Author's note: Time for one last chapter. I hope you've enjoyed my story. Now it's time for a flash forward to Five Years Later. This is pretty much just to finish things up, since the main conflict is over.


The school dance. Bodies moved and shook in the middle of the gym floor. Cuddles weaved through them while carrying drinks, trying to find his date in all the mess.

The years that passed since the incident with his dad had been kind to Cuddles. His mom and dad got divorced, Toothy and him still were together, and his looks changed from cute to a mixture of handsome and cute that drew quite a bit of attention from the ladies. Not that he cared about them; he only had eyes for one person.

A few familiar faces stood out from the crowd. Nutty was in the middle of it all, dragging Sniffles around and making the boy dance with him. In a corner Cuddles could see his mom talking to Mr. Mole. Ever since the divorce the two adults had been seeing a lot of each other. Cuddles wasn't sure, but he was pretty sure they were dating. Not that the blonde was bothered by it; He thought Mole would make an awesome step-dad.

The blonde cut through to the side, figuring it would be easier to search from the side. As he passed the open side door to the outside, a voice called his name.

"Psst, Cuddles. Come here a sec?"

Cuddles peeked out the door. An arm grabbed him from the side he wasn't checking and pulled him out all the way. The blonde was suddenly pressed up against the wall by a familiar figure. His drinks fell from his hand in surprise.

"Truffles!?" he gasped in surprise.

Truffles went in like he was going to kiss the blonde. Cuddles turned his head so the other boy ended up kissing his cheek. Truffles' breath smelled like alcohol.

"You have no idea how much I liked you," Truffles said, his voice slurred. "I've wanted to do this for years…"

Truffles leaned forward and started nibbling on Cuddles' ear. His knee rubbed against Cuddles crotch. But suddenly Truffles gave a yelp and was dragged backwards, letting Cuddles be able to move again.

Giggles was standing there, holding Truffles by the collar of his shirt. The pink haired girl made a little angry noise and she tossed the male to the ground. She kicked him once, and then beckoned Cuddles to follow her. Cuddles obeyed gratefully.

"Thanks for that," Cuddles said in relief.

"I just hate that guy. I saw him pull you out and I thought there was something suspicious going on."

"It could of got worse, so thanks again."

"You're welcome. So let's get you back to your boyfriend, shall we? He was by Flippy, Splendid, and Petunia last time I checked."

The pink haired girl led him through the thrashing crowd. Several times Cuddles was bumped into but he didn't change his course. Eventually, the blonde spotted a mess of familiar purple hair in the distance, near heads that were obviously Petunia and Flippy's like Giggles had said. He pushed people aside, rushing to his boyfriend's side. Giggles gave a little girlish giggle, a trait she hadn't lost over the years. She still found the two boys adorable together.

Toothy didn't even see Cuddles coming until the blonde had his arms around his neck. Both males fell to the ground.

"Hi Toothy," Cuddles said from on top of his boyfriend.

"Hey Cuddles," Toothy said, cracking a grin. His teeth were still bucked after all these years, though obviously less so.

Cuddles leaned down and kissed Toothy's nose. The buck toothed male blushed, a reaction Cuddles had hoped for. He pressed his face into Toothy's chest and snuggled. Giggles and Petunia giggled together at the sight. Flippy on the other hand, just sighed.

"Get a room you two," he said sarcastically.

Both boys on the ground laughed and got up. As they did so the music started getting quieter. A few people filed on stage towards a single microphone. One of them, who turned out to be Nutty, tapped the device a couple times to test it and spoke.

"Hellooooooooooooooo everybodyyyyyyyyyy," He said loudly in his usual energetic manner.

The crowd cheered back. The green haired male grinned and spoke again.

"I hope you're enjoying the dance! The music will come back on in a minute, but now it's time for announcing the home coming court and royalty."

Nutty backed away and Sniffles took his place.

"The court and royalty have been voted on by you guys," Sniffles explained. "None of us on the student council have influenced the vote. None of us were candidates or even eligible to run. All ties would have been sent back to be voted on by the students. We at the-"

"Babe, you're boring everyone," Nutty interrupted.

Sniffles blushed and stopped talking. The crowd laughed.

"Anyways, now for the court," Sniffles finished hastily.

The student council went on to list various popular students that Cuddles didn't even care about. He turned and started talking to his group of friends. It wasn't until the end of the list that it caught the blonde's attention.

"In a new turn of events," Nutty announced. "We have two kings instead of a king and queen!"

"Step on up, Cuddles and Toothy," Sniffles finished for his boyfriend.

The crowd gasped in surprise, then burst out in applause. They pushed the dazed boyfriends forwards to the stage. Toothy climbed up onto it, then turned around and helped Cuddles up. The student council members placed the crowns on their heads and started the applause up again. Cuddles turned towards Toothy and grinned. Toothy did the same back.

"Fags!" someone from the middle of the crowd called out.

There was a loud chorus of boos and hisses directed at the voice. Toothy looked mad but Cuddles just shrugged.

"I know we are," Cuddles retorted.

The blonde suddenly swept his boyfriend off his feet and kissed him. The crowd applauded louder than ever. A disgruntled person snuck out of the crowd in the background, embarrassed. The music started up again and the crowd went back to dancing.

The two males stopped kissing and turned around to see Nutty and Sniffles approach them.

"Was this you guys' idea?" Toothy asked.

"Sorta," Nutty answered.

"Toothy… you were actually entered for homecoming queen as a joke by somebody, and people kept it going," Sniffles said. "The student council on the other hand, decided we had to change it. No use catering to numbskulls."

"Pfff, I could of pulled of the tiara," Toothy said jokingly.

"Since when could you not look good in something?" Cuddles piped up.

Toothy blushed again.

"Oh right, wasn't it your guys' anniversary the other day?" Nutty asked, suddenly reminded of it.

"Yeah," both Toothy and Cuddles said at the same time.

"Happy five years, guys. I hope it lasts for many more."

"You bet on it," Toothy said, smiling his buck-toothed smile.