This story takes place right after the events of the Ice Cavern, but before the Water Temple. I was playing OOT:3D and seeing Link sniffle and sneeze in the Ice Cavern made me wonder how in hell he escaped catching pneumonia or something just as bad! I accidently made him fall in Zora's fountain on the way to the Cavern so many times and his tunic doesn't look particularly warm—seriously, how did he not get sick? That's when this little plot bunny showed up! This story will be told in the different perspectives of characters who interact Link while he's stuck in Kakariko Village. Some will be Canon characters, while others will be OC's. I hope you all enjoy it!

Chapter 1: Nana

The old woman who owned the potion shop behind the apothecary, known affectionately as Nana or Granny, was always hiding away from the world. Her justification for isolation was simply because she had better things to do than associate herself with brainless oafs. She was constantly deciphering instructions from tattered books for cures based on recipes almost as ancient as her great-grandmother's bones. She had no time for chit chat and gossip! For decades she dedicated her life to obtaining lost natural remedies; to smite disease was her life long quest!

Alas, no matter what she did it was always infection that stood defiantly against her, occasionally besting her skills. Infection was a dangerous thing in these times; there was little medicine, fewer doctors and terrible living conditions even in the most hygienic of areas. Seven years had seen hundreds of men and women spirited away due to the silliest of mistakes—and there was nothing that could be done to save them. Only the Gods knew how much that woman loathed having to surrender her patients to Death when it came knocking at her door.

Lung infection was especially tricky. Nana had cured it before but it left too many possibilities open for things to go wrong. In this day and age, one could never tell what was going on in a body unless you cut it open. It could just be the flu. It could just be a simple chest cough that'll disappear in a few weeks.

Or it could have been the Plague.

She had never seen a single illness claim so many good people in such a short span of time. It came two years after Ganondorf and his demonic spawn laid waste to Hyrule's beautiful land. It started out as a little cold...and then the person would cough and cough and cough until they hacked up bits of their own lungs. Eventually, they drowned in their own blood. The sight was gruesome and the patients were in constant agony. By the end of it only a third of Kakariko's population remained. Corpses had to burned because there was simply no space to bury them in the Graveyard.

The Plague ended years ago, disappeared more like, but an old bat never forgets. When a familiar someone came knocking at her door at late hours of the night to ask her to see a patient, it was like she was reliving the damned thing all over again. Nothing good ever came out of being woken at 5'o clock in the morning either!

Today seemed like no exception.

This time it was her apprentice who came tapping at her door. She had found a young man who had fallen off his horse just outside the village. Nana scowled throughout Voria's recalling of the events; what was that girl doing at the break of dawn in Hyrule field? The old lady dare not ask or mention to her older brother.

'At least she's safe. Reckless child,' she inwardly sighed.

From the sound of things, Voria refused to leave the man so vulnerable and ended up hauling him back up onto his mare when she realised he was too heavy to carry. She wanted to hand the stranger over to the inn for the night but noticed something wasn't right. Thankfully, the girl knew enough about sickness to spot a symptom or two, so the first thing she did was run to Nana. Now, here she was, stubbornly trying to get the old lady out of her home before sunrise to visit an unconscious man. Though groggy from slumber and just as grouchy, Nana reluctantly followed Voria. There was no point refusing the girl after all that effort she put in to bringing the lad to Kakariko.

As they made their way to the village entrance where she left the man and his horse, Voria didn't waste any time in telling Nana every detail she could about the man's condition. His lips were blue, his body quivered with chill and his skin was just as cold to the touch. Hypothermia was Voria's diagnosis and so far, Nana agreed. It wasn't pleasant, but it could be ridden of easily if they weren't too late.

However, one look at the man—a man who just left boyhood in Nana's eyes—spoke otherwise. There was no chance this one would escape problems. What gave the infection away to Nana wasn't his blue lips or deathly pale skin, but the soaking wet clothes that clung to his skin and his damp hair. Just how long had he been in those clothes? Long enough apparently, as his rasped breaths confirmed her suspicions.

"It's Hypothermia, right Nana?"

"And worse, child. It's gotten to his lungs."

There was a short silence before Voria said; "He must have been in Zora's River."

"Zora's River? What do you think he was doing in there, girl? Swimming?" It was ludicrous. Surely anyone—let alone a young man—would have more common sense then to go in freezing cold water in these times!

But judging by his state, her apprentice was unfortunately correct.

"I found him being dragged by his horse nearby the stream that leads to the entrance of Zora's River; you know, the one a little northeast to the village? It's the only major water supply for miles and he was shaking like a leaf. Maybe he fell in further upstream?" Voria suggested. "But what business would drive a man so close to Zora's Domain?" the girl pondered aloud. Since King Ganondorf froze it no one went near the place. All Nana could think of now was the girl's earlier lie; just outside the village? Please. The stream she was talking about was a good twenty minute walk away. Knowing to question the girl later, Nana turned her attention back to the man and stared sympathetically. He had Voria's thick red cloak over him like a blanket and he was trembling as if it were the only warmth he could find.

The mare made eye contact with Voria and nudged her with her snout. Voria stroked her mane gently and smiled. "When she saw me, she threw a fuss of bringing me over to her master. Clever Mare."

