Hi... I've never written a downton abbey story before, but I've read SO many and am totally in love with these two characters that when this story idea came to me I felt I had to write it. I only really have ideas for the beginning of the story, so I don't know how long it will be and I'm certainly open to suggestions.

This is modern Mary and Matthew and definitely AU.

Of course, I do not own downton abbey or its characters, however I wish I could claim them.

Please leave feedback and as I said before I am open to suggestions. Thank you

It had been a long, yet beautiful day. Matthew entered the large and grandly decorated ballroom, feeling as though he was finally able to relax and enjoy the celebrations. It was the third wedding he'd attended in almost two months, yet he knew he'd never attend another like this one. After all, meeting a befriending royalty wasn't something he'd made a habit of. Nether-the-less, that's exactly what happened over 10 years ago during his studies at The University of St Andrews. William was a dear friend of his and of course he'd grown to know and adore Kate also during this time. As soon as he'd received the invitation to their royal wedding, he knew only two things for certain; the first being that it would be like nothing he'd experienced before and like nothing he'd ever experience again, the second being that he could absolutely not attend without a date. Matthew glanced to the woman whose arm was loosely threaded through his left as they entered the room where the evening reception took place. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she grinned up at him, her light coloured eyelashes fluttering with mock innocence causing Matthew to sigh deeply. "Don't make me regret this Alex" he warned.

"Oh Matthew, " Alex replied "I'm simply excited and intrigued to see just how many drinks it takes for members of the royal family to let their hair down and air their dirty laundry."

"You promised me Alex"

"Alexandra. Tonight Matthew, please call me by my full name, it might make me seem more worthy of this crowd. Oooh maybe you could call me Princess Alexandra; we can pretend that I'm first in line to the throne of some mysterious and barely spoke of country?" Alex laughed at Matthews wide-eyed expression before smoothing her hand over the dark fabric of his tailored suit which rested on his shoulder handsomely. "Relax Matthew, I'll be on my best behaviour; not only did I promise you that there would be no note taking, no questions and no stories published... Need I remind you that you made me sign a contract to this effect!?" Her final words still held a trace of disgust. When Matthew first agreed to let one of his oldest and best friends attend the wedding alongside him, he had joked that he would draw up a contract that stopped her writing any story about the event, or even mentioning her attendance. It wasn't until two weeks later when he produced the document on her coffee table that she actually realised he was serious.

Matthew guided Alex to the bar, "It's not that I don't trust you, but even you admitted the temptation would be far too strong if something 'juicy' were to happen. The contract simply puts my mind at ease, I'll know that if any private details of William's wedding are leaked, it won't be because I decided to bring along my friend, who just happens to be a journalist, as my date." They finally reached the grand open bar and were each quickly handled a glass of champagne.

Alex gave Matthew a sideways glance "It really is too bad you're such a great lawyer, there's no way I'm going to find a clause in that contract is there?" She laughed at Matthew's fidgety reaction to her joke as they made their way to their designated seats. "Wow" she exclaimed, taking in her surroundings, "the atmosphere has certainly relaxed considerably. Don't get me wrong, the wedding was beautiful, but that luncheon that followed was one of the most boring things I have ever attending- so much waiting around. Did you see the looks on poor Kate and William's faces? They just wanted to enjoy being married and they were pulled in so many directions; wedding portraits, balcony visits... At least they get to have a traditional reception now."

Matthew shook his head, unbuttoning his blazer and lowering himself into his seat. "You never stop do you? Analysing people, second guessing. William and Kate seemed perfectly happy, they knew the obligations for the day. Please, can you stop acting like such a nosey pap and just enjoy the party?" He chuckled and Alex slumped into her chair beside him, she hated when he called her a 'pap'- she was a highly accomplished and published journalist that would never dream of lowering herself to such standards.

Matthew sipped at his champagne and surveyed the room for anyone else he may know; he knew that Brian and his fiancé were around somewhere and according to the names set out on cards, would be sat at the same table. He stood from his seat and walked around the large circular table, reading each individual card... It appeared that most of the names placed at this table were more university friends of the couple, which pleased Matthew- it had been a long time since he'd spoken to a few of them and was looking forward to catching up with them.

