Slytherin Heiress Chapter 1

Disclaimer ~ Me: I do not own Harry potter as it belongs to J.K Rowling but I do own twilight.

Stephanie Meyer: oh really Nikki *Bitch Brow*

Me: okay I'm sorry I do not own twilight the awesome Stephanie Meyer does. *turns to Stephanie* Happy?

Stephanie: Very

Me: okay now on with the story.

I can't stand it here anymore. He left me! I can't believe he left me. I need some sort of freedom again. You see my name isn't Isabella swan, daughter of Charlie swan, I am Isabella jade Black and Charlie is my uncle. Yes that means I am a witch. Being under the unbreakable vow sucks I want to go home. I was brought out of my thoughts by none other than Mike Newton

"Bella are you alright?"

"Of course I am" I replied with my slytherinish attitude. Mike didn't buy it though but seemed to brush it off.

The day seemed to drag on and on. Finally the bell went and I was walking with the gang who were going on about some trip or something, but I'm not paying attention as standing there in the parking lot was a tall man with black hair and black robes. I would know that person anywhere, it is none other than Sirius Black, he turned around I didn't hesitate to say,


He turned and faced me slightly confused as to whom I am. I'm sure I haven't changed that much in the last 10 months. It was then it clicked, I am such a ditz of course he won't recognize me because of my appearance. You see I am a metamorphorgus I can change my appearance like my cousin Nymphdora Tonks. I don't really have brown hair, brown eyes, I don't constantly blush and I am not a major klutz also I'm not 18, I'm 19 and working as the DADA teacher at Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry. I actually have raven black hair with always a random colour of streak in it and deep sea blue eyes. Before anyone could figure out what I did I morphed back to my original form and put a purple streak in my hair, I also gained my curves back and grew a few inches taller. The look on my father's face was priceless "Izzy? Is that really you?" he took a step closer as did I until a hand tried to prevent me. I give you two guesses... Yup it is Mike.

"LET GO OF ME THIS INSTANT YOU POSSESSIVE STALKERISH FREAK! I WANT TO GO AND SEE MY FATHER NOW!" He dropped his hand and I ran into my father's waiting arms

"I missed you so much daddy" I told him in our language; parseltonuge

"I missed you to princess" he replied back

We pulled back from our embrace and I looked up at him and he had no emotion on his face but his eyes told me everything. He was here for a reason so of course I asked him

"Why are you here dad? Has something happened?" he hesitated for a moment looked around and told me " not here Izzy especially with you know , with muggles present" with that we left ignoring the shouts for me to come back.

We arrived at Uncle Charlie's house and walked in "ok daddy spill what happened?"

"Well your mission for the order is over and Albus needs you back at the school"

"Yes I finally get to go home and see the Weasly's and Tonks and mum," I screamed. I suppose you are wondering who my mum is well it may be a shock it's Bellatrix Lestrange who was actually undercover for the order during the second wizarding war. "Go pack Izzy we are leaving in an hour" my father said.

"Ok daddy"

I ran up the stairs and into my room and went straight to the secret panel behind my clothes in the wardrobe and collected my wand, which is 11 3/4 inches made from Phoenix hair and a Phoenix core making it extremely powerful. With a flick of my wrist and the words "accio trunk" it flew onto my bed then I demanded "pack" and everything I required for going back to Hogwarts was there I took one last look at my old room and walked down the stairs "ready princess?" my dad asked.

"Yeah daddy" I grabbed my father's elbow and with that we apparated with a crack and then a thud and the sound of people running down the stairs with their wands drawn.

I looked up to see the faces of my lovely extremely close family and the next thing I know Fred and George scream "IZZY!" and brought me into one of the tightest hugs I have ever had. "Hey boys miss me much?" I asked.

"Ok guys give her room to breathe please" called the voice of none other than Mrs Weasley "MOLLY! God I missed you"

I gave her a hug "I missed you too Izzy" she replied.

The sound of heels disturbed our reunion along with a bell like voice similar to my own, "what's all the screaming about" the voice asked. Then she saw me" ISABELLA JADE BLACK!" she screamed. Time to run and hide, but she didn't give me the chance she ran and pulled me into a hug "Don't you dare leave for a mission for as long as that again I missed my baby girl" she told me while sobbing uncontrollably. Yes I know you thought you would never see a death eater cry well guess again even though she was under cover but what the hell I don't care anyway she is still my mum. "I missed you to mummy" I sobbed also. Once I was released by my mother I was attacked by four at once; Ron, Ginny, Hermione and Harry all saying "I missed you auntie Izzy!" well you see I've known them for so long they came up with calling me auntie Izzy but to be honest I love them calling me that, it makes me feel special.

After the reunion and dinner everyone wanted to know what my mission was so I told them all about what happened in forks avoiding the fact that the dullens (Cullen's) are vampires but Hermione being Hermione picked up one the facts I told them and said " are they vampires?" I simply nodded knowing by the silence that they are mad then my dad voiced his opinion


The look on everyone's faces as the saw me break down made my heart start to heal from the heart break of emoward dullen (Edward Cullen) as I know that they all care for me and to prove my thoughts correct I was pulled on to my daddy's lap as he rocked me to try and calm me down while whispering soothing words to me. I have always been a daddy's girl as you can tell.

