Hello again ladies and germs. Been a real long while and I am sorry for that. Lots going on... mostly life and crap.. Anywhore here is the new chappie. ENJOY!


July 8th

The sun shone brightly in the azure sky and continued to blaze high above the horizon. The summer was in full swing as the flowers and leaves soaked up the rays of light. Heat rolled off the pavement in visible waves and the sidewalks were filled at all times.

The days were long and hot but they all eventually fell to the darkness of the night. Slowly the moon fought for its position in the shared sky.

Sasuke and Ino walked down the path in the park holding hands and smiling as they went.

"I love the summer so much!" she exclaimed.

"I know. You get so much more sun time" he replied.

"Not just that. Look at all the colors! The flowers smell better, the breeze feels nicer, the shade is… shadier?" At this Sasuke laughed. "Oh, you know what I mean."

"Yes, I understand your particular brand of crazy talk" he stated. She smacked his arm playfully. "And it's why I love you." She leaned forward and kissed him softly.

"I love you, too" she whispered. Sasuke stared into her eyes, mesmerized, for a few moments before blinking and turning away. They continued down the path, passing a woman walking her dog and a father pushing a stroller. Ino smiled down at the baby as they passed.

"Sasuke?" she started. He looked back at her, noticing her tone had lost its liveliness. "Do you want kids someday?" she inquired without making eye contact. He frowned, well aware of where this was headed.

"We already discussed this. All I want is to be with you" he stated snappily.

"But, before you met me, before you knew what I was. Did you dream of having a family?" she asked insistently. He stopped walking and sighed. He pulled her off the path and sat her down beside him on a bench.

"Maybe. Maybe, I don't know. Before I met you I didn't know what I wanted with my life. I guess I could see myself with a couple brats but I never really thought about it. Honestly, I'll be fine with or without kids" he explained. She stared at the ground and nodded.

"You know, I wanted kids" she said softly, still staring at the ground. He watched her sadly as she kicked at a pebble by her foot. "I wanted a house full of children. At least four of them." She finally looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with tears. "I was an only child, but I always wanted brothers and sisters. Maybe my parents wouldn't have taken it so hard when I moved to the city if they'd had other kids to worry about. Maybe I wouldn't have…" She stopped talking as the tears spilled over and ran down her cheeks.

Sasuke put his arm around her and pulled her close. She rested her head on his shoulder and the tears slowed. He gently rubbed her arm in soothing up and down motions.

"It's all right" he said tenderly. She sighed and wiped the tears from her face. He looked out across the park towards where the sun was beginning to dip onto the edge of the horizon. "I…" He paused. "I think I may have found a solution."

Ino raised her head and looked at him without moving out of his arms.

"It's not great, but it seems to be the only option" he continued. She perked up a bit and smiled hopefully, waiting for him to go on. "I talked to a High Priestess Witch. She explained the history of the area where you… died. She said there used to be witches living all over the place and that basically the land is magical. She said they worshiped the moon and were granted healing powers and that they could even bring people back from the dead."

At his words the blonde perked up, her eyes now shining with excitement rather than sorrow.

"But she also said that there is no chance of getting enough witches here to fix you" he stated, her face fell at this. "But there is a chance… and please hear me out on this… there is a chance that we could recreate what happened to you." He let the statement hang in the air between them for a moment as its meaning sunk in. Ino frowned.

"What? You had better not be suggesting what it sounds like you're suggesting" she said angrily.

"Please, just think about it. We could-"

"No! Absolutely not! You will not destroy your life for me!"

"It wouldn't just be for you. It would be for us! We could be together. Like really together, not this half in half out thing we have going now" Sasuke explained.

"No! You cannot give up everything you have on a chance that we could be undead together!" she shouted, getting a few glances from passersby.

"I love you. I am in love with you. Life without you is no life at all" he said unfalteringly. She glared at him defiantly.

"You have a life, friends, family, a job! I won't allow you to do this!"

"You won't allow me?" he declared.

"No! I will not allow you to kill yourself over me" Ino stated matter-o-factly. She got to her feet and, with one last angry look, stormed off.

"Ino. Ino! Ino come back!" he yelled after her, but did not stand. He sighed and ran his hands through his dark hair.

July 13th

Sasuke sat on the floor in the kitchen of his darkened apartment nursing a glass of whiskey. His fourth, to be exact.

It had been four long days, or rather nights, since he had last spoken with Ino. After she had fled the park he couldn't find her. Then every night he went back to the alley when she appeared she would just push past him and walk off without a single word.

