my hair. Someone held my hand and whispered in my ear,

'Come back' he said, for now I knew it was a he. I know that voice. Somewhere in my dusty memory that voice lies. But who is it?

'Come on Arty you need to wake up.'

Arty? No-one has called me that in years. Alistair? Big brother Alistair? Yes, I remember now. He was here, sleeping in the chair, and Ianto. He was here as well. But was that not a dream?

Blinking sleepily I open my eyes. That hand is still stroking my hair and there is a head next to mine still whispering. I slowly lift my unattended hand and lay it on the mass of red hair.

'Al' I crocked, 'is that really you?'

I feel him freeze momentarily before he raises his head and sobs out softly,

'Yeah Arty. It's me. I'm here for ya.'

Suddenly we're hugging each other like we haven't in years. It's a warm, caring embrace which makes me think of a warm Summer's day, earl grey tea, roses in bloom and so many impossible things, but most of all it reminds me of home.