Hello my lovely Misfits! I know, I know what you're all thinking. "Olivia it's been a year, where the hell have you been?!" The answer to that is college! God its been one hell of a stressful year that, to be completely honest, made me lose complete interest in this story. BUT last night I went back and reread all my old stuff and I was too proud of this series to ever let it go. I mean, this series gave me my name on fanfiction. I couldn't possibly let it go to waste! So here's the update you've all been waiting for and I promise not to let another year go by without updating! Enjoy!

Misfit Sleepover Part Two

Hermione's POV

"Frozen?!" Parvati exclaimed, incredulously. "What do you mean, frozen?"

"I mean frozen," I laughed. "As in, ice frozen."

"How do you freeze a person?" Blaise asked. "Wouldn't they die?"

"Not necessarily," I said. "I've heard of spells used to freeze things to preserve it. When they're unfrozen they're as good as they were before being frozen. Just listen to this."

I have a feeling Auntie has been watching me. She's always been overprotective, ever since she found me frozen in the Room of Requirement where I had been hidden away for thousands of years. I think she still believes I blame her for what happened to me. I don't know how many times I have to tell her I never blamed her, or anyone, for her to actually believe me. How could I? She didn't even know I had existed, let alone that I was frozen somewhere in the castle. And I don't blame my mother for freezing me either. She saved me from having to live alone through a war. If anything I'm eternally grateful for the way my life turned out. I got to grow up in an amazing castle, I have a great life, great friends, and a great boyfriend. She may disagree, but I think everything turned out for the better. I'd like to think my mum would be happy with the way things turned out as well.

Speaking of my aunt, I must go. We are having tea in a few minutes. Well, I'm having tea while she sits there and watches while going on about how Henry is no good.

Until next time,


"Listen to your aunt," Marcus groaned, running a hand down his face. "This is not going to be good. I have a really bad feeling."

"Join the club," Allie sighed.

"Okay, so we learned some new things," Kylie said, taking out the notebook from New Years. "Her mother froze her thousands of years before these journals," she said, writing in the notebook.

"Apparently to save her from a war," Neville added.

"A war she says she would have had to go through alone, which suggests that her mum either knew she wouldn't live through it or was taking precautions in case she didn't live through it," Dean said, rereading the passage over my shoulder.

"And by the sounds of it, she didn't," Susan said sadly.

"She grew up in the castle, I'm assuming with her aunt," Seamus continued.

"Her aunt didn't even know she existed, which suggests she was kept a secret," Fred added.

"Or that the aunt and her mother weren't close," George said.

"Either way, the question is why?" Fred said, sitting heavily on the arm of the couch and rubbing his temples. "That seems to be the million dollar question here. Why?"

"That's what we're here to find out," I said determinedly. "For the rest of the night we're going to continue trying to decipher these journals. Luckily today is a Saturday so we can sleep in. Has anyone found anything interesting so far?"

Benny raised his hand. "We found a name," he said. "Calvin."

"It's mentioned quite a few times in our journal," George added.

"He may be someone important than," Kylie said, jotting down the name with a question mark. "Anyone else?"

"They had a ball their fifth year," Allie said. Luckily for her, Ancient Runes was her best subject. These runes were a little tougher than what she was learning, but she still was having the easiest time of all of them. "Henry asked her to go with him and that's how they started dating."

"Okay," I said, after seeing that no one had anything else to add. "So like I said, tonight we're going to get some more translating done. I'm going to give out different projects to groups to start on when we leave tomorrow that will help us start answering some of our questions. Harry," I started, turning to the boy sitting on the floor. "You and I are going to look into student records, see how many students with the name Rowland started the year 1844."

"Rowland isn't a popular name, so there shouldn't be many," Harry said, nodding.

"Fred and Sam," I said, turning to the two next to the couch. "You guys are going to look into past wizarding wars and try to find out which decade Rowland is actually from. Go back as far as possible."

"Aye aye, Captain," Fred said, saluting her while Sam smiled and nodded.

"Seamus and Taylor," I continued. "I want you guys to start talking to the portraits and maybe even a few ghosts. They have been around for centuries and if anyone will remember a little girl living in the castle it'll be them. But be careful with who you talk to. We don't want anything getting back to the professors."

