
Chapter 5

Molly was sitting at the table having a cup of tea when she heard the clock spring into life. Her eyes widened in shock as Ginny's hand went from Lost, to Travelling to School within a couple of heartbeats.

She was so excited and worried that as she sprang to her feet she sent her tea cup flying. It shattered on the floor sending pieces skidding every which way.

Pulling her wand, she cast a quick Reparo on the cup before she dashed to the fireplace. Even as she was grabbing the Floo powder, Albus Dumbledore's face appeared in the flames.

"I want to inform you that Ginevra and Harry are awake," he said with a smile.

"I suspected as much," Molly replied. Before Dumbledore could ask for an explanation she added, "The family clock changed from Lost to School a few moments ago.

Dumbledore nodded his head as he looked at her. "I'll inform Arthur while you Floo here. I'm sure you'll both want to see Ginevra as soon as possible."

As soon as Dumbledore's face disappeared Molly took the Floo powder and tossed it into the fireplace. As the green flames whooshed she called out "Hogwarts Headmaster's Office". She stepped into the flames, spun and was gone.


Madam Pomfrey had checked over Harry and Ginny as soon as she had noticed them awake. She found it remarkable that there appeared to be nothing wrong with either of them.

As soon as she was done, Ginny had tucked back up into Harry's side. Harry had his right arm wrapped around her, holding her close, while Ginny was turned a bit sideways so that she could stroke Fawkes' neck feathers with her free hand as the Phoenix sat on Harry's lap.

Albus, Molly and Arthur came into the room and stopped short, looking on in amazement at the sight before them.

Ginny seemed in deep conversation with Fawkes while Harry chuckled softly in reaction to them.

Albus shook his head several times. As far as he knew no one could understand Phoenix song. Of course he got flashes and kind of understood what his Phoenix was trying to tell him at times, but it was more of an instinctual thing and not direct communication.

That was not what he felt was happening at the moment.

As they got closer, Ginny suddenly burst into laughter. "Oh Fawkes, I would have loved to witnessed that. I bet it was hilarious to see the Headmaster dressed like a. . . ."

She suddenly stopped and blushed when she noticed Dumbledore standing there.

Harry took one look at where she was staring and burst into laughter too, though his face also took on a very Weasley-ish red.

Fawkes looked at Albus and then at Ginny, trilled once and took off, flying once around the bed before alighting on the headboard by Harry's head. Albus swore he was staring at him with amusement in his eyes.

The Headmaster ignored him and turned his attention back toward the young couple laying in the bed. For it was quite apparent in how they were tucked together that they were indeed a couple.

"I'm happy to see you two doing so well," he said to the pair.

"Thank you," Harry and Ginny said together. Then then looked at each other, smiling and giving a small chuckle.

Albus then turned his attention solely on Ginny. "Miss Weasley, care to explain why you did what you did to Harry."

Ginny's face saddened as she looked lovingly at Harry. "I did what I had to do, after all I considered it my fault that Harry was in the situation he was." She then looked back at the Headmaster and her parents and added, "Though I don't think that calling me Miss Weasley is appropriate any longer."

Albus looked surprised, but her parents looks were ones of complete shock.

Harry gazed with tender adoration at the young woman tucked up against him and with a smile said, "No, I guess not."

"What do you mean?!" screeched Molly.

Ginny recoiled slightly at her mothers raised voice and tucked her head into Harry's shoulder.

Harry kissed the side of her head before turning his attention to the three adults. "First off, I want to clarify something." He then looked at Ginny. "It wasn't really your fault, Ginny dear. I was battling my own demons so you didn't cause what happened to me."

Ginny looked like she was going to protest, but Harry cut her off by kissing her. "Later," he whispered to her.

Ginny looked at him in displeasure but remained silent.

Harry knew they were going to have a long conversation on that subject later on, but knew it was tabled for the moment.

Harry took a deep breath and schooled himself for what was to come. "As to the other matter, the magic Ginny called forth was just the beginning of what happened to us."

He watched the faces of the three adults. Albus' was quite quizzical, while Molly looked like she would explode at any moment. The one that struck him the most was Arthur's. It was one of deep contemplation.

Albus looked at his two companions and said, "Why don't we make ourselves comfortable," as he conjured three chairs.

Molly still looked outraged but sat down between Dumbledore and her husband.

"Explain yourself," she said steely.

Harry sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Well. . ." he began, looking quite puzzled. "We're bonded deeper than anyone has ever been bonded before."

He could see that Molly didn't take that pronouncement well, though Dumbledore and Arthur only looked puzzled by his statement.

Harry nudged Ginny and she nodded at him. They held out their left hands as Harry said, "Maybe this will help."

The three adults looked at Harry's and Ginny's out stretched hands, leaning forward to see more clearly.

At first it was hard to make out what they were seeing and it was Albus who first made out what they were being shown.

There on their hands was the small shape of a Phoenix, but it seemed alive, burning with an inner fire that seemed to dance and move as they looked at them.

"The Mythical Phoenix Bond?" questioned Dumbledore, his voice filled with awe.

Harry and Ginny smiled shyly.

