..New fic.. It's a Legato/Vash yaoi(my fave couple!) and well, before I start talking about it, or you start reading it, just so you know: SPOILERS! You probably already know because of the summary, but anyway.. there are spoilers for episode 23 and 24, since the fic starts at the ending of ep 24. So, if you haven't seen that episode yet, and you don't like spoilers, don't read.

Well, now that we got rid of that, let me tell you something about this fic! Many people think Legato and Vash are a very unlikely couple, and that they could only exist in A/U's. I wrote this fic to prove that, if Trigun went just a little bit different, they could be a couple. Warnings: yaoi(so if you don't like that, don't read, and please don't flame too, not that I care though.. I write for myself and the people who like to read it, not for those pathetic kids who think they're cool when they flame..), maybe a little lemon in later chapters, nothing too detailed, and: OOC.. well, that depends. Legato changes in this fic, some of us like to see him as a sick, cold-hearted bastard, and I'm sure he is, but I believe that with a little bit of love, people can change. Or at least pretend to. And that's what's happening to Legato here too, you see his other side, not just the killer side you see in the anime. That's it for the warnings.

I've been working on this fic a long time(and it isn't finnished yet, but I wrote most of the chapters.. of course, I won't upload them all at once. Depends on the reviews.. and if I feel like it.), with constantly re- writing, checking my spelling and grammar(which are far from perfect..), and reading it, changing things.. and well, I'm arrogant enough to say that this is my best fic yet. I hope you like it too(and I hope you'll review /^.\\)

About the first chapter: It's switching pov's, and it starts at the last scene in episode 24, when Midvalley just died, and Vash walks up the hill, to Legato. It starts with Vash' pov, and you can see that because his thoughts are between ~..~ thingies, and Legato's aren't. I hope it isn't too confusing, anyway: It follows the last episode untill the moment that Vash kills Legato in the anime. Enjoy the fic, I hope you like it and please review /^.\\

1-Pain and Worries

~I see him. He's up there, on the hill, talking to himself.. Every step takes me closer to him, to my redemption. This must be over.. I can't handle any more.. Legato.. please.. but what should I do? Whatever I decide.. this must be over now.. Rem, please help me with this decision.. ~

'Long.. long ago..' I say, with a soft voice, my own voice, but one of the many that crawl in my head. How long until he will send me free? 'We should have died when we fell on this sandy land..' Yes.. I.. want rest.. I want to sleep.. 'Without pain..' Everything hurts.. and even though it even hurts to breath, I don't care. It will all be over. The pain.. 'Without worries' The worries.. the questions in my head 'The schedule has only been set back a little.' Yes.. my Master is talking to me now, but these are my words, and I say every word.. like it was my last, I guess you could say. 'The end is around the corner..' my end, and that of humanity. Yet.. so many things kept me here. Master.. the power of Death I like so much. Soon.. soon I will meet her myself. 'And I..' I stop talking, it hurts me too much, and I can't even hear my own thoughts anymore.. the voices.. there are too many of them.. I see you coming, oh please walk a little bit faster, I want to.. want to sleep.. 'I..' I.. can't talk anymore, not about myself, not about my destiny.. so I do what I always do when it seems I can't go on anymore, when everything is just too much.. I talk about you. 'This is the climax, Vash the Stampede..'

~ I fire. Run, while you still can! Please, Legato.. I see you almost fall, but you're still standing.. like always, Legato please how can you do this to me? To anyone? Please.. don't you see.. I fire, again and again, look at him with an angry face, but he knows better. He knows I'm just afraid. Afraid what my decision may be. Run.. before I can't think clearly anymore.. and run, before the so called Stampede comes for you.. I'm standing next to you now, you are looking with that calm expression, not at me, not even when I put my gun to your head. Run.. ~

He is standing next to me, I can feel his pain, his fear.. he's tired, just like me. But it will pass, Vash. After this, you will probably faint and your girls take you with them and care for you. And I.. I will rest. 'Do you hate me?' I ask softly. He's so angry.. and afraid.. 'I suppose so.' He wants me to stop. Make me stop Vash, I don't even need to tell you the way.. 'So many sad things happened to you because of me..' That's true.. and so many sad things happened to me because of you.. Last night.. oh Master, please forgive me for questioning You, but why? Why did You do that to me last night, I don't mind, I live for You. But it hurts so much..

