Same set-up as last time: All players have 10000 starting PKD. Though, unlike last time, this time they'll be playing Five-Card Draw, as they're not the most skilled of players, and because I like the variant.

For this game, the player's money will be underlined, while the Pot will be italicized

"I'm honored, and a bit confused, that you want to do this at our house." Blue told the Sinnoh and Unova Dex-Holders.

"But... why exactly are you playing at our house?" Yellow continued.

"Because, as occasionally overprotective as my father and Sebastian have tendencies to be, they would likely disapprove of my playing strip poker with people they'd never met, despite that I am a legal adult; Diamond's mother would probably act likewise; Pearl resides with Diamond in a youth hostel, depriving them of occasional privacy; Black resides with Miss White in their shared apartment, which, if I recall correctly, is functioning as her office, a work-environment, ill-suited for our purpose. Therefore, Black suggested that we play the game at yours and Yellow's home, saying, and I quote, They won't mind." Platinum listed.

"Oh, did he now?" Blue replied, mockingly cross, while looking at Black, who laughed nervously, stuttering out excuses.

"Well, we don't." Yellow shrugged.

"True." Blue grinned. "Alright, guys, the dinner table's available, though Yellow and myself tend to eat dinner about 7PM; that should give you about ten hours to play, and you're welcome to stay for dinner, if you like."

"No, no, Miss Blue, I am certain we will not occupy your dinner table for that long." Platinum responded.

"You will, honey. You will. And are you sure you all know the game well enough to play?" Blue asked, concerned.

"I am." Platinum assured her. "I have read a number of articles on the subject, and I have learned over a short deal of time that, in Texas Hold'Em, a Two and Seven, along with a Seven and a Face card, are bad hands, and should be discarded immediately; furthermore, I have also learned that in Five-Card Draw, any player should at the least attempt to have two cards of the same rank, and that a pair of face cards is preferable."

Hearing this, Yellow sweat-dropped, as during the game they played a few weeks ago, she'd made those exact moves Platinum described as bad several times.

"Wow..." White whispered, impressed with her knowledge.

"That's Platinum for ya." Diamond and Pearl grinned.

"Thank you." Platinum smiled, bowing slightly.

The group then sat down by the dinner table, where Yellow surprisingly joined them. "Can I watch?" She asked merrily.

"Sure." Black and White answered.

"I have no objections to that." Platinum said.

"Okay." Diamond responded.

"It's your house, Yellow. How can we refuse?" Pearl pointed out.

"If you don't want me to, I don't mind leaving." Yellow shrugged.

"Which poker style are we gonna play?" Pearl asked.

"I hadn't thought about that, actually." White admitted.

"If it is fine with everyone, I would like to play the variant called Five-Card Draw, as it is the simplest version to play. I would also like to be the Dealer for the first hand, and for the button order to proceed counter-clockwise, which would give Pearl the Dealer button next, and after him, Dia." Platinum politely said.

"Sure." Diamond, Pearl, Black and White all shrugged.

"Um, what do we do now?" Diamond asked.

"The first part of the game is the Ante, a small mandatory payment. I suggest that we use only a 100 PKD for the Ante." Platinum explained, as she calmly and gracefully shuffled the Deck, passing five cards to Diamond, Pearl, Black, White and herself, earning nods of agreement from everyone.

Platinum had the Eight of Spades, Queen of Diamonds, Nine of Spades, Four of Hearts and Six of Diamonds. (Platinum: 9900) (100)

Diamond had the Three of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds, King of Clubs, Four of Spades and King of Hearts. (Diamond: 9900) (200)

Pearl had the Five of Hearts, Ace of Clubs, Seven of Spades, Ten of Hearts and Three of Hearts. (Pearl: 9900) (300)

White held the Nine of Diamonds, the Seven of Hearts, Eight of Diamonds, Two of Hearts and Four of Clubs. (White: 9900) (400)

Black held the Fives of Diamonds and Clubs, the Eight of Hearts, Ten of Diamonds and Queen of Clubs. (Black: 9900) (500)

"Next is the betting round. The players can choose whether to bet any amount, check and preserve their money, or fold, withdrawing from the current hand, if their cards aren't good enough." Platinum stated. "I would also like to suggest that only people who fold before the final betting round, are exempt from stripping after each hand. Does anybody disagree?"