"Yes," said Ginny as she turned her face once more to Harry. Her face was alight with her love for him and it was plain for all to see.

"Harry is now my life, my love and the centre of my universe."

"As Ginny is mine," Harry added, his look mirroring hers.

He then looked at the three adults. "It was Ginny's love for me and mine for her that allowed us to bond together, saving my life."

"Ginny's to young!" Molly snapped, her face clouding in anger.

Ginny gave a sad laugh. "I'm sorry Mum, but the fact remains that Harry and I are now bonded and you have nothing to say about it."

"Arthur! Speak to your daughter and tell her she's wrong!" Molly screeched as she turned and glared at her husband.

Arthur smiled at her wanly. "Now Molly," he said with a sigh. "Why don't we wait till we hear what they have to say."

Molly just shot her husband a scathing look and he knew he was in for a long night when he got her back to the Burrow.

"Mum, there is no way to break the Phoenix Bond. Our souls are now linked for all eternity," Ginny explained a bit sadly, wishing her mother would understand just what the bond meant to her and Harry. "It would be like subjecting us to the Dementor's Kiss but a hundred times worse."

Molly looked at her daughter in shock, unable to comprehend anything more terrible than subjecting someone to the Kiss.

She looked once more at Arthur. "But she's just a child," she moaned lowly.

"Mum, I haven't been a child since my first year with Tom and the Diary," Ginny intoned.

Molly couldn't take it and with a gasp she turned, buried her head in her husband's shoulder and began to cry.

Harry tightened his grip on Ginny, pulling her in closer and placed a kiss on top of her head. He then faced Mr. Weasley. "Don't worry, sir. I'll take good care of your daughter, she's my wife now."

Arthur just nodded his head slowly, Ginny was no longer his and Molly's responsibility. "I know you will, Harry," he said softly, causing Molly to cry harder.

"Harry, can you tell us any more about your bond?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry shrugged. "Well, we have Phoenix powers now," he said lowly.

The Headmaster's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean . . ."

"Yeah, Flame travel, healing tears, the whole bit," Harry replied somewhat embarrassingly.

"Remarkable" Dumbledore whispered.

"Yeah," said Ginny, her eyes shining bright.

Harry looked at Ginny lovingly and leaned over and kissed her on the top of her head, eliciting a giggle from her.

He then looked at Dumbledore, "We need to discuss where Ginny and I will be staying."

The adults looked at him with puzzled expressions.

Though he kept a smile on his face, there was no doubt in the seriousness in his words. "We will not be separated."

Molly screeched, "No! Absolutely not!"

"I'm sorry you feel that way Mum, but Harry and I will be together," Ginny said with conviction.

When Molly went to protest further, Harry spoke, "There is nothing you can do to keep us apart."

"I forbid it!" Molly said forcefully.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Mum," Ginny said sadly. "When you come to your senses, Fawkes or Hedwig will know where to find us." She turned her head to Harry and said, "Come on, Harry. Lets go."

Harry nodded and then in a burst of flames they were gone.

Molly cried out in surprise, tears running down her cheeks.

Arthur looked at her disappointedly and with a sad sigh he said "Really, Molly dear, what did you think would happen. They're bonded, we can't keep them apart."

Molly sobbed, looking quite forlorn.

Albus sighed looking that the Weasleys. "Perhaps we should retire to my office to discuss these new developments."

Arthur nodded his head, gathered Molly into his arms and the three left the hospital wing.


Harry and Ginny appeared on the top of the Astronomy Tower. Ginny sighed and snuggled into Harry's embrace.

"I knew Mum was going to be a bother," she said sadly.

Harry nuzzled his face into Ginny's hair by her ear. "At least you have a mum to worry about you," he whispered.

"She's your mum too," Ginny replied with a huff.

"You know what I mean," Harry said softly, kissing her on the temple.

"I know," Ginny sighed, relaxing into Harry's embrace. "Sorry," she added in a whisper.

"There's no need to be sorry," Harry said softly, nibbling on Ginny's ear.

"You know that's very distracting," Ginny complained half-heartedly, though she was smiling and enjoying what Harry was doing.

"Is it working?" Harry asked with a low chuckle.

"Prat," Ginny whispered lovingly.

"Besides," Harry said softly, dropping down and kissing Ginny on the hollow below her ear. "I have you."

"I'm not your Mum," Ginny moaned lowly.

"Thank Merlin for that," Harry whispered with a laugh. Leaning his head back, he looked Ginny in the eyes.

Ginny stared into Harry's emerald orbs, revelling in the love she saw there. They burned with such a fire, it took her breath away.

"I love you," she murmured.

"And I you," Harry replied.

Slowly their lips came together and they gave themselves into the kiss, each immersed in the love they felt for one another.

They only broke apart when a flash of flame announced the appearance of Fawkes.

"Albus wishes to see you," he trilled amusingly.

"Thank you, Fawkes," Ginny replied.

After one last quick kiss they exited the Tower, deciding to walk to delay the meeting as long as possible, unsure of how things were going to go.


Albus, Molly and Arthur arrived at the Headmaster's office and once seated, a house elf appeared with a tray of tea.