~'Be it friend or foe, everyone you meet dies' Yes.. I said that to Nicolas before.. Nicolas.. Shut up Legato.. I can feel how the feared Stampede takes over my pacifistic self.. No.. Legato, please, don't talk anymore! It hurts.. 'It's enough to dry up your tears forever..' I see his has his golden eyes closed, what is he thinking? Would he.. cry? I can't imagine that cruel bastard.. oh no, Legato stop, don't you see what you are doing to me?? 'SHUT UP!' What? Did I say that? Oh, no.. please, don't.. Rem.. I don't want to break my promise! Let this be over now.. 'But it isn't over yet' That voice.. it's like a knife cutting my soul in half. No.. I want this to be over.. no pain.. no worries.. I look at Legato, then I see his golden eye stares at me, scary.. 'Did you think it would end this easily?' That eye.. it stares at me, and is now more yellow than gold.. I feel I'm shivering, the fear.. stop it! Don't look at me like that! 'You are not human' He holds his hand high.. that hand.. it's mine..~

'I will teach you that as a courtesy' He's so afraid.. afraid of me.. I hold my hand high as I don't stop looking at him, never ease the pain of your victim..

The gun begins to deform.. now.. for one second, as he looks at his gun with so much fear I can almost taste it, I close my eyes. Pain.. go away.. not now.. not yet.. his voice forces me to open my eyes again.. don't.. lose.. concentration..

'T..This light..' He whispers, so afraid.. run..

I try to speak, but it takes me a while.. don't give up.. Master.. this is for You..

'It's the power you've always had.' I say.. Yes. Your power.. will be my death.. come on.. just a little bit more..

'Actually, you could say it's what you are' And what you are.. a killer.. an Angel.... you are going to kill me.. all you have to do is fire that gun.. an Angelic gun.. the Angel Arm.. my pathetic human body will crush.. I smile. The thought of that gives me strength..

~That arm.. No! I feel it.. it hurts, no! Please, stop this.. stop it! I won't kill you.. No one.. has the right.. I point the gun to the sky, please.. don't make me.. kill you..

So many images.. Augusta..~

Come on, what's taking you so long?


I feel how my grip on you weakens.. come on.. I can't go on..

~Meryl.. oh, Meryl..~


No? Yes! Come on.. the arm's almost ready.. I feel it.. the life leaves my body..

~ Nicolas.. Nicolas.. for you..~

I scream out of pain, he can't hear it, the noise of the gun is too loud.. I feel how my wounds go open again, and I'm bleeding.. not now.. hold on..

~ Lina.. your happy face.. I will protect you! From him..

'No!!' This is suddenly much easier.. My strength returns.. I am winning this!~

W..What? He.. he is.. winning.. no! Kill me! Fire the arm! Let me sleep, free me of this pain! P..please.. I hold my stomach with my arm, and I see it's all bloodied.. my ribs.. it hurts.. to breath.. free me..

~ REM! I see your face, more clear than ever, Rem! I love you, I will not disappoint you! And with one final scream, I see how my arm becomes flesh again.. Rem.. thank you..

I fall down on the ground, tired.. I'm so tired.. of everything..

'Haven't you given up yet?'

Legato. I don't.. look at him, don't want to.. see him.. your plan failed Legato, run now! I won! Run.. Haven't you given up yet? ~

As he lies there, I quickly let my hand fall, don't want him to see.. lucky I wear black.. I try to speak again, not sure what to say.. it failed, he is right. But don't worry Vash.. I got another plan.. if I live.. 'That's annoying.' It sure is! I was supposed to be dead! Rest! Sleep! Instead, because of you, I feel like Hell instead of actually being there! Why don't you see..

