(Tired of this fic enough that I just want it to be done. This is the last chapter.)

"Thank you for not making me sing." Sam stirred his Bloody Mary with a smile at Gabriel. Gabe swiveled on the bar stool and grinned wide.

"What, you get stage fright?" He waggled his eyebrows.

Sam sighed. "No." He sipped from his drink. "Okay, yeah. A little." He shrugged. Another sip.

Gabe smirked. "You're nervous, aren't you?"

Sam rolled his eyes.

Gabriel reached out to squeeze Sam's shoulder and his smile softened. He leaned close. "Listen, Samwich." He tapped Sam's jaw, so that Sam looked him in the eyes, and said, "It's just like any other time we're together, only officially called a date. Nothing actually different." He leaned his elbow on the bar. "Okay?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, I guess." He shrugged again, with just one shoulder, and gnawed on his celery stalk.

Gabriel patted his shoulder. "You don't like the bar, I'm guessing." He cocked an eyebrow, with a more serious but still flirtatious expression. Pulled his hand away to straighten his collar.

"Kinda." Sam snorted, and smiled at Gabriel. "Never really liked dates at bars, or even just going to a bar after a date. The crowds and the alcohol and just... It all kinda puts me off. Reminds me of when my dad would come home drunk."

Gabe gave a sage nod, and grabbed Sam's hand. "Let's ditch this popsicle stand, then. We can go to my place and watch a movie, or walk at the park, or go to a restaurant. Anything you want."

His grin set Sam at ease, and Sam laced their fingers together before leaning over to give him a peck on the cheek. "Movie at your place?" He slipped out of the bar stool and slapped down some money—enough to cover for both of them but not really a specific amount. Gabriel smirked and let Sam lead him out of the bar. They walked back to Manna from Heaven, since it was nearby, and took the outside steps to get into Gabriel's apartment.

The dog lay fast asleep on the couch, so Gabriel put a finger to his lips and snatched his laptop from the kitchen table. "You can stay in your clothes or whatever, but I'm getting into pajamas." He started his computer and left it on the bed with the DVD of Constantine beside it on the sheets, while he stood in front of his wardrobe and shed his layers and slipped into, of all things, white silk pajamas. Sam laughed at him. Gabriel winked, and plopped down beside him to start the movie.

Halfway through, Gabe fell asleep against Sam's shoulder. Sam smiled, and moved him to lay down more comfortably. He stripped down to his t-shirt and underwear and figured that was good enough, before climbing in sleepy and bold beside Gabriel, and wrapped his arms around him.

Gabe shifted in his sleep and cuddled closer.

Sam grinned, and slept with the smell of chocolate and liquor in his nose.