This is my first fanfic ever. Basically it's an oneshot with slightly related dribbles to follow. Jackrabbit/Frost bunny/whatever you want to call it. Sex at the end. I'm also open to suggestions.

One hundred and fifty years

He had been a Guardian for 150 years.

It had been interesting, to say the least. The other Guardians had welcomed him warmly and he had developed different relationships with each of them. Tooth had become some sort of obsessed, over protective sister to him. She always fussed over him; his looks, feelings, well-being...his teeth. He could talk to her about almost anything. Sandy seemed like a caring uncle that was always there to lend a hand, give advice, share a joke, or occasionally stop a fight. Jack found a father figure in North. The big man was always there, even when he was busy, and made the boy feel like he belonged somewhere. With Bunnymund, there was this love-hate thing going on. They constantly went back and forth with each other, bickering playfully unless it turned into an actual fight and Sandy or Tooth had to interfere.

Other than the Big Four, Jack Frost also met other spirits around the world as he spread the cold and snow around the globe. The April Fool, dubbed Chuckles, and the Spirit of Halloween, Jack Skeleton, had become good friends as they pulled tricks and pranks on unwary people. He and Cupid had crossed paths multiple times, especially around February. They would share a quick hello as they both sped off to their tasks, Cupid shooting his love arrows and Jack to cause some late winter snow flurries.

Then he met the Spirit of Sport, Cronos. They eventually became extremely close.

Worst mistake of his existence.

Now, 30 years after 50 year status as a couple, Jack Frost was heartbroken and more withdrawn than ever. He put on the facade of happiness around his "family", but the pin never left. He vowed to never let someone get close to his heart again and, just like his namesake, it frosted over and froze. Everyone was fooled by his acting, though. Well, everyone except one observant giant bunny.

Jack sat alone a high branch of a tree over his lake. The wind softly blew around the immortal teen, sensing his depression. As he sat there with his knees pulled to his chest, he heard the laughter of children making their way to his location. When he saw that they had brought ice skates with them, the snow spirit raised his ever present staff and pointed the hooked end at the solid body of water causing it to freeze three times harder. NO ice would break in his presence.

The pale teen watched as they pushed, pulled and chased each other on the frozen surface. he smiled a bit to himself as they enjoyed their fun and felt a laugh escape his lips when a younger one skated head first into a mound of snow on the bank. One small girl seemed to hear him and curious warm brown eyes met cold blue ones high up in a tree. The girl's eyes widened and Jack gave his trademark half smile and raised a cold thing finger to his lips. She nodded slightly and turned her attention back to her friends with a smile that said she knew a secret.

Something rustled in the branches above, but Jack ignored it. "Oi, Frostbite," a low Australian voice said above him softly. The boy looked up to meet the green eyes of a 6'1" steel blue anthropomorphic rabbit sitting on a sturdy branch above him with more leaves to shadow over him. Not many may be able to see the snow spirit, but practically no kid didn't believe in the Easter Bunny.

"Hey Cottontail," Jack smiled, wondering what the oversized fluff ball could want with him in the dead of winter.

"North's lookin' for ya, Mate. Somfin 'bout a booby trapped paint can in the workshop." Jack's crooked grin turned into a full sized smile and he laughed as he stood up. He caught the eye of the brown eyed girl out the corner of his and waved at her with a smile before following Bunnymund to his rabbit hole.

Up at the Pole, the two walked into the workshop and found an annoyed North and a very angry yeti. "'Sup guys?" Jack said brightly as he walked closer to them. Suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks and burst into uncontrollable laughter. He bent over, clutching his sides, and struggled to breathe in a full breath. "Lookin' good, Phil," he finally choked out, wiping half frozen tears from his eyes.

The yeti was not amused. He growled at the eternal youth, enraged. His fur was matted from his head to his torso in metallic tickle-me-pink paint. The yeti shook its shaggy arms and paint flew down on the elves around their feet. "Jack, this not funny," North said sternly. "This busy time of year! No time for zee tricks and jokes, da?" The large Russian crossed his arms and furrowed his brows.

"It is funny though, Mate," Bunnymund commented with a chuckle. North was not amused.

Jack had finally calmed himself, but was still snickering, when he rose up his hands innocently and told the man, "I had nothing to do with this." His father figure raised an eyebrow. "Remember when Chuckles came by?" Jack prompted.

North face palmed before raising his hands into the air. "The Fool!" he proclaimed. Jack nodded with a smile and turned to leave. He still wanted to be alone.