The weeks flew by and finally it is April 7th and time to go back to Hogwarts. I did a quick head count and we went through the wall and standing in front of me was the Hogwarts express in all its glory. I made sure everyone was settled and was about to leave when I saw a flash of blonde hair. I ran towards the blond haired boy and twirled him around while saying "I'm back Draco"

He laughed "cousin Izzy put me down now! ... Please " I of course put him down like he asked and he turned around and he hugged me "I missed you Trixie when did u get back"

"A few weeks ago drake (my nick-name for Draco)"

"Ok then Izzy I'm going to go now and find Pansy and Blase they'll be waiting for me"

"go on then I'll see you later" so Draco scurried off to find his friends and I made my way to find an empty compartment and locked it and drifted off to sleep

* four hours later*

I awoke with a jolt from the train stopping and opened the compartment door and made my way onto the platform and found my family looking for me so I snuck up behind them and "Who you waiting on guys" I said and they all turned round so quick I'm sure they gave themselves whiplash "YOU aunt Izzy!" they said in unison which I laughed at and I headed towards the school with them following me.

Once at the school and at the entrance to the great hall I saw my favourite professor that I had here at school and considered a second mother professor Minerva McGonagall deputy head mistress. "Isabella it's great to have you back Albus wants to announce you to everyone after the sorting my drear. How have you been?"

"It's great to see you to Minerva, does Albus have to make a big commotion it's only me I mean come on seriously and I'm good what about you and how have things been at Hogwarts?"

" yes Albus must make a big commotion you know he sees you as a granddaughter and I am good and Hogwarts hasn't been that different since you left apart from less pranks and everyone seemed to be unhappy that you were gone anyway I must be off the sorting is about to begin you will know when to enter"

"Bye Minerva" I shouted and she was gone. The next half an hour seemed to pass quickly due to my nerves.

"one final announcement before the feast begins I would like to welcome back our one and only professor Isabella Black teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts" at that moment I shoved open the doors of the great hall and the gasps and whispers started then out of nowhere everyone started clapping and cheering including the Slytherins so once at in the middle of the pathway to the heads table I did a little bow and continued walking.

"Settle down, settle down. Now I would like to say a few words; jelly, lemon drops and courage. Let the feast BEGIN!"

This, this is home! It's so good to be home! I thought to myself.

The feast was going down well when all of a sudden the owl at the podium opened its wings and Albus voice rang out " now before we leave to bed I have a final announcement we have two new professors teaching here and five new students" the main doors flew open and I was faced with seven pairs of golden eyes and my own eyes started to water, Albus continued " Dr. Carlisle Cullen will be working alongside madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing while professor Esme Cullen will be your new muggles studies professor while the Cullen and hale children will be in Gryffindor", great I'm their Head Of House..* note the heavy sarcasm.* the sight of my so called second family was all becoming too much and the tears started to fall down my face. I stood up from the table and walked through the professor's passageway and headed towards my chambers.

I heard footsteps following me and thought it was one of the Cullen's so I picked up my pace a little but me being me I misjudged my step , hey I said I wasn't a klutz never said I had good judgement, and tripped. I lay there and heard the footsteps getting louder and closer. I continued to let the tears fall. I give up. It's hell.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up into the dark pools of Severus Snape's eyes, did I forget to mention that I have always had a crush on him...yes well I do so there get over it... The sound of his voice broke my thoughts "you ok Black? You left the great hall relatively quick after the arrival of the Cullen's."

"I'm fine Snape I always leave the great hall in tears and then trip and collapse into a bundle and doesn't care who finds me don't I? Maybe if I'm lucky I'll die!" the tears continued to flow. I'm drowning in a river of tears caused by abandonment and betrayal and I can't stop them. Snape sits beside me and wraps his arms around me and I cry continuously into his robes. I fall into the blackness hoping that death will overfill me but at the same time I hope God prevents this so I can ask Severus why he cares. Why does he care? I have no clue but one thing is for sure. I will find out!

* Meanwhile back at the great hall *

The look on the Cullen's face was one of complete and utter shock. She didn't look like Bella but the scent of strawberries and vanilla was coming off of her.

(One time thing) *Edward POV*

What the heck just happened that can't be Bella but it smells like her the thoughts of my family were mostly the same thing

"Bella is that her? It can't be" - Carlisle

"Is that her? My daughter?" - Esme

"I don't see the big deal here but it would be nice if we could get Bella back" - Rosalie

"Bella where? I want to see my lil sis again" - Emmett

"That can't be Bella but it has to be. YAY! I get my best friend and sister back! I'm in need of Bella Barbie time!" - Alice

"Why the heck does this person hate us so much it can't be Bella she wouldn't hate us this much. Sadness, depression, hate, anger too many emotions!" - Jasper

I'm so confused Bella isn't a witch so it can't be her but then again if she is a witch why didn't she tell me. I thought she trusted me?

*Back to Bella's P.O.V*

Blackness everything is blackness.

Wait I'm in a forest why? Am I dead? Is this what death is like? Walking around there is a snap I turn with my wand raised "Bella" it was Edward

"I don't need you I don't love you anymore your just a distraction! You don't belong in my world" everything's fading like a river, voices surrounding me.

"Is she okay?"

"What happened to her?"

"When will she wake up?"

"Out,out,out let her rest she will find you when she is discharged"

God what is going on ? The noise is so loud but where am I the last I remember I was with Severus and he seemed different but why? Fluttering my eyes open but shutting them again when I see the light. It's so bright!

"Poppy close the blinds please. I think it's too bright for professor black" said a velvet voice. Is that Severus? I opened my eyes and looked to my right

I was correct it was and I felt my lips twitch forming a smile.

"Hey Severus"

"Are you alright Isabella? You scared me you just fainted in my arms"

"Yeah I'm ok my heads sore but I think I fainted from exhaustion?"

"Right you are dear" said poppy

"When can I go to my dorms and teach again poppy? How long was I out?"

"You can be discharged now but just take your time dear"

"Thank you goodbye poppy" and with that I left the room in search of my family.