"She's a good girl." Nana responded.

"I better ask Anju for some sugar cubes later. She deserves a treat."

Nana still wasn't quite sure what to make of all this, but if one thing was certain, the boy was a careless idiot and her apprentice needed a serious scolding later.

Some time after forcing the boy awake to swallow a nasty smelling potion that Nana knew would null his tremors, they managed to relocate him to Voria's house and accommodate his mare at the stables near Impa's home. By that point they suddenly became aware of a scorching fever that was starting to become a cause for concern.

"Is he going to get better Granny?" Voria's sweet little sister asked. Nana was often surrounded by Voria's younger siblings when she visited, particularly Freesia. Since her arrival, the ten year old girl wouldn't stop leaning over the old woman to take a peek at the sleeping stranger anytime she could. "Shoo, child." She grumbled, dismissing the girl with a wave of her hand. "He's got Hypothermia! You don't want to be catching what he's got!"

Not knowing what Hi-po-fer-me-ah was, the little thing scampered away with her bright red curls bouncing in terror. A man in his early twenties with dark hair soon came up the stairs, chuckling as his sister dashed past. He took one look at the stranger and pity fell on his face. "It's not just Hypothermia, is it?"

Nana shook her head.

"Is it that bad?" Elric asked. He was Voria's elder brother. The stranger had been welcomed into Elric's home with open arms on Nana's and Voria's request.

"I cannot say for sure. He hasn't gotten the worst of it yet but the infection to his lungs has already arrived, no doubt. Stupid boy." She muttered, placing a wet towel on the traveller's brow.

"He can stay as long as he needs to." Elric said softly. "You just make sure nothing...bad happens."

"It won't come down to that dear..." She assured. Elric smiled sheepishly and nodded his head in wishful agreement.

Elric was a sweetheart. The old woman always had a soft spot for him and his siblings. Their father was a drunkard and their mother an overly plump and aggressive pug-faced woman who did nothing but yell at her children. It got too much for their eldest son, so as Elric got sick of listening to arguments he begun building a house of his own. When he was finished, he left the old crones to themselves in a heartbeat. When rumours of their beast of a mother beating the little ones spread, Elric snatched them away too before the woman could even breathe a word of protest.

There was once a time when the Blacksmith and his wife were the happiest couple in Kakariko Village, she remembered. A shame, really. The reign of the Usurper had destroyed their gentle love and replaced it with mistrust, bitterness and anger.

Voria had earned a place in Nana's affections a few months after the incident when she came knocking at her door, soaked in the storm at unholy hours of the night with all the Rupees she owned in her small hands to beg for help for her feverish brother, Bran. Nana was a cold woman, but not a heartless one. She took nothing from the girl, and ended up gaining a very capable apprentice to learn her old medical ways in return for her service. A good trade—Voria was one of her delights in life.

"GRANNY!" Including this little rascal. 'Oh no' Nana mentally groaned. She knew that voice anywhere.

Rohan, currently eight years old and mischievous as the tricksters in the stories of the Lost Woods, jumped out of nowhere and tackled the old lady with a hug. An indignant squawk escaped the old bag as she used all the strength she could muster in her skinny arms to keep herself from toppling over onto the stranger's lap. He stirred, but did not wake.

"Wicked boy!" She snapped, pushing the boy clinging to her neck away and raising her frail fist at the laughing youth until he bolted back down the stairs of his small home and ran straight out the door. Elric snickered, "Break your back, Granny?"

"I'm not too old to spank you, boy!"

"Oh I don't doubt that. Can I get you anything?"

"Herbal tea would be adequate. Your sister knows which one." She cleared her throat and smoothed out her skirts. Elric laughed lightly and left her to examine the stranger once more. Elric had already removed most of his clothing, including his strange blue tunic (the fabric was very odd apparently—fish scales, Elric said) and water logged boots. Squinting her beady eyes, Nana lifted the man's dry undershirt (donated by Elric) and inspected his chest.

'What in Din's name has this lad been doing?' The old woman thought to herself. He had ugly dark bruises all over his torso, but what concerned her more were the half healed gashes that cut deep across his ribs. Still a little bloodied and poorly bandaged, they resembled claw marks. Wolfos, was her first thought.

By some dumb luck and a thousand blessings from the Goddesses, the wounds had yet to fester. She would have to get Voria to fetch some ointment for the cuts—the last thing she needed was to deal with pus in those bloody scratches. She placed a hand on the man's forehead, brushing back his golden locks from his flushed face. The fever created a coat of sweat all over his body and she knew how uncomfortable it was to have hair sticking all over your skin. His breaths were still heavy and rough.

Underneath the possession of his illness the lad was a handsome one, Nana noted. He was fair haired, fair skinned and his body was toned with lean muscles that she had frequently seen on many soldiers. He was a swordsman. When they brought in his things, Rohan's eyes fixed on a dented shield with the Hylian crest on it and a beautiful sheath encasing a sturdy sword. Elric forbade Rohan from touching it, much to the child's displeasure. Elric also stopped Freesia from rummaging through the man's pouch.