As soon as he turned around, the smile fell from his face and was replaced with his earlier somber expression. He thought he slipped out unseen since they were all distracted by the dripping mound of walking fur. But he was wrong

Jack walked into his room feeling oddly tired and listless. He swung the door shut behind him without looking back, though instead of hearing a soft click, he heard a distinct Australian accent ask, "What's wrong Mate?" The boy turned slightly and gave the oversized rabbit a blank look. Suddenly he plastered on a fake smile and said nothing was wrong. Aster raised a brow. "Don't seem like it to me, Snowflake."

Jack let the smile slip from his face and glared at Bunnymund evenly. "What's it to you, Kangaroo?" Aster crossed his arms and the boy sighed. "Fine," he gave in not feeling like arguing, "come in." He gestured to the powder blue bed in the center of the room. The door closed and Aster walking over to take a seat. "So, what do you want to know?" he asked as he sat down next to Bunnymund with a huff.

"I want to know why for the last 30 years ya been givin' everyone fake smiles an' empty laughs. Though to be honest, I only realized this pretty recently," Aster told him.

Jack bit his lower lip as he thought about how he wanted to respond. Bunny had been a really good friend to him despite all their petty fights and the competitive nature between them made him not want to seem pathetic. He looked at Aster prepared to tell him some kind of lie, but the patient and sincere look in the bunny's eyes made him want to tell the truth.

"I'm depressed," Jack heard himself say. Aster nodded for him to continue. The immortal teen sighed and decided to spill the whole truth. "I'm not sure why I'm gonna tell you all this, and it's really pathetic, but it's because of Cronos."

"That dill?" Bunny said. "I thought you were done with the whacker forever ago."

The boy sighed and his shoulders slumped. "I know! I am! But it still hurt like hell. I gave damn near everything to that douchebag jock!" Jack put down his staff, hugged his knees to his chest and hid his face in them.

Aster could swear he could see the boy shaking. He wasn't sure how far he wanted to get into Jack's personal life, but he thought the boy had held whatever he had long enough. "Tell me what happened." he told him.

He let out a breath he didn't know was held and raised his head. "I haven't even told Tooth any of this." The snow spirit sighed once more and prepared to finally release a very heavy load off his chest.

"When I was with that jock, I was genuinely happy. He was really nice and fund. He was a bit too competitive, but he's a Spartan warrior and ancient Olympian so I could understand that. But what really got me pissed was how he broke it off." Jack ran a hand through his messy white hair and huffed. Aster quietly waited for him to continue. "We were at the lake, my lake, and we were sitting quietly. Out of nowhere he suddenly says to me 'let's end this'. At first I just looked at him confused, but then he said it was fun while it lasted, but the novelty wore off and he was bored with the game."

Jack stared at the floor angrily while Aster looked at him incredulously. "The whacker actually said that?" The white haired boy nodded.

"After he said that," Jack told him, "I froze him where he sat and flew off. When I got back here, North told me, 'Everything be ok. Man in Moon take care of you'." he rolled his eyes after imitating the Russian's voice.

They sat in a semi-awkward silence. Neither knew what to say to the other. After a long moment Bunny decided to share a confession of his own. "To tell you the truth, Frostbite," he began and blue orbs looked his way, "When I first heard you were with that git, I found myself feeling angry." Jack Fully turned his head to the rabbit, expression saying that he wanted an elaboration. Aster sighed and his ears went back slightly with embarrassment. "I'm not sure why I felt angry, but eventually I realized I was a bit...jealous."

Jack blinked and his eyes went wide. Aster's ears went back completely as he stood up. "Well," he said quickly, "I need to go. You know eggs to paint and stuff." The rabbit's voice trailed off near the end and in a flash of uncharacteristic action, he swiftly bent down, planted his lips on the boy's for a fraction of a second, opened a hole and left. A light blue blush formed on the eternal teen's face as he stared at the yellow daffodil placed where Aster disappeared and felt the beginning of an internal war.

Over the next few weeks Jack's attitude got worse. He was visibly angry and easily agitated. Eventually he was kicked out of the Pole for a while because he kept freezing elves and wrecking things while the workshop was in its crunch time.

In all honesty, the boy was frustrated. His mind was full of that damned rabbit who tipped the balance of their relationship. He didn't want to see Bunny that way. Actually he didn't want to see anyone that way ever again. He had closed off his heart but the damned Easter Bunny just had to rip it wide open again. When he finally had had enough of his frustrations, he decided to vent them to the one who caused it all. After causing a snowstorm in New York severe enough to ground all flights for two days, he called up Wind and sped off to the Warren.

