Chapter 1. The Glistening Lagoon

Sokka climbed up top of Appa and retrieved his sleeping bag, pillow and machete to keep by his side. Just in case Prince Zuko, Jet, Azula and her cronies, or any other crazy bozos decided to ambush them, he would be ready. He turned and looked over at their new earthbending friend Toph, who was already asleep. He smiled because he knew she would be able to sense any intruders immediately, and then they would spring into action. Despite not being a bender of any kind, Sokka always reminded himself that he was a fighter who could kick firebending butt and would do anything to help his friends.

As he settled down for the night, his gaze turned towards the dark starry skies. Way up there, he could see a familiar red-winged glider flying overhead, he knew it was Aang and he smiled as he watched the airbender soar effortlessly through the night sky.

Aang couldn't help but grin with child-like delight as he flew through the warm evening air. The flight cooled him off and gave him a sense of much needed calmness and exhilaration. They had almost always been under attack these past few days and the constant fighting and daytime travelling could prove exhausting. As he flew seamlessly, Momo drifted next to him, chattering incoherently. The two glided for a while when Aang's thoughts wandered to a particular Water Tribe girl...

"Hmm," he pondered to himself. "I wonder what Katara does to relax and unwind after a rough day of travelling?"

Eventually his curiosity got the better of him and he was eager to find out what Katara was doing right at that moment. Gliding lower, he surveyed the forest in search of his friend. He knew she wasn't at camp and he wondered to himself what she did with her free time.

"Maybe she practices her waterbending?" he said thoughtfully.

That would make sense although he sort of felt it was unnecessary, considering she already possessed unprecedented skill with the sacred ability. His thoughts were interrupted by the faint sound of churning water. He swooped lower, following the sound. Eventually he was led to a beautiful oasis in a clearing below the mountains. A gorgeous waterfall flowed from the rocks and descended into the lagoon below. Above them was the wide open night sky. It was an amazing sight. Aang landed gracefully a short distance away from the water, where he could see someone moving. He hid in the bushes nearby and knew who it was right away.

Katara had her back to him, blissfully unaware of the mischievous young airbender watching and admiring her. She too had a tiring day and just needed some time on her own. She was happily bending a whip of water back and forth. Reminiscing of the times when she and Aang would do this together. She loved teaching him the basics of waterbending. Acknowledging that he would always try his best and now he had become almost as good as she was. It made her feel most proud to have been the Avatar's mentor.

Aang couldn't help but wipe a tear from his eye as he continued to watch her. Here was the girl he knew he loved. There was no denying it. He had known her for almost a month since they met. At first it was just a crush but he could feel his love for her deepening with every passing moment. Katara was the only one who seemed to fully understand him, who would watch over him every step of the way on his journey to master the four elements. Giving him praise for his achievements and comforting him when he felt down. She was his world, his life. Meeting her was the most awesome thing that had ever happened to him. He just prayed to the Spirits that she felt the same way.