Hm...a young and handsome swordsman with an expensive sword and a pouch filled to the brim with unknown items.

Oh, Nana was tempted to scheme a little scandal out of this; if Voria could care for a patient this pretty without falling sway to his outwardly charms, then maybe the girl had a greater potential as a healer than all the other silly maids she had once hoped to teach. If Voria failed this little test of hers, then at least the girl would get a husband. 18 years without so much as a childhood sweetheart was a waste in Nana's eyes—Voria's lovely face won't last long. This was a very good plan indeed.

Out of nowhere, the stranger suddenly stirred awake.

" I?" He wheezed, opening his eyes and wincing at the brightness of the candle light by his bedside. Nana frowned.

"Kakariko Village, boy."

The swordsman processed this slowly, and then began to shift. "I have to leave." He said gruffly, and to the old woman's shock, he actually tried to get up!

"Oh no you don't!" She hissed, pushing the man back down on the bed with ease. If a man of his shape was too weak to push an old lady out of the way then he certainly wasn't fit enough to go anywhere.

"Please!" The blonde haired stranger pleaded. "T-There's somewhere I have to go—" his sentence was interrupted by a violent and chesty cough that racked his entire body. Nana pulled out a handkerchief and patted the boy's back until he coughed up a good amount of dark, thick mucus. The boy groaned wearily and Nana pinched the edge of the soiled tissue with a disgusted expression before disposing it in her apron pocket.

"Don't argue with me. You've got signs of a lung infection that can easily claim your life if you don't treat it properly. You're going to stay in this bed for however long it takes to get well again, and I won't be having the lady of this house telling me you've been trying to escape. Understood, boy?"

The blonde nodded weakly. The dark, tired circles under his eyes added years to his youthful face. Nana sighed. "Rest well, child. You need it. I'll come to check on you tomorrow and I'll be damned if I don't find out what possessed to you swim in freezing cold water."

The boy looked as though he wanted to explain himself but his cough stole his breath away and he hacked out more of that vile looking mucus. The boy's hand was smeared with gross, sticky fluid and Nana sighed exasperatedly. She took out the old handkerchief from her pocket and handed it back to the man. He eyed it with disdain and Nana smirked. "Keep doing that boy. The more you cough out, the better you'll feel."

He whispered something, but Nana's old ears caught none of it.

"What was that, dear?" He repeated himself, but she still couldn't hear him!

"Speak up!" Nana barked. To her surprise, the man did not yell like other impatient folk would—he spoke again, just as politely, but still not much louder. This time, she leaned in closer and finally heard him.

"Your things?" Nana repeated. The swordsman nodded. Ah...where did Voria put his things?

"They're downstairs, I believe. The children in this house have been instructed not to play with them."

"What about my hat?"


Nana leered at him. What a strange request...

"It's on the window sill, by the candles." She pointed to it. The man turned his head and smiled softly. It was only an arms distance away from the bed, and Nana removed it earlier when dealing with his fever.

"Anything else you want from me?" The old woman droned. The man was silent from a moment. "Could...could you bring my pouch here please?" he asked gently. "There's something inside it that is very precious to would give me great comfort to have it close."

Nana sighed. "I'll get Voria to bring it up."

"Who?" the man's eyebrows furrowed, as if trying to recall a face.

"She's the one who brought you here. This is also her home. Young lass—brown hair, blue-grey eyes."

The man registered this with a small nod. "I have about 200 Rupees in my wallet. Can you give it to her for her trouble?"

Oh bless. Nana however, chuckled. "Oh dear boy, her troubles have only just begun. Give her those Rupees when you are well enough to hand them over yourself."

The man smiled almost angelically and once more nodded. For a fleeting moment, Nana recognised him and her eyes sharply narrowed.

"I know you, boy. Tell me your name." She commanded. Although appearing a little confused, the boy answered her slowly

"It's Link, m'am."

"Link..." The name rolled off her tongue and a memory of a boy in green flashed before her eyes.

"Yes, I know you." Nana's thin lips curved upwards. "You came to me with a peculiar and rare mushroom from the forest. You wanted me to make a medicine for my silly grandson. You delivered it to him, I take it?"

The boy's face fell instantly and suddenly all the hope left in Nana faded. There was a short agonising pause.

"...You did not reach him in time, did you?"

Link did not look at her. He averted his sad blue eyes down in guilt and his fists gripped the bedsheets until his knuckles turned white. He remained silent, but in doing so, spoke a thousand words. Nana let out a breath she did not realise she was holding.

"Don't be ashamed boy. There is no medicine that can cure a fool."

Deciding to take her leave, Nana stood up and headed back downstairs, leaving the man to his rest. If he kept coughing, he'd at least clear his lungs a little and then she could start forcing potions down his throat. She only hoped that within the next few days the sticky yellow substance spewing from his mouth wouldn't show small blotches of red. If that happened, there would be no hope in saving him.

Here's the list of main characters and their ages:

-Link (16)

-Voria (18)

-Elric (22)

-Bran (14)

-Freesia (10)

-Rohan (8)

-Nana (78)

-Anju (25)

-Malon (17)

-Talon (40)

-Ingo (39)