So I am deciding to try something completely different than my usual stuff...

Recenty, I have joined the zombie fan band wagon, sooo...

Complete AU popped into my head, which means I will be taking a small break from The Fallen meets the cousin.

I hope this is enjoyable, since I haven't done a real 'horror' fic before.

I own nothing but Tai.



An undead nightmare.



It's either survive or be eaten. Your choice.


It had been two weeks.
That's how long they had been trying to find others...other survivors, people, humans.

But all they had found so far had been far from human.

The virus had spread so quickly, it all happened so fast that there was no preparation.

Megatron had succeeded in destroying the human race, but turning it against one another.

Dead vs. The Living.

Tatyana Witwicky/Prime and Sam Witwicky had escaped Tranquility with only a couple of steel bats and sheer dumb luck. The streets were barron, deserted but bore the scars of the chaos that had ensued when the attack happened.

Tai kept watch as Sam rummaged through the remains of an over turned van, the driver decomposing in the driver seat. Sam covered his mouth and nose with his scarf as he searched through the various items.

"Anything?" She asked, her arm transformed into a cannon. She had been without her holographic skin since it happened, seemed pointless since everyone had either escaped or been bitten.

"Clothes." He muttered, tossing her a shirt that seemed about her size. She looked it over, just a simple white wife beater, it'll have to do until they reached the nearest N.E.S.T. base.

If there was anything left.

"I really wish Bee and 'Cade were here." She said out loud, stuffing the shirt into her backpack.

"Out of the all times to say they should some time off from being a guardian...anything from your Dad?" He asked, standing up, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Tai hadn't felt anything since it happened, she only prayed to whatever God there was that her Dad hadn't been ripped apart by those...things. "Nothing. Not yet..but there's always hope."

Sam nodded, taking a deep breath. "We need to find a car...preferbly a car that has the keys. I hate going through the pockets of corpses."

Tai smirked lightly. "Now you're just being paranoid, not all corpses are walking."

"Ya know, this paranoia is the best to have in this situation." Sm shoved her lightly, swinging his newly found sniper rifle over his shoulder.

Tai was about to say something when she spotted movement out of the corner of her eye. "Get down." She hissed. They both dropped to the concrete as they heard the shuffling of foot steps get closer. They both watched from under the car as two small feet appeared, wearing bunny slippers. A small stuffed bunny dropped to the ground, and then a small hand reached down to pick it up.

They both crawled over to the back of the car, still keeping out of sight. Tai motioned for her cousin to stay where he was as she stood up, her hand now on the .44 revolver in her pocket.

What she saw made her heart drop. It was a little girl with blonde hair, still in her pajamas, stumbling about, looking disorientated.

"Sweetie?" Tai called out, causing the child to stop moving. "Don't be afraid. Are you lost? if you are, we can help you." She walked forward cautiously. The girl turned around and Tai's eyes widened. Her face was rotted, the flesh was hanging in bloody strings of sinue where her jaw should've been, fresh and old blood stained her pink pajamas. Tai stepped back slightly, her breathing increasing rapidly.

The undead girl growled as she caught sight of the techno organic and started shuffling toward her, saliva and blood dripping from the gaping wound.

But before the small girl got any closer, Tai whipped out her revolver and fired. The bullet hit it's target, flying through the smll forehead and out the back, showering the concrete with bits of bloody skull and brain matter. The undead child dropped to the ground, dropping her bunny in the process.

Tai stood there, lowering her gun as she took deep shuddering breaths. Sam walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"You did what you had to do." He said. "Let's go, before more of them show up."

Tai nodded, pocketing the weapon in her camo cargo pants that she found. Straightening her ball cap, she took a deep breath and blinked tears from her eye and optic.

"What I had to do." She muttered, starting down the road again. "Wait." Sam stopped and turned to her, a look of confusion on his face.

Carefully picking up the blood stained bunny with her gloved human hand, she placed it next to the little girl, hoping that could finally have comfort in death.

"So she's not alone." She said, giving Sam a small grin.

"Hm." Sam nodded. "Wonder what her name was? Wonder what life she lived before she died?"

"She looks like an Emily." Tai decided with a nod. "Wow...even kids. No one is safe from those things."

Thinking back, when this all started, everything was fine, normal.

It all started with the thumping on the door.


This was really fun to write, my first zombie fic!
I hope you all enjoyed this, lemme know if I should continue!

Also, this part was basd heavily on this one scene in The Walking Dead where the main guy had to shoot a little girl..


Anyway, review!