I am reading the reviews and I have noticed that quite a few people seem to want the Terrans and protoss not to join the citadel. I am here to tell you that in the case of the former (and maybe the latter), you will probably be disappointed. There are several reasons for this: first and foremost, is that the zerg (and not Kerrigan's good running evil zerg) have gotten into the relay network, and I am quite sure that both groups will agree that that is a bad thing. The second, is that quite frankly they don't have much to lose from the alliance. The most powerful AIs deliberately created by either terrans or protoss are comparable to very powerful Vis in the citadel and quite a few technologies used by terrans can be dramatically improved by citadel tech (and vice versa). Third and most importantly, I feel I can make the story more interesting this way.

Also, I would appreciate it if someone could submit their ideas for a better name for this fic in the future.

Turian Councilor Carthanos sat at his office reading and signing the various documents related to his species and the affairs of the council. It was at this time his omnitool came up with an alert telling him to immediately meet with the other councilors. Whatever it was, it is of immediate importance.

With all due haste, the councilor made his way to the chambers only to find the other two- Tevos and Sem'Dis there waiting for him, tapping their feet in annoyance.

Frowning with a sense of dread, Carthanos decided to ask the obvious question, "What just happened!?"

In a sign of annoyance, Sem'dis crossed his arms and countered, "I don't know. You tell me."

Carthanos' mouth gaped with disbelief and confusion for about thirty seconds before asking, "I don't know what you mean."

Tevos turned to him with an expression which showed great amounts of both anger and disbelief and said, "Seeing as how your species is responsible for what just happened, I am surprised that you didn't find out about it first. A few hours ago Desolas Arterius made contact with a previously unknown alien species opening an unmapped relay in the Integem system and conflict arose between the two. He lost the majority of the fleet and has retreated here for support."

"THAT BAREFACED IDIOT!" Carthanos proclaimed in outrage, "If he initiated conflict and this race is anything like the Rachni, I will wring his neck myself!"

"What a magnificent display," noted Tevos sarcastically.

"Well, if you are going to search for him, you don't have to look very far- he's already here," she said pointing.

If looks could kill, the glare Carthanos gave Desolas would make him guilty of mass murder.

"Tell me, Desolas, is it true your forces opened fire upon a previously unknown race?" Asked Carthanos before beginning his rant.

"Because if you did, you are a shame to the Hierarchy and to the council races. Do you know what the council is supposed to be? If you say the government of the galaxy you are only half right. We are the guides of the many- the protectors of those whose cannot help themselves and the parents of those children who are just now setting foot among the countless stars. And while I am aware that our current system is not perfect, I still believe that our races should strive to be the paragons of what sapients are capable of.

And if you attacked a previously unknown race and made it hostile to us, you are spitting upon all that we are supposed to stand for. Now tell me, did you attack a previously unknown race?"

"Yes, but only in retaliation," said Desolas, clearly unnerved by his councilor's will.

"Define retaliation," said the salarian councilor.

"When a number of vessels larger than the largest dreadnaught produced by the citadel races entered the Custon system via an unmapped mass relay I had our ships broadcast a first contact signal," Desolas began, "However, they did not respond in kind and instead moved into what appeared to be a combat formation. Deciding to make our positions clear, I ordered the fleet into positions to defend themselves in case they were aggressive and broadcast the first contact signal again. Then they attacked. And we were slaughtered and had to flee with our tails between our legs much to my reluctance. Now there is nothing between them and Custon, where countless people live and where My brother is being trained."

The three councilors looked at each other for a few seconds before turning to the General.

"Do you have any evidence to vouch for your claims?" asked Tevos.

"I do." Said Sergant Vakarian, who used his omnitool to display the scene.

When it was finished, the councilors stood for a few minutes to digest the scene. Carthanos was the first to speak up.

"If what you showed me was true Desolas, I am going to award you a medal. If what you have showed me is a fraudulent however, I am personally going to hang you up by your entrails. For now, I am going to have C sec check your ship's data banks to make sure there have been no… alterations of the data."

Ship after shipped warped in after exiting the other side of the strange artifact to behold a gruesome sight.

Vast leviathans hovered over the remains of what would appear to be starships, scavenging their remains for biomass.

Williams grimaced at the sight and thought, "Yet another race that had fallen to the Zerg."

What was worse was that the race that the Zerg had attacked was most likely sapient and was also starfaring.

"General Williams," said his adjutant, "We have detected heat signatures on the second planet indicating that there is fighting still going on the second planet in the system."

"Thank the heavens." sighed Williams, "Inform the rest of the fleet so we can get a small contingent there and help them. Hopefully their first contact with us will go better than us and the Protoss (i.e. someone glassing a planet)."

"General Williams," said a voice behind him.

Williams turned to the source of the voice. It was Shepard.

"Permission to scout designated planet with all that it entails?"

"Permission granted," Stated Williams.

"Children and other noncombatants first!" proclaimed one of the soldiers whom directed the crowd towards the transports used for evacuation.

Saren however, was not amongst those in the crowd. Instead he, like any Turian of his age worth his salt, was firing upon the alien beasts that had invaded this world, switching weapons whenever one overheated.

He had gotten here after managing to slay a number of the varen-monsters that had arrived through some sort of drop-pod alongside several other Turians.

Now however, there was a lull of activity that was getting him on edge. Despite the fact that there were still a bunch of the smaller beasts bearing down upon them, they were coming in nowhere near the numbers or variety that they were prior, and that made him on edge. Not to mention the tremors coming from the ground every so often. Despite claims by his fellows to the contrary that the invaders had run out of resources, Saren knew the truth- they were preparing for something. Just what that something was, he didn't know, but he knew it was going to be more horrible than anything they had seen yet.

The sudden explosion in the background merely confirmed his suspicions. In place of one of the transports was ruin and a massive shrieking worm.

But that wasn't all. When the worm reached its apex, it moved down and began disengorging wave afer wave of alien monsters, forcing the turians to split their firepower both inward s and outwards to defend the civilians.

All in all, Saren could say he hated these aliens.



The study of psionics is a relatively new branch of science to the citadel races. The term refers to a power that select individuals have through the use of their mind to affect the environment. In practice, this has similar implications to biotics, though users of psionics are in general more versatile with it and less able to directly affect the environment with it (So far only Terran Psychics of 8 and above have demonstrated Telekinesis). In recent years, it has been discovered that the Asari mind meld is actually a product of psionics, though it is extremely directed and only usable for that purpose outside of Ardat-Yakshi (and even then, not so much can be gained from it that way, aside from a boost in biotic power). In order of strength, the known races that have noticeable levels of psionic potential are the Protoss, Zerg, Terran, and Asari, though there is much evidence that the Xel'Naga have had even higher levels of psionic potential than the protoss.

In recent years, theories have arisen that make a connection between Warp space and a race's development of psionic powers.

Sorry that took so long for such a short chapter folks, folks. Hopefully the next one will come out sooner and be longer.