~A gunshot. Pain. Is.. is it not over? I look at the ones who shot me.. citizens! Innocent people, puppets of that.. freak! Come on, didn't you have enough yet? What do you want? 'Y..You..'

'You had better fight back or you'll die.' Death.. what do you want? Stop threatening me, tell me! Please.. Another gunshot. Oh, but I can threaten too you know!

I point my gun at Legato, noticing.. he's suddenly very pale.. what happened? Is he.. is he tired too? He laughs a soft, evil laugh, as I finally hear what he wants..~

'Go ahead.' Finally.. free me.. I.. 'It won't bother me.' I look at him, he's so afraid,.. but there's a new emotion. Disgust. He finally hates me. 'An egotistical being like myself isn't allowed to live' And. doesn't want to live. Free me.. run.. away..

'Give me nothingness.' Yes.. the gift of nothing, no more pain! No more.. worries.. just.. nothingness. Just rest. 'Give me death.' That's what I want.

~That's.. what he wants? He.. he wants me to.. kill him.. no.. no! I will not kill someone! NEVER!

'He is waiting for you. He is looking forward to your visit.'

Knives. Brother.. how can you.. how can you do this? I look at the man who stands before me, but he's different now. Oh Legato.. you are just a puppet.. why didn't I see.. I feel sorry for him, as I look in his golden eyes. So.. full of sadness and pain.. pain and worries.

'I put on your left arm because you aren't by his side..'

Poor.. poor man.. you are.. a slave.. nothing more than a slave.. and my brother.. he has done.. such evil things to you.. your eyes.. part of them is still a mystery, like the one which is hiding behind your hair, but something is so clear to me now.. I..I won't kill you.. you're like.. a lost child.. without his mother, I want to care for you.. it isn't your fault.. none of this.. is your fault..

'Shoot me.' He practically begs me! He wants to be dead..

'I can't' No, I can't! There are so many nice things in life, I will teach you! Come with me, Legato.. I will care for you.. heal your troubled mind..

'Shoot me.' He says again, so soft.. and nice..

I see my gun's still pointed at him. I take it away, and scream 'I CAN'T!' Don't you understand? Oh, of course you don't, he brainwashed you! Oh.. my poor Legato.. come with me.. He closes his eyes. He looks so sad..~

Right. I didn't want to do this.. but.. come on Vash, kill me before it's too late. Before I do it myself and I don't complete my mission.. before my body gives up.. screams. From the girls. You look at them yes, you care, don't you? Don't let me.. take away another beloved one. Don't.

'Milly!' Yes.. I would smile if only I got the strength, but my wounds are hurting so much, I have trouble with even standing.. and breathing.. free me. Run..

'Stop! Make them stop!' You scream. I close my eyes..

everything is dark.. my soul. is leaving my body. I can't.. I'm dying.. I feel how my body begins to give up.. soon.. no! Master! I will complete my mission! Master..

'Make them stop!'

I am so close.. don't give up.. not now.. not.. now..

With my last strength, I open my eyes and scream, beg him!

'Then shoot me!'

I fall down, and land on my knees. Quickly, I am in the position that I'm bowing for him.. the truth is.. I can't....shoot me.. The gun is now to my head, I forced him to.. with a weak voice, I say it again.. I beg him again.

'Shoot me'

Free me..

~ He is kneeling for me.. bowing.. no.. I can't turn away my arm, he is forcing me! Please.. Legato.. don't force me to do this..

'All you have to do is pull the trigger..

It's so easy.. yet so hard.... Legato.. Please.. Let me.. I look at him, he is such a pretty guy.. please Legato, you can have a wonderful life! Come with me, I will care for you.. come on..

'If you kill me, it will all end'

No, it will be the beginning! Of a cursed life, I would break my promise to Rem..