Still standing, Matthew was soon joined by an old friend who he enthusiastically shook hands with before politely placing a kiss on his wife's cheek. Still surveying the room as he made his way round the table and back to his seat, Matthew's eyes were drawn to one of the most beautiful sights he had ever witnessed. Alex gasped and stood beside him quickly "wow" she breathed, "they are glowing, she is beautiful." Alex spoke of the newly married couple who entered the ballroom to a round of applause. "She's changed, look Matthew; she changed her dress, I wonder who made it?" Alex tilted her head slightly and looked up at Matthew who she noticed was stood mesmerised by something other than the sight of the bride and groom. She narrowed her eyes at him before attempting and failing to follow his gaze. Quickly nudging him in the side with her elbow, she gave him a questionable look "Matthew?" She hissed, "what are you gawping at? William and Kate are here, look at her dress- it fits her perfectly."

"Hmm?" Matthew blinked hard and forced himself to look down at his friend. "Sorry, what?"

"William and Kate arrived... What were you looking at?" She stood on his tip toes, dramatically searching the room. "Or maybe who were you looking at?"

Matthew sighed, gently taking hold of her elbow as they both sat in their seats. He leant towards her, trying to be discrete in his question, as their table slowly filled with friends of the royal couple. "Who is that?" He asked, nodding slightly in the direction of the top table.

Alex craned her neck "Prince Charles?" She raised her eyebrow.

"No, not there. To the left of the top table, two tables along... The woman with dark hair" he quickly found himself mesmerised once more as he caught her mid-laugh; her eyes creasing slightly as she threw her head back, obviously finding something the woman sat next to her said highly amusing.

"Oh, her... No."

"No? Her name is No? Or no, you don't know?" He asked, slightly impatient and annoyed with her answer. He didn't have to be a genius to know that she must be family of either the bride or the groom. Either that or an extremely close friend- just the sheer close proximity of her table to the top table... And something about her just seemed so adorably regal to him. He'd never seen anyone so incredibly beautiful before; the way in which she sat, laughed, carried herself- her posture... Everything he'd seen of her in those short few minutes of staring told him that he had to find out who she was.

"Oh, I know who she is, but no- you don't what to get involved with that. She'd chew you up and split you out. That's if you were unlucky enough to even get a look in. I've never seen anyone hold their head or their nose so high in my life; snob."

"That still doesn't answer my question. The least you could do is tell me who she is." He turned to her impatiently, trying to keep his voice as low as possible.

Alex sighed, rolling her eyes slightly at her friend. He didn't really 'date' as such. Of course, he'd been in a few short relationships; he was a very good looking guy, but he'd never settled. She wasn't sure he'd even been in love with a woman. He worked so hard and never showed the commitment to give the impression of love before. Alex knew he was capable of it, he was certainly not afraid of commitment as far as she could tell. She'd once sent him up with a friend from work, but that didn't last long than a couple of months. All Alex knew was that this woman that had caught his eye was certainly wrong for him in more ways than one. She probably wouldn't even look at him twice, she only dated high profile celebrities and seemed to get through them faster than she got through pairs of e pensive louboutin shoes. If Alex was honest with herself, one of the many reasons she found the woman so annoying was the lack of truth she was able to gather when it came to who she was dating; she'd been in and out of the tabloids for the past 8 years; frankly she was surprised Matthew didn't know who she was himself. Ever since the scandal, she'd kept herself private; always photographed, but never answered questions or offered comments. Of course as a journalist, this was enough ammunition for Alex to have a strong dislike to was the woman.

Matthew probed further with wide eyes and finally Alex shrugged her shoulders. "Her name is Mary Crawley. Lady Mary Crawley actually. I suppose we should use her title when referring to her or she might have us thrown in prison" Alex's attempt at a joke were lost in Matthew who's attention end were returned to the mysterious woman whom he now had a name for.

"Mary" he repeated quietly.

Alex leant forward on her elbows "oh sweet Jesus" she grimaced.