A/N: You are ThePokemonMage. You haven't updated this ActaeonShipping fanfic since last year, around your birthday. After working on your main fanfic, you finally decide to go back on writing about your OTP.

And thus, the story continues! Yay!
Pokemon belongs to Nintendo, the PMD spinoffs belong to Chunsoft and ThePokemonCompany. I own this story, and nothing else.

Sorry that I haven't been updating. Fandoms and school. Mostly school.

Also, did you miss my humorous and somewhat satirical writing style? I hope you did cause you're getting some in this chapter!

Grovyle tentatively rubbed his injured his arm, wincing slightly. Ah, damn it... What am I gonna do?
He let out a soft sigh, rubbing his head. Fuuuuck. If he finds out, then...

"Are you sure that you're alright?" Dusknoir asked, bringing the younger back to reality.

"Uh-huh. Just shaken, not stirred." Grovyle replied.


"That... Was kinda pathetic." Dusknoir deadpanned.

"Shut up, I know." The green haired boy brushed bangs out of the way. "A-Anyway... I, uh... I don't really know what we can do today since this place is just nothing but... Police asking questions... and... stuff."

He cleared his throat. "Yeah. Ahahaha... Ha, ha..."

Dusknoir tilted his head in confusion. "Are you certain that you're going to be alright? Y-You know... If it comes down to it..."
He trailed off. "You can... crash at my... place...?"

"What." The younger male was still.

"You can stay at my apartment if the investigation drags out."

For a second there, both men turned a light red.

Grovyle snickered. "Well, uh, guess it couldn't hurt."

Now it was Dusknoir's time to stand still. "Oh. Alright then."
Damn it. I should have thought this through. Fuck, how am I going to deal with this?!

"By the way, don't you have work or something?" Grovyle asked, drawing Dusknoir away from his thoughts.

"I already got done with it... T-Though, I, uh, have to meet one of my co-workers today." Dusknoir replied. "H-Here, I always carry around an extra notepad and pen! I'll just quickly write down... my... address. Here!"

Grovyle blinked. "Okay... I guess I'll see you later. I can preoccupy myself. So, later."

Dusknoir let out a small sigh of relief as he quickly pulled out his phone, dialing the number. "Sableye. I need help. NOW."

"So, you invited your boyfriend to stay the night?" Sableye drawled, huge grin plastered on his face as he swirled the soda can in his hand.

Dusknoir nodded. "I really didn't know what I was thinking... What's in that bag?"

"Oh, just some stuff for you," Sableye said in a sing-song voice.

"I don't need co-"

"Okay, okay, calm down. I'll throw 'em out. No worries. Now then... What are you planning on doing with your buddy?"

"That's what I need help with!" Dusknoir hissed, slamming his hands down on the table, causing a few customers to raise an eyebrow. "Look, I know you're not the most helpful romantic adviser."


"Look, just tell me what to do so I can make things... less awkward."

"Well, perhaps you can... um... I... Er..." Sableye bit his lip. "Yeah, I got nothing!"

Dusknoir groaned. "Well, thanks anyway."

Sableye let out an awkward chuckle. "Yeah. The only tip I could give you is to just be nice and be yourself."

"Being yourself barely works."

"I know, but hey, better than nothing, right?"

"I suppose..." Dusknoir muttered, leaning back.

Sableye grinned. "Good luck."

"I think I'm gonna need more than luck, Yamirami."

"Fine, good fucking luck."

Dusknoir's eye twitched. "Shut. Up. NOW."

Sableye shrugged. "Well, I tried. Dude, just stay calm and you'll be fine."

"Right, right. Oh, and you know what?"


"I really just want to find out why... Why... W-Why the cafe has such a magnet for trouble. You know?"

"Yeah, I guess... Anyway, wish you luck... Again..."

Dusknoir sighed, thanking his friend. Sableye bit his lip as his friend got out of his seat.

"Hey, Dusknoir."

"What now?"

"I... I think you may want to have a talk... With someone."

"Ohohoho~ Getting it on!"


Skuntank snickered. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Look, dude, if you're not, and he's not, going to take this chance then okay. You're fine. Don't worry. You're going to be okay, he's going to be okay."

Grovyle frowned. "I, just, look... ARGH! All I want is some advice!"

"Advice on what? How to make the spend the night over at your buddy's place less awkward advice or how to tell your buddy that you're secretly bleeding advice?!" Skuntank hissed. "Cause to be honest, the latter seems more important."

The younger of the two sighed. "I-I know. B-But, I just... I don't really feel like..."

"Like what? Telling him? Because, again, this is serious."

"J-Just... I'll just wait for the... right moment."

