Act 1: Working at Seirin

A teenage-looking guy with blue hair, but was 23-years-old, walk with a steady pace towards his destination: Seirin Kindergarten. Following behind him was a guy with blackish-red hair, and a scowl on his face.

"Kagami-kun, you shouldn't work with me if you don't like waking up early in the morning." The blue hair guy exclaimed with an expressionless face.

"No way am I letting you get near those freaking fathers who claim to be picking up their brats, but in reality they were just trying to get into your pants!"

The blackish-red hair guy known as Kagami Taiga quickens his pace and entwines his hands with the blue hair ones.

The blue hair guy sighs, "You're too possessive, and Kagami-kun I believe those fathers have their own wives pants that they can get in..."

"No, you don't understand...You're too cute, too adorable, and fuck-able to resists Kuroko!"

The one known as Kuroko gave Kagami a hard slap to the shoulder before running at a quick pace to Seirin kindergarten.

{Seirin Kindergarten}

"Hello, my name is Kuroko Tetsuya, and I'm here for the job as a kindergarten teacher." Kuroko introduces himself to the principal of Seirin Kindergarten: Riko Aida.

"Hey, Kagami Taiga's the name." Kagami's introduction only led him to feel pain on his side cause by Kuroko who painfully gave him a hard, but fast punch.

Riko, the principal can only let out a fearful chuckle.

{Class: Seirin S}

The children were all settle down in one group, and when Kuroko along with the principal enters, they stood up and greeted them with delight.

Kuroko did not show it, but he was filled with happiness of squeezing the life out of all the cute and adorable children in his supposedly class.

"Everyone, from today onwards this Sensei here will be guiding and teach you until you graduate. Please introduce yourself to the kids Sensei."

Riko step aside to allow the children to see their supposedly teacher, and of course allow him to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Kuroko Tetsuya. I hope we can all be friends even though I'm your Sensei."

Kuroko bowed slightly with a tiny hint of smile on his face.

All the children said with enthusiasm, "Yes we can be friends Sensei!"

"Kuroko-kun, I'll head over to introduce Kagami-kun to his own class. Be sure to take good care of the kids, and if there's any problem, don't hesitate to call for help."

Kuroko nodded and attended to the kids of his class after Riko left.

"Why don't we start learning about each other for today?"

One kid with half-long, brown hair and thick eyebrows started, "My name is Kiyoshi Teppei and I'm 6-years-old!" and end with a salute.

"Good, Teppei-kun. Who want to be next?"

"Oh me, me, name's Koganei Shinji and I love basketball!"

One kid with a wavy mouth that looks like a cat jumps up to introduce himself.

Upon that exclaim, everyone with their hands up shouted, "We all love basketball!"

{Class: Seirin T}

"So all in all, this is your new teacher, Kagami Taiga. Please welcome him with a round of applause. Yeah~"

After introducing Kagami, Riko quickly sprang out of the class, in her heart praying for Kagami's safety and of course that the insurance company will pay her money if Kagami were to die.

Before Kagami know it, all the kids swarm towards him like bees, despite their adorable and obedient appearance just then.

Unbeknown to Kuroko who was happily attending to his own students, a loud shout echo through the hallways of the kindergarten.

"No, you there with the blond hair, stop pulling my hair. Hey! You with the purple hair...Don't you dare puke on me!"

Suddenly a basketball ran straight onto Kagami's face, knocking him unconscious.

Using this situation to his advantage, a red hair decides to sneak out of Kagami's class.


On his way back to his class with colour papers in one hand, a small kid with red hair bump into him, making him scattered the colour papers.

Ignoring the colour papers, Kuroko rushed to the red hair kid with worried in his voice, "Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?"

The red hair looked up to see Kuroko stoic face, but to his point of view, Kuroko looks to him as the most adorable human being he has ever seen.

"What's your name?"

Akashi mumbled out loud enