Author's note. These stories were written before I had got a serious grasp of the complexities of the character of Ed Straker. Please forgive me. Archived here after reconsideration. All stories/art work etc available on my website: Lightcudder's World

Chapter 1

The Commander:

It was getting on for midnight when he finished his late night run and jogged, sweaty and tired, back up the stairs to the apartment. He had gradually built up his distance and he was back to his old running habits, now comfortably over three miles when possible. The escorting runners were not happy, as usual. They hated it when he went out in the dark, vehemently complaining about the dangers. He ignored them, as usual.

Since taking up running again in the Autumn, his stress levels had gone down dramatically and most nights he managed to sleep without being disturbed by nightmares. Not every night though, but he was dealing with that, and Rachel was helping as well.

The apartment was quiet, but not deserted. Random signs of her presence were scattered around the living area; her jacket, flung over a chair, her briefcase in one corner and faintly, an unmistakable hint of her perfume. He smiled, realising that she had arrived home while he was out exercising and would probably still be awake.

'And what time do you call this?' her muffled voice from under the duvet. 'You finished work ages ago. I should know, I was there. I was expecting you back ages ago.'

'Sorry.' He was apologetic and contrite, sitting on his side of the bed to take off his trainers and socks. Slipping his Glock from its shoulder holster, he checked it was secure and slid it, without thinking, under his pillow. His mobile placed on the bedside table, ready to be answered quickly if needed. 'We had unexpected visitors before I left and I had to sort them out. It took rather longer than anyone anticipated. Will you forgive me?'

'I don't know.' Still deep under the covers. 'It depends.'

'On what?'

'On whether you get me coffee and croissants in the morning. I don't have to get up until after ten. If you remember I am jetting off world in the afternoon.' Her head emerged from where it had been hiding and she smirked at him. 'So you can bring me breakfast in bed before you leave.'

'Is this what I have been reduced to? Commander in Chief of SHADO, and making coffee for the minions? You'll have me taking the rubbish out next.' She laughed at his fake discomfort and tossed a pillow at him as he crossed to the bathroom. He caught it and threw it back, fast and accurately. Then shut and locked the bathroom door before she could get out of bed to grab him.

She reached for her mobile and speed dialled the Night Controller in HQ. 'Colonel Philips here. Commander Straker has a wake-up call at five thirty this morning. Please put that call back to seven o'clock. On my responsibility. And notify the protection detail of the change in the Commander's schedule.'

'Certainly Colonel.' Her staff knew better than to question her decisions. She settled back, listening to the splash of the shower and his voice, softly singing. It was another surprising facet to his personality; SHADO staff in HQ would be astonished to know that he had a well-trained, tenor voice. One day she would succeed in getting him to sing with the SHADO choir at one of the informal staff get-togethers. SHADO staff were, by now, used to hearing him play the piano, especially at the end of a long, difficult day. He, in turn, was getting used to people coming into the Staff Lounge just to listen as he let the stresses of the job fade away under the spell of playing pieces by Chopin, Bach and Beethoven with the occasional Ligeti sonata thrown in for good measure.

The shower and the singing stopped. He was rubbing his hair dry as he came back into the bedroom, with another towel around his hips. She leaned back on the pillows and watched him, noting the subtle changes in his physique over the past three months. He had put on weight and now looked fit and more robust, especially as he still had a slight suntan. The short post-Christmas break in Antigua was to thank for that.

A few days spent sunbathing and swimming and relaxing. Just what Dr Jackson had ordered. It was a pity that she had been unable to join him, but Alec had managed to get away for a couple of days. Both of them had come back refreshed and recharged. And it was a good thing too; the aliens had attacked in force straight after their return and SHADO had been inordinately busy for several long exhausting days.

He turned to her. 'Anything I should know about?' he asked her in a mildly ironic yet questioning tone.

'Such as?' she queried.

'Oh, such as,' he paused, looking at her quizzically, 'my alarm call being put back ninety minutes?'

She had the good grace to blush. 'Sorry,' she pleaded, 'You didn't get much sleep last night with the raid, and you've been working late tonight. I just thought you needed to catch up. I shouldn't have done it without asking you but it's too late now.'

'It isn't. I could call and change it back but I won't; this time. I do need to catch up. It's been a tiring few days.' He sounded slightly annoyed as he pulled back the covers, stripped off the bath towel and lay down, wrapping himself in the warmth of the soft bedding. She lay there for a moment, disconcerted at his seeming indifference to her. He turned off the light on his side, and rolled over, his back to her. 'G'night' he muttered and shortly she heard a faint snore.

She lay still, unwilling to speak, unwilling to make a move towards him if he was feeling so tired. She lay still. He snored again, quietly, and then she heard him desperately trying to control his laughter under the covers.

'You…. You…' words failed her and she resorted to grabbing his pillow and trying to hold it down over his face. It was futile, against his superior strength and the fact that she was laughing so much. He reached for her, drawing her closer and pulling her down to kiss her with passion and desire.