"Why?" Taylor asked curiously.

"Because one; professors don't like kids that snoop. Two; right now this may not seem like a big deal, but this could turn out to be a bigger deal than we thought. And three; we don't need to risk the professors finding out about this room and trying to take it away from us. It's important we keep what we're doing strictly between us." At this everyone nodded and I smiled happily. "Good. Marcus and Allie," I said, turning to the oldest Misfits.

"Talk to Kalasia?" Marcus guessed with a smirk.

"Bullseye," I said. "Try to see if she has any more information on Henry Galls and if she knows anything about Rowland. She said he was their friend before he turned on them, so he might of introduced them to Rowland."

"You got it," Marcus said with a nod.

"Lee, George, and Benny, you guys are in charge of finding the Room of Requirement."

All of their jaws dropped, causing me to grin and everyone else to laugh.

"You want us to try and find it?" George said in disbelief.

"Well, of course, who else?" I laughed. "George, you're one half of the sneaky pranking kings. Lee, I know you're the one that helps them shape their schemes so they can go off without a hitch. And Benny, not only are you just as mischievous, but you're also a Ravenclaw. If anyone can be smart and sneaky enough to find the room, it's you three."

The three boys shared an incredulous look before straightening up and puffing out their chests. "Challenge accepted," George said and the other two nodded.

Everyone laughed. "Okay, okay, Susan, Claire, and Parvati, you girls are going to research Henry Galls. If he was a soldier in the war, like Kalasia said he was, then he may be in the history books somewhere."

"We'll find this sucker," Parvati said determinedly.

"Good. And lastly Dean, Neville, Draco, Blaise, and Theo. I want you guys to find out anything you can about a girl living in Hogwarts. Look through records, ask older students, anything you can do. Maybe someone knows who the aunt is or more about what happened during her years here."

"We'll see what we can find," Dean nodded.

"Great," I said.

"What about us?" Luna asked, motioning to herself and Sarah.

I smiled. "You guys are going to act as security against the pack. Make sure they find out nothing. I love the pack, and I hate keeping secrets from them, but they're too close to staff now. We can't take the risk of one of the boys accidentally slipping up and saying something that could put a stop to this whole thing. So you guys are in charge of covering if they ever get suspicious."

"We'll do our best," Sarah nodded.

"Okay, with that all done and over with I say we continue with our journals for a few more hours," I said, looking around as everyone nodded in agreement. "Then let's get back to work."

With that said everyone went back to their separate spots to continue working on their journals. I sighed as I sat back behind the desk. We still had a long way to go, but at least we were getting somewhere.


Fred's POV

"Ugh, I can't read one more word or else my eyes will pop out of my head," I groaned, closing the Ancient Runes textbook with a slam and rolling onto my back. Sam and I had moved from the Meeting Room to the bedroom because my back couldn't take being hunched over the table any longer. We lied side by side with the journal open between us and our own Ancient Runes texts in front of us. It's been another hour of nonstop work since our latest discovery and I was increasingly growing more frustrated. Ancient Runes had never been my strongest subject and the texts in front of me just looked too foreign for me to comprehend. A part of me felt bad. We only managed to translate one paragraph, and that had mostly been done by Sam.

Beside him Sam smiled gently. "If you want to call it a night feel free. I just want to figure out this last sentence."

I looked at her and studied her for a second. Her eyes never left the pages in front of her as she flipped through them. Though she wasn't looking at me I could see the determined glint in her eyes as her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. It wasn't often that I got to look at her face. The few times I had been around her she was always looking down at her feet. For a while I thought she didn't like me or George for some reason. But when I saw that she acted that way pretty much around everyone then I just came to the conclusion that she was just really shy.

"Do you always work this hard?" I laughed lightly.

Her eyes shot up to meet mine before she looked back down at her book just as quickly. I took notice of the small blush that came to her cheeks and I resisted the urge to smirk in amusement. Sam always seemed to blush in my presence and I couldn't decide if it was because I made her nervous or embarrassed. I internally sighed. I didn't mean to make her feel either way.