"Bunny!" he called when he was there. "Bunny, where are you?" Jack felt himself get frustrated again as he walked through the lush grass, freezing stray eggletts as he went. He decided the easiest way to get the overgrown rodent's attention was to make it snow.

"Blood 'ell, Frost!" the angry Australian voice boomed as its owner bound loser to the source of the white powder. Once face to face he demanded, "What the 'ell's your problem?"

"You are," Jack retorted, throwing Aster off. "I can't get you out of my head!

Aster's voice faltered. "Y-you're gonna have to elaborate, Mate," he said.

Jack sighed and plopped on the grass. The light snow that had assaulted the ever spring Warren subsided. "You just had to go and kiss me," he mumbled. Aster rested on his hind legs and his ears twitched. "I was perfectly fine being friends with you, now I don't think I can be ok with that." The elder looked at the younger's cutely pouting face and ruffled the boy's white hair with a paw. Jack gently pushed it away with the back of his hand. "I wasn't supposed to fall in love again," he said. "I was supposed to be fine being alone."

"No one's fine being alone, Mate," Aster told him. Jack looked up into his eyes with a questioning look. In response, the elder closed the distance between them and planted another uncharacteristic kiss on the boy's lips. This time the kiss lasted longer and he hoped that Jack's reaction would be positive. The younger one hesitated for a second, but decided to abandon his inhibitions and give into his heart. He dropped his staff, wound his arms around the elder's furry neck and pulled in closer. Aster angled his face so that they could avoid his oversized front teeth.

Aster tentatively ran a padded paw up under Jack's blue hoodie. They broke their kiss for air and he asked, "No regrets later?" He looked worriedly into the boy's blue eyes.

"None," he answered as he pulled himself closer to the fur again. Soft paws helped the boy out of his blue garment as their breathing became more fevered. They enjoyed the hot/cold feeling of the contrasting temperatures of their mouths and tongues. Jack felt his pants get uncomfortably tight and Aster's hardness started to appear.

Aster's paws started to roam down Jack's body. One stopped at the pointed peaks on the boy's pale chest while the other traveled down his back and pulled the boy's hips closer to his own. Jack moaned into their kiss when he felt their hardness press against each other. He pressed his hips closer to his partner as the rabbit broke the kiss and started nipping at the teen's neck. "How do you get this thing off?" Aster almost growled into Jack's neck.

Jack let out a breathless laugh when he realized Bunny was tugging fruitlessly at his brown pants. He reached down, untied a knotted string and started sliding them off. "Sorry," he breathed. "18th Century pants." Aster wasted no time and threw the annoying garment to the side. He looked down at his partner and awed at the beauty of him; pale skin almost flawless except for the red marks made by him, face blushed a beautiful shade of soft blue and weeping member begging for attention. The pause in contact was too much for the boy and he threw his arms around Bunny's neck and smashed his mouth against the rabbit's, almost sitting up right.

Aster took one of Jack's arms from around his neck and led it down to the boy's backside. Paws were not made for that. The teen picked up on the hint and slowly pushed his middle finger inside himself. He gasped a little in the kiss, but continued to move the finger around before adding another. This kiss dissolved as Jack stretched himself and Aster held their hardness together in a strong paw. "B-Bunny," Jack groaned needily, resting his head on Aster's shoulder. The elder growled as he felt his more animalistic side surface. He lifted the boy up and slowly sat him down on himself. Jack gasped and shuddered as he felt the thickness spread him wider than he had ever felt before. "Crikey, that's cold," Aster mumbled.

Once jack had caught his breath, Bunny moved them into a missionary position and started to move slowly. Jack flung his arms back around Aster's neck and demanded he moved faster. The rabbit didn't need to be told twice as he picked up speed and pounded harder. After about a minute Jack gave a strangled sound that was a mix of a gasp and a scream as he felt the bundle of nerves inside him being hit dead on. Aster smirked and hit that magic spot over and over.

"Bu...ny, uh, huh, nnn. FUCK!" Jack gasped. This only made the rabbit move faster, bringing both of them closer to the end. The boy clinched his opening as he released onto both their stomachs, making Aster release into him. After some heavy breathing, Aster pulled out, causing Jack to flinch, and rolled on his side pulling the boy to his side.

"Now what?" Jack asked tiredly as they stared up into t bright sky of the Warren.

"Dunno, Mate, Aster responded, "depends."

"On what?"

"On what you want. Just know that Pookas mate for life."

Jack turned on his side and moved closer to Aster's fur, finding the warmth strangely nice. "I want this," he mumbled sleepily.

Aster smiled and put his chin over Jack's head, releasing his scent on the boy per instinct. And like that, they fell asleep in each other's arms.