Chapter 3. A Midnight Dip

Aang undressed himself down to his under-shorts and before he could stop himself, he jumped gleefully into the water. Paddling his arms messily, he swam exuberantly towards his waterbending mentor. Both of their heartbeats quickened dramatically as they gazed at each other. Katara took Aang by the hands and dragged him slowly to the middle of the lagoon, still wearing her warm smile and staring at him almost seductively. Aang was feeling very shy. This was a dream come true. Here he was, in a heavenly oasis under a starry night sky, all alone with the girl of his dreams as she linked her arms with his, dancing with him in the warm waters. Aang suddenly found it was hard to contain himself and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closely towards him. No words were needed to be spoken. Nothing could've made this moment any more perfect.

Suddenly, as if the Past Avatars themselves had decided to take part in their decendant's happiness, the water around them began to glow with multiple colors. They looked around themselves incrediously, and then looked up. Dazzled by what they saw. Norther Lights appeared vibrantly in the wide open sky above them. Both of them were speechless. Aang turned his gaze back toward Katara, who was still grinning happily at the beautiful display of pink, green and red. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Aang was looking at her. She blushed in flattery at the thought of him finding her more enamouring than the Norther Lights. From Aang's point of view, this couldn't be more true. Katara lifed her arms from the water and placed them around Aang's neck, who returned the guesture and placed his around the back her waist. The feeling of her skin nearly causing him to faint in disbelief.

Before he knew it, the two of them locked lips for the first time. Aang closed his eyes and gently moved his mouth with hers. Her lips were full and supple, feeling warm against his own. The grip he had on her waist grew tighter as the kiss became more passionate and feverent overtime. Ever so faintly, Katara moaned in pleasure and pulled him even closer towards her. Aang loved this young woman so much, he knew then that this had to have been destiny. For him to be trapped in that block of ice and found by Katara, whom he never would've met otherwise. Much to both Aang and Katara's dismay, they had to break the lovely kiss apart when they heard an all-too familar voice.

"Aang! Katara! Where the heck are you guys?! Don't you make me have to come looking for you!" came Sokka's frantic yelling in the distance.

Katara scoffed with extreme annoyance and vexation.

"We'd better head back to camp. We don't want to worry my over-protective brother." she muttered.

Aang knew better than to have Sokka catch them doing something like this, and reluctantly obliged. It took much effort to let go of her. He closed his eyes with politeness and allowed her to hoist herself out of the lagoon and get dressed. When he opened his eyes, she was fully dressed and completely dry as if she hadn't entered the water at all. She had used her bending to remove every droplet of water from her body. Aang jumped out of the lagoon shortly afterwards and used his own waterbending to dry himself off completely. Katara found this impressive, seeing that her teaching had paid off in more ways than one. Scrambling back into his clothes, Aang found his glider in the bushes.

"I'll fly back to camp. You take this path. It'll be less...suspicious that way." Aang instructed.

Katara nooded feverently. Eager to get back as quickly as possible. Before she did so however, she looked at him longingly. Aang noticed her gaze and couldn't resist kissing her once more. They broke apart after a few about five seconds and hurried their seperate ways back to the camp. As Aang took to the air on his glider, he felt a surge of happiness and self-confidence that was intensified as he flew higher. Things between him and Katara were likely to become a little different now and he couldn't help but chuckle merrily at the thought.