"Must be the Ravenclaw in me," she said quietly with a bashful laugh.

Nervous then. Definitely nervous.

"That's not a bad thing," I quickly reassured. "If anything that's a great thing." Sam shot me a small smile before turning back to her book.

I took that moment to sit up and take in the room around me. It was grander than any room I had ever seen before. I ran my fingers through the fluffy comforter beneath me as my eyes roamed around the room. As they landed on the desk on the far right side of the room my eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"Hey, Sam?" I ask. She hummed in response and I continued, "Did anyone ever check any of these rooms?"

"Hmm?" Sam asked, turning on her side so she could look up at me.

"Do you know if Hermione or any of the others actually looked through the Chamber? Like checked draws, bookshelves, closets, desks, anything? I know Hermione looked at the desk out there and some of the bookshelves when she was looking for the journals, but what about everything else?"

Sam looked thoughtful and sat up, looking around the room. "No, I don't think anyone did. Everyone has been so focused on the journals that I don't think anyone has thought to look through anything."

"What if there are clues?" I asked, standing up and walking over to the desk. "Something that could help us find out who this woman is?"

"Only one way to find out, right?" Sam said gently, coming to stand beside me.

I looked at her and smiled excitedly before reaching out my hand and grasping the handle on the desk draw. Immediately the smile on my face dropped when I tugged and the draw didn't budge. "Locked," I groaned.

"But there's no key hole, which means it's locked with magic," Sam said, drawing her wand. "Alohomora," Sam said, pointing her wand at the draw. I gave it another tug with my right hand and once again it didn't budge.

"Maybe there's some sort of secret button. Look around the desk," I say and we urgently start to feel around the edges and the walls of the desk, looking for anything that might open the draw.

"Anything?" Sam asks.

"Nada. You?" I say.

"Nope," she sighs.

I growl, glaring down at the small, evil desk. I once again start tugging at the draw with my right hand. "Come on, you stupid thing. Open!" I exclaim, bringing my left hand up to join the other. Suddenly the draw swings open and I fall on the ground at the suddenness of it and the force of the tug.

"Fred," Sam gasped, looking down at me in shock. I groaned, sitting up and rubbing the back of my head. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I groaned again. I remembered what had caused me to fall and looked up at the draw again. "I opened it!" I shouted, shocked.

"How?" Sam asked, looking at the draw cautiously.

We stayed where we were in silence for a few moments, trying to figure out what I had done differently. As I stared at the draw I started to fiddle with the Misfits bracelet on my left wrist. Slowly my eyes looked down at the bracelet and almost immediately the pieces clicked together in my head.

"The bracelet!" I exclaimed, causing Sam to jump.

"What?" she asked, surprised.

"The bracelet opened the draw!" I shouted, jumping to my feet.

"B-But how? Allie made these, how could they hold power to this room or the things inside?"

"Because of the inscription," I said excitedly. At her confused face I laughed. "For these bracelets to have the power to let us even enter this chamber Allie had to somehow fuse the inscription on the wall outside into the bracelets. The inscription is not only what hides this room, but what makes this room. When Allie put the inscription in the bracelets一"

"She essentially put a part of the room in the bracelets!" Sam said, becoming excited as it started to click in her head.

I grinned at her excitement, happy to finally be able to see a side other than her shy side. "And it's magic. Since its the room's magic that's probably keeping everything locked than wearing these bracelets is the only way we'll be able to unlock anything."

"Fred, you're a genius!" Sam exclaimed happily, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

I couldn't help but blush at her compliment. It wasn't often someone actually complimented me on my intellect outside of pranks. "Thanks," I said, resenting my abashed tone. Shaking my head I grinned. "So, shall we see what resides in the devil draw?"

Sam laughed. "We shall," she said.

We both rushed back to the now open draw and peered inside. The only thing that lay inside the draw was a book. It was about the same height as their journals, but much wider and thicker. In the middle of the book was a small window where a picture could be placed, but instead it was just a blank, white space.

"Is that . . .?" I started, trailing off as Sam picked up the book.

"It's a photo album!" Sam said excitedly, getting a closer look. "It has to be Rowland's!"