'Come now, choose of your own free will'

Free will? What do YOU know about free will? You are a slave! Nothing more.. than a slave.. please.. let me take you in my arms, let me care for you like a mother for a frightened child that is having a nightmare! Let me say silly things like: it's going to be alright, nothing will happen to you..~

'Stop it, don't make me fire!' That's the point you idiot! Shoot me! More screams, he is hearing them.. does he hear my silent screams too?

'Your fate in humanity is as obstinate as it gets..'

Oh yes.. why didn't I think of this before?

'To embrace every worthless ideal that woman taught you.'

See, it works. He is staring at me.. so.. surprised.. it won't be long..

'Maybe it's only reasonably since you have lived for over 100 years..'

~ Hey! Don't touch MY Rem! You know.. I can be quite risky then.. oh of course you know! You know everything, don't you! As long as you can hurt me, right? Oh, come on let's all hurt and insult Vashie! Do you think this is a game, you bastard? WELL? Do you?! Yes, you do! You're smiling! How could I EVER wanted to care for you??

'..But that, your way of life is nothing outside comical'

Oh?! Like your way of life is that great! Oh look at me, I'm a slave! A WILLING slave! Well, Mister Legato, I'd rather be comical than a willing slave!

'Rem Savarem..'

Was a genius! A goddess! MY goddess! Don't.. ever.. insult her, you freak!

'A woman who could only pretend her logic made sense.'

WHAT? No, like "kill the spiders to save the butterflies" is a good logic! If Rem was still alive..

'A worthless human being..'


'Just like me..'

Good you say it yourself!

'But unlike you.'


'SHUT UP!!' I scream, and stand. SHUT UP you.. I hate you.. I see his smile, as voices go through my head..

'Luck and persistence won't work forever'


Another gunshot.

'As we journey, we search and think of ways to make everyone happy'

Yes.. but a man like Legato can't be happy!

'Don't force your way on life of others!'

But, Nicolas.. look at him, just look at him!

'No one has the right to take the life of another.'

He smiles.. he's happy.. the sick..

'Don't tell me your dreams in a world like this'

Dreams.. in a world where people like him..

'Then if you turn around, you will see the future.'

Rem. I see you..

'NO!!' Milly! I open my eyes.. Rem.. a single tear falls.. as I look down.. on him.. with his eyes closed.. and his left hand.. on his stomach.. red.. red.. like.. ~

This is it.. kill.. everything is already dark..


I hear my name.. Feel a hand.. on my shoulder.. I don't want to open my eyes, I want to be dead! Please..

Two arms.. around me.. they take me away.. is this Death? Death? Are you there? Finally.. No more pain.. No more worries..

~ 'Oh, Legato..' I take him in his arms, as I lay my hand on his bloodied left arm. His eyes are still closed.. as I see how the citizens fall on the dust.. and my friends, my girls, are standing.. he's letting it go..

I look at him, he looks like he's dead, but I can hear his heart beat.. very faintly, but it's there. And he breaths.. I hold him, and my tears fall on his blue hair.. how could I.. how could I want to kill you?

'Legato.. don't worry.. Everything is fine now..'

He crawls, wants to escape but I hold him tight to me.. as Meryl and Milly come to me, I don't even bother with wondering how they got free.. Meryl lays her hand on my shoulder.. And Milly sits with Legato, who is shivering, groaning of pain..

'What do you want to do with him?' Meryl asks soft.

It takes me a while to get enough strength to answer, but then I say what's been in my mind for so long

'I'm going to take care of him.'

I feel how Legato's body relaxes, he's asleep.. I smile, as Meryl puts her arms around me.

'Let's go before the citizens of this village wake up..'

I nod, but just sit there.. while I look at his pale face, run my hand through his blue hair, and hold his left hand in mine. There, in the light of the sunset, we are sitting there.. I'm so glad I didn't kill you.. I will care for you.. You'll be happy, my dream.. now, sleep.. when you wake up, I'm going to teach you about the beautiful things in life. Sleep.. dream.. sweet..


~To be continued~

Well, that's it: the first chapter. I hope it wasn't too long.. and I hope you like it. Again: please reviews, they decide how soon I'll upload a new chapter.. /^.\\