"Good idea." Pearl agreed. Since nobody else spoke up, Platinum assumed they agreed.

"So, we place our bets now, right?" Black asked, looking over his cards.

"Yes." Platinum confirmed. "Pearl, since he is on my right side, will place the first bet."

Pearl didn't respond to her, looking at Blue, who was lying on the couch, reading a book. "Pearl?" Platinum asked.

"Y-Yes?" He replied, seeming to snap out of a light trance. "Oh right, it's my turn. I'll bet 500 bucks." (Pearl: 9400) (1000)

"I'll bet 500 too." Diamond smiled. "I mean, I have to bet the same as him, right?"

"Yes, but you can also bet more. Then, all other players have to bet the same amount as you, or fold their hand."

"I think I'll just stick with betting 500." Diamond said. (Diamond: 9400) (1500)

"I'll bet 500 too." Black smirked. (Black: 9400) (2000)

"Here too." White grinned. (White: 9400) (2500)

"And I as well would like to wager 500 PKD." Platinum said. (Platinum: 9400) (3000)

"Now that the first betting is over, the players can choose to trade in up to three cards from their hands, and be dealt new ones from the deck. However, players who have an Ace can reveal it, and exchange their four other cards, keeping the revealed Ace. They are only allowed to exchange cards once." She explained, holding the deck ready.

"I, myself, am going to take three cards." She declared, putting aside her Four, Eight and Nine, and getting the King of Spades, Nine of Hearts and Ten of Clubs in their place.

Diamond wasn't an experienced poker player. However, he knew enough about the game that he knew to focus his efforts on his pair of Kings. "I'd like three cards too." He said, handing Ace, Three and Four to Platinum, who placed them in the discard pile, and gave him three new ones, the Jack and Three of Spades, and the Six of Clubs.

"I'll take four." Pearl declared, revealing his Ace. Platinum put his cards with the others, and gave him the Six of Spades, Two of Diamonds, Nine of Clubs and King of Diamonds.

White knew how slim her odds were; her best bet was to trade in her Two and Four, and hope for a Six and Ten, two ranks out of about fifteen to twenty cards left. "Two cards." She said, handing in the cards and getting the Ace of Spades and Four of Diamonds; neither card was useful.

"Three here." Black declared, trading his Eight, Ten and Queen for the Two of Clubs, and Jack and Six of Hearts, adding nothing of value to his hand.

"Now is the second and final betting round." Platinum stated. "After this one, the remaining players reveal their hands."

Again, Pearl failed to respond, his attention stuck on Blue, who had gone into the kitchen and was making herself a French toast. "Pearl?" Platinum said.

"Oh right, it's my turn to bet again. Sorry about that. 500!" Pearl said, hoping a bluff would work, adding his money to the pot. (Pearl: 8900) (3500)

"I'll Call Pearl." Diamond grinned. (Diamond: 8900) (4000)

"I would like to fold." Platinum calmly said.

"I'm folding too." White muttered.

"Call!" Black excitedly declared. "Let's reveal our hands!" (Black: 8900) (4500)

"I believe this is called a Bluff." Platinum said, referring to Pearl's empty hand.

"Whereas I've got a Pair of Fives." Black grinned.

"But I have this." Diamond smiled, proudly holding a Pair of Kings.

"Goodness on me, I almost went and lost this here game." Diamond cracked, affecting a somewhat overblown Unovan accent. (Diamond: 13400)

Pearl and Black both grumbled as the latter removed his hat, and the former his white/orange striped sweater, showcasing his decently developed pectoral and abdominal muscles. White briefly wondered whether the loudmouthed blond had trained with Red and Green, as Black had several months ago went on a week-long training session with them, and returned with a similarly impressive physique.

Game 2! Because you wanted it. ;)

Anybody who can spot the reference hidden in this chapter... Gets to add a plot-detail of their choice into the next chapter.

Diamond: 13400. Wearing: Shirt, Pants, Boxers and Socks.

Pearl: 8900. Wearing: Pants, Boxers and Socks.

Platinum: 8900. Wearing: Shirt, Skirt, Bra, Panties and Socks.

Black: 8900. Wearing: Jacket, Shirt, Pants, Boxers and Socks.

White: 8900. Wearing: Vest, Shirt, Shorts, Bra; Panties and Socks.