"Well, don't just stand there. Open it!" I said, my eyes growing wide.

Sam moved her hand to the cover and tried to open it, but like the draw it wouldn't budge. She tried the hand with the bracelet on it and still, the book would not open. "It won't open," Sam said sadly, holding the book out to me.

I took the book from her and tried myself, and true to her words it refused to open. "Oh, come on. What is up with us and not being able to open things?" I asked exasperatedly.

Sam let out a small laugh and crossed her arms. "We should show everyone else. Maybe they can figure out a way to get it opened," she suggested.

I nod. "Good idea," I said. "Let's go."


Hermione's POV

"Hermione," Fred called frantically as he rushed out of the bedroom with Sam hot on his heels. His frantic tone immediately snapped me out of my tired haze and many heads shot up from whatever they were doing to watch the two rush to the desk.

"What? What is it?" I ask, immediately standing from my seat. "Did you find something in the journal?" I asked.

"No, we found something in the desk in the room!" Fred said excitedly, placing a large book in front of me on the desk. "It's a photo album!" I looked up at him shocked. He proceeded to tell me how he and Sam came across it and soon all of the Misfits were surrounding us listening intently.

"Fred, you're a genius!" I gasped after he told me what he discovered.

"That's what I said," Sam laughed, and Fred blushed, which I noted down to look back on later.

"The only problem is we can't get the blasted book open! Even with the bracelet," Fred said angrily, glaring down at the book.

I looked down at the book, taking it in. As I observed it I felt a pull inside my chest. The more I stared the more insistent the pull became until the urge to touch it was just too strong. Lightly, as if scared to touch it, I ran my fingers over the cover. Suddenly beneath my fingers words started to appear and gasps rang around me. I stared in awe as slowly a picture faded into the small window of the book. As it came fully into focus we observed the picture of a single girl. The girl had pale, flawless skin. Her black hair long and wavy as it fell over her shoulders and blew lightly in the wind. Her bright blue eyes looked up at them and they could see the laughter in them shine through the photo. The picture moved to show her throwing her head back and laughing with a wide smile that showed off her pearly white teeth. Below the picture there was an inscription in neat, cursive letters.



"It's Rowland! It's her!" Seamus exclaimed excitedly.

"She's beautiful," Allie sighed in awe.

I couldn't help but agree as I stared at the woman, mesmerized. There was a tingling feeling in my gut, the one I got when I knew something. But it left me confused because in this situation I was completely clueless.

"Why did it only reveal itself when you touched it?" Dean asked me from my right.

"I-I don't know," I said, still staring down at the book.

"Maybe because you're the new owner of the Chamber," Draco said thoughtfully. "Maybe she only wanted to share her deepest secrets with the owner."

"Maybe," I whispered. Picking the book up in one hand I hesitantly brought my other hand up to the cover. I glanced up at the rest of the Misfits. All of them wore anxious, excited, and somewhat scared expressions. Taking a deep breath and finding my Gryffindor courage I opened the cover. When I opened the cover two pieces of paper slipped out and fell onto the desk.

In front of me Blaise caught the smaller scrap of paper before it could fall off the desk. His eyebrows furrowed as he read what was on it. "Eighteen, five, five," he said slowly. "Three numbers, that's it." he passed the scrap to Theo beside him who nodded in confirmation. I looked around and saw that Benny held the other, larger piece of paper. My eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at the paper with wide, almost frightened eyes.

"Benny?" I asked cautiously, but he didn't look at me. "Benny, what is it?"

"I-It's a picture," he stuttered, "of a baby."

"A baby?" Kylie asked. She eyed her brother worriedly, not used to ever seeing such an expression on his face. "Rowland?"

Benny shook his head. "Definitely not. The baby's hair is brown, and it's eyes . . . they're . . ."

"They're what?" Marcus urged.

Benny looked up at them and slowly turned the picture around. "Red."

I hope it was worth the wait! And in pure Oliviaa fashion I left you with ANOTHER cliffy. SORRY! I'm working on the next chapter as we speak, hopefully this one will be longer. PLEASE REVIEW! It's been a while since I've recieved a Misfit review!

With lots of Misfit love,

Oliviaa Rose