Albus served and once everyone had taken a sip, he looked at Ginny's parents. He could tell Molly was still very aggravated as opposed to Arthur who had a look of calm acceptance on his face.

It was Molly who broke the silence. "What are we going to do about Ginny?" she asked heatedly.

Albus heard Arthur sigh and it took almost all he had not to laugh. With a sad smile he said "I see no other course of action but to acquiesce to their request."

Molly screeched in indignation, but Arthur cut her off before she could speak. "Molly, Dear," he said placatingly. "They've already proven we can't keep them apart. I don't see as if we have any choice in the matter."

Albus and Arthur watched as Molly deflated before them.

"But she's so young," Molly intoned sadly.

"In years, yes," Albus agreed. "But in terms of maturity she hasn't been a child for quite some time."

Though no one mentioned it, they all thought back to Ginny's disastrous first year and the trial she had endured.

"So what do we do?" Molly asked sadly.

"We love and support Ginny and Harry," Arthur replied with a small smile.

"I will arrange new quarters for them," Albus stated, glad that things were working out without any more of a fuss from the Weasley matriarch.

Albus watched as both of the Weasley's nodded in acceptance, Molly's more hesitantly that her husband.

"Splendid," Albus said cheerfully.

He chuckled lowly as Molly shot him a small glare, but ignoring it he turned to his familiar. "Fawkes, if you would be so kind as to find Harry and Ginny and ask them to come here, I'd greatly appreciate it."

The Phoenix trilled his response and launched himself into the air. With a flash of flame he disappeared.

In relative calm they waited for Harry and Ginny to arrive. Albus sitting quietly, sipping his cup of tea while Molly and Arthur talked lowly to one another. He didn't intrude or listen to what they were saying, though he got the impression that Arthur was trying to further calm his wife.

It took a little time but soon enough Albus looked up and said "Enter," even before anyone had knocked.

Harry and Ginny entered, hand in hand, looking slightly apprehensive.

Molly sprung up and hurried over to Ginny and took her in a bone crushing hug. "I'm sorry for being such a bother," she whispered, tears in her eyes. "I'm just happy you're okay."

Arthur had followed his wife and went directly to Harry. Shaking his hand and thumping him on the back he said, "I'm glad you're okay and though I might wish things could have been done a bit differently, I'm truly happy that you and Ginny are together."

Harry had to blink several times to clear his eyes that misted up with his emotions. "Thank you, sir. I understand about wishing that things could have been different but I truly love Ginny and I couldn't be happier."

"Please have a seat," Albus said, conjuring a small love seat for the pair.

"Tea?" he asked pleasantly.

Harry was about to decline when Ginny said, "Yes, thank you."

Harry glanced at Ginny who just smiled at him. "Relax, Harry," she sent. "There is nothing they can do to keep up apart."

"Yes, dear," he replied a bit cheekily.

Ginny gave him a small smile while elbowing him in the ribs, something only Albus saw causing him to smile.

Fawkes flamed in and settled on the back of Harry's and Ginny's seat, directly between the pair.

"Relax, children. All will be well," he trilled reassuringly.

Harry and Ginny both turned their heads and looked at Fawkes. "Thank you, Wing Brother," Harry whispered.

Fawkes rubbed his head first across Harry's cheek and then Ginny's. "We have much to discuss but that is for another day," he trilled. He then launched himself into the air, returning to his perch.

Albus wondered what Fawkes was saying to Harry and Ginny and actually felt a flash of jealousy because they could talk to his Phoenix and he couldn't. With a sigh, he squashed that feeling down and turned his attention back to the matter at hand.

"I will arrange new quarters for you and though there is much to be discussed it has been a trying time for all of us and I feel it is best if we put that off till another day," Albus said with a smile.

Harry and Ginny smiled in relief glad to put off things for now. In reality all they wanted at the moment was to go somewhere they could be alone and enjoy their newfound connection.

"Why don't you two head back up to the Gryffindor common room while I make those arrangements," Albus instructed.

Glad to comply, Harry and Ginny stood to leave and after a heartfelt good bye from Ginny's parents, they headed for the door.

"Behave you two. Don't get up to too much," Fawkes trilled cheekily.

Blushing deeply, Harry and Ginny hurried out the door, leaving the three adults wondering what Fawkes had said.

They stopped at the bottom of the spiral staircase and looked into each other's eyes. Suddenly they broke out in laughter.

"Merlin, I'm glad they can't understand what Fawkes said," Ginny said in relief.

"You and me both," Harry replied with a smile.

They shared a quick but intense kiss before resuming their journey.

"Do you really want to head back to the common room?" Ginny asked.

Thinking about the interrogation they'd be subject to, Harry shook his head. "Not really," he replied.

Ginny smiled as she led him to a nearby empty classroom. After casting several privacy wards, Harry took Ginny into his arms and they proceeded to snog each other senseless. Secure in their love for one another and knowing that though they had an arduous and dangerous path before them, they knew that they'd face it together and that made all the difference.


A/N: Thank you all for your patience with me till I could finish this story. Yes they still had a lot before them, but they were together now and that's all that mattered to them.

As always your reviews are greatly appreciated.