He banged his head against the cabinet behind him and sighed before chugging the contents of his glass. He glared at the empty container and grabbed the bottle off the floor beside him. Unscrewing the cap and tossing it across the room he took a swig straight from the bottle and sighed again.

"What are you doing? And why is it so dark" a voice asked from the doorway. He turned his head to see the owner, even though he'd know that voice anywhere.

"How'd you get in here?" he asked coldly, taking another swig from the bottle.

"I have a spare key, remember?" Naruto asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"I never gave you a spare key" Sasuke replied with a slight slur.

"Oh right, yeah I made a copy after… you know who" he answered. He walked across the room and crouched down in front of his friend. "Whiskey? That's not a good sign."

"Naruto, I fucked up" the dark haired man said, hanging his head. The blonde nodded and sat down beside his friend. He grabbed the bottle and took a swig, making a face as the liquid burned down his throat.

"What happened?" he inquired before taking a second sip.

"She won't talk to me. I said something stupid and now she won't talk to me" Sasuke stated, reaching for the bottle.

"What did you say?" his friend asked, placing the bottle in his outstretched hand.

"Something dumb" Sasuke reiterated.

"I got that, but what exactly?"

"She asked if I wanted kids." At this Naruto cringed.

"Oh man, isn't it too early to talk about kids?" The blonde took the bottle back.

"No man. I love her. I totally love her and having kids with her would be amazing. But it's impossible"

"Why?" Naruto asked. Sasuke closed his eyes for a while without answering. Fearing he had fallen asleep the blonde nudged his friend who nudged him back immediately.

"It's a long, complicated story" the raven haired man finally answered.

"All right. So what did you say to her?" Naruto inquired, taking another swig from the bottle before setting it down out of him inebriated friend's reach.

"Why are you even here, man?" Sasuke asked, completely changing the subject. Naruto sighed.

"Well, you called in sick to work three days in a row now and haven't been answering your phone. I wanted to make sure you weren't dead" he stated.

"Not yet" Sasuke grumbled under his breath.

"What does that mean?" Naruto asked, now feeling full concern.

"Nothing" the other man said waving it off. "I really need to talk to her, man. I'm falling apart here."

"I can see that. This looks worse than Karin. Have you even showered this week?" the blonde man asked.

"I need to talk to her. I just need to make it better."Naruto nodded and got up.

"Well first, I would suggest sobering up. I doubt she would want to see you like this. Then, I guess call her? Oh wait, you had to date the only girl in the damn city with no phone!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes and tried to get to his feet, which only resulted in him landing on his face. Naruto suppressed a laugh and helped his friend up.

"Now go shower, drink some coffee and come in to work tomorrow. You need to be the best you before you can make it up to her. Whatever it is." He mumbled the last part to himself.

"All right!" Sasuke slurred. "I'm gonna make it better!" He took one step then passed out on the kitchen floor. Naruto shook his head and began dragging his best friend off to bed to sleep it off.

July 15th

Sasuke opened the door to his apartment and walked in. He threw his keys onto the counter and slipped his shoes off. As soon as he walked into the main area he froze.

Ino sat quietly on the couch staring at her hands in her lap. For a moment he wasn't sure if she was really there, until she turned and smiled lightly at him.

"Hey" she greeted.

"Hey" he replied. She got up and stood a few feet in front of him.

"I'm sorry-"

"Please" she cut him off. "Don't say you're sorry. Don't apologize." She walked over to him and put her hands on his shoulder. "Just make me a promise."

"Anything" he said eagerly.

"Don't even considering becoming like me. It's a curse, not a gift, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, let alone someone I love" she explained. He stared at her sadly. The pain in her eyes was almost too much for him to bear.


"Please" was all she said.

"I promise."

She smiled and hugged him. He held her tightly to him, never wanting to let go again.

July 23rd

The bar was fairly packed as Ino and Sasuke entered. Their friends were squished in around a table in the corner and they all began cheering as the couple approached.

"Happy birthday!" they shouted, mostly in unison.

"Kiba! Get off the floor. It is not a surprise party. And he's already here" Sakura shouted to the man hiding under the table.

"Surprise!" he shouted as he leapt out from under the table.

"Thanks, man" Sasuke said reaching out for a fist bump.

"You were totally surprised, am I right?"

"Yes, oh so surprised to see all of my friends on my birthday."

"Come on, dudes. Let's get smashed!" Naruto shouted, handing a beer to the birthday boy.

"To Sasuke" Ino said, raising her glass.

"To Sasuke!" they shouted in unison.