Skuntank groaned. "Fine. Have fun."

As soon as Grovyle left, Skuntank pulled out his phone. "So... what did you want to talk about?"

Dusknoir wasn't sure what to feel as he and Grovyle sat in silence. Currently, both were in the former's apartment, and well...

Things were odd, to say the least.

"Hey, I'm sorry that we had to end up in this situation," Grovyle stated, breaking the silence.

"Oh, don't worry. It's fine," Dusknoir replied, smiling. "Now then... What about you?"


"How are you doing? After what happened?"

"...Fine, I... I guess," Grovyle muttered, running fingers through green hair."

"Are you positive? By the looks of things, you don't look good," Dusknoir pointed out.

"I guess I'm still concerned for the others." Grovyle exclaimed. To some extent, he was lying, but he was still being truthful.

"Understandable. Now then... We have to talk about one thing..." Dusknoir said.

"What is that?"

"...I have a guest room. It's simply a reading room, if you can call it that. It has a couch and it's comfy enough. You can sleep there, unless you don't mind... resting with me..."

Grovyle's eyes widened. Oh shit.

He gulped. "I... Well... I don't really mind crashing in your room."

Dusknoir was mildly surprised. He expected a more... nervous reaction, if you could call it that. He didn't expect a no, he had a feeling Grovyle wouldn't mind, but just the way he plainly said it after a feeling of shock was something Dusknoir didn't see coming. Nevertheless, he really didn't care. In fact, he was a bit pleased. He heard of "cuddling" from Sunflora and he always wanted to try it with someone he loved. He took a quick look at the time, noticing it was the afternoon. Quite late, but not too late.

"So,uh... Ahaha... What do you wanna do?" Grovyle asked.

"Oh. I... Really haven't thought about that." Dusknoir replied, chuckling.

The green-haired teen smiled, snickering. "Don't sweat it. I, uh... Kinda created some ideas."

Dusknoir was intrigued. Is everyone from that cafe full of surprises? "Well may you please tell me some of those ideas?"

"I will tell you some of these ideas, good sir."

Dusknoir will admit, the ideas were pretty adorable. Watching movies while cuddling on the couch, eating food while watching internet videos, discussing some random topics. All were fun, not the most creative, but fun. Time managed to fly pretty fast, as it was already night. As for the crashing in bed thing... Well...

Grovyle was already knocked out, curled into a ball, lightly snoring, body concealed beneath blankets. Dusknoir was lying (rather, siting) next to him, fingers skimming through his emerald hair. The older of the two was shocked (though pleased) that the situation went well. Grovyle was happy, Dusknoir was happy, everyone was happy!... Well, maybe not the last one, but still. Positive feeling in his chest, Dusknoir fell asleep.

It was early, the sun was barely peaking over clouds, when Dusknoir left. Grovyle was still asleep. Honestly, Dusknoir couldn't blame him. After all, the younger's work place was... well... attacked. The ebony-head made sure to leave note, hoping the younger wouldn't fret. Dusknoir slinked into the coffee shop, Luminous Cave. He really wanted to know why this was the only coffee place that opened this early.

Skuntank appeared to be one of the only few customers. In fact, he and Dusknoir were the only customers currently there. Dusknoir, sighing, took a seat.

"So... Your co-worker wanted me to help you out on something." Skuntank muttered, fingers drumming on the table.

Dusknoir exhaled. "Look, I really don't want to do this, but... Just make this fast."

"I... I want to tell you... No, give you advice." Skuntank stated.


"It's... It's about the Warui-Mono."

"...Come again?"

"Don't interfere with them. Don't try to find out about them. Don't dig into their history. Don't. Mess. With. Them. Please. No matter how important it may be, no matter what the reason, don't go poking around when the Warui-Mono is involved. Trust me."

Dusknoir really didn't understand Sableye's advice. Even as he entered his apartment, he still wondered what the punk meant. Grovyle was still asleep, so Dusknoir threw the note away. He slumped on the couch, yawning. He stretched, then lied down. He really wish the meeting time was much later. After all, the advice given was small, and a bit obvious. But still... He wondered what Skuntank truly meant.

Maybe he was taking things to seriously. That was most likely the case, as he always had a tendancy to do it.

Groaning, he slipped back into his room. As quiet as he could, he slithered beneath the blankets, and wrapped an arm around Grovyle's waist, pulling him close. He nuzzled the younger's head, hearing a small pleasant sound emit from the latter. Dusknoir smiled, closing his eyes, wanting to get some sleep back.

A/N: Omg, I'm lazy...

Anyway, again, I'm sorry about the long wait. I'll update this whenever I'm in the mood as I'm still focusing on my main SSB fic. Yeah.