Apologies in advance- and please read the A/N at the bottom:-)

Jack awakened with a loud yawn and stretched his muscles carefully above his head trying to ignore the dull throb from his broken arm. Blinking lazily until his hazy vision began to restore he started. Tooth was by his bed with her arms crossed and an angry look on her face that told him he was in trouble.

"Umm… morning Tooth…" He said weakly, knowing full well that whatever she was going to berate him with could not be avoided.

He swallowed guiltily wondering for a moment what he had done. Was this it? had they finally realised that he wasn't healthy for them all? Were they going to chuck him out hurt and alone in the middle of the North Pole?

"Where did you get that from, Jack?" Her tone was ice cold and he blinked a few times before looking down at his lap. Realisation washed over him as he saw his blue jumper, but he hid the relief he felt well. Looking back at her stern gaze he couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips.

"My jumper…"

"And how did you get it?"

He shrugged and was unable to hide the genuine smile that crossed his lips.

"Don't you smirk at me Jack Frost!" She said crossly flying and hovering above his bed as she pointed her finger accusingly. "You got of bed when you're supposed to be resting!"

"I-"He began, laughing and holding his hands up in surrender. "I was cold-"

"You don't get cold! Don't give me that crap!" She cursed just as Bunnymund came into the room to see what was going on.

"Tooth!" He exclaimed laughing aloud. "I've never heard you curse before!"

"Well he-!" She began spluttering about and pointing at Jack who was still laughing. "He got out of bed!"

Bunny stood looking between the two, Jack was still laughing with his hands up in defeat whilst Tooth hovered over his bed still pointing at him. He smiled, "He's all yours. Good luck cupcake." He said with a wink at Jack who opened his mouth to protest before Tooth began lecturing him again.

Bunny hopped out of the room still smiling to himself as he heard Jack's laughter. Things were getting better, slowly, but in time everything would be back to normal.

A few days had gone by in which time and magic had helped to heal Jack's wrist. Now able to use crutches Jack was sitting in the window at the hospital ward which he had still not been permitted to leave. With his staff in his hands he conjured a large snowflake and was summoning it to float around the little elf who was lying in one of the hospital beds after playing around with Christmas lights again and causing an electric shock.

Jack bit his lip to stop himself from laughing when every now and then the little elf would twitch. The elf perked up when the snowflake twirled and danced in front of his wide eyes and jack flicked his hand where the snowflake landed on the elf's nose. He cringed when the elf raised his own fist and punched himself square on the snowflake. Chuckling quietly Jack leant back in the window with a sigh.

Dave had come in not long ago with North by his side in which they had told him good news. The wounds in his back were showing a sign of improvement as the Yeti magic was finally beginning to counteract the dark magic which was stopping them from healing. Scars were inevitable but Jack didn't care- the fact that he was finally healing allowed him to relax for the first time since he saw Pitch a couple of weeks before.

Leaning down carefully he picked his staff up before hauling himself out of the window. Weightlessness engulfed him as he fell through the sky, free falling with the wind in his face soothing the cuts that were fading slowly. Letting out his signature laugh he called the wind as the ground loomed ever closer and shot into the sky in a great swoop. He graciously flew with the wind which relieved him of his weight which he could still not carry and swam through the clouds on his back gently closing his eyes. He felt free and content, as though nothing could touch him up here. He soared like a bird over North's palace relishing in the beauty and admiring the simple nature that was able to amaze him so often.

The power he had was more to him than that. He was the one who could create something so beautiful and enjoyable at the same time. He was Jack Frost and this was what he did. Everything that had happened would forever be with him, but it made him stronger and he knew he would go through it all again if it meant the safety of the children that they all fought to protect.

For he was a guardian, and his heart and soul was in the eyes of children he fought valiantly to protect. So when you look up to the moon at night, know they are there, watching over you and forever protecting you from the darkness.


Speech time guys, hehem. I was most definitely not going to finish it here, but I have realised that I have huge writer's block and everything I had planned has kind of zoomed out of the window. Now I have been terrible with updating, this short chapter itself has taken me about 3 hours to write. I literally want to throw my laptop out of the window… Anyway, to those of you who have been here from the beginning and have anticipated this- I am very sorry I truly am. If I ever have inspiration again I will go back and edit and carry on from where I left of- I really will! I didn't want to just abandon so I wrote this terrible ending in hope that you have closure until one day in the future can carry on. Recently I have been writing another story a Harry Potter fanfic so if any of you like Harry Potter it will be coming. So far I have written 14 chapters and they are much longer than these chapters have been. I am still going over them and correcting them and I want a head start before I bring them out because as you can tell- I am a bad updater! I am so astonished at the amount of views, reviews, favourites and follows this story has achieved. To be honest I felt I was kidding myself by starting a fanfic and never could have imagined the love that you have all given this story. i am truly grateful and still slightly amazed every time I see someone taking an interest. I have my problems as we all do and I don't need to share that with you, but Thankyou all for being patient and hopefully I can return to this story and give it the ending it truly deserves! Thankyou everybody and hopefully you will hear from me soon with my new fic! I am really trying to make this next story better, I will not post them until I am as happy as I can be with them. Thankyou again and sorry that this is not the ending that any of us may have wanted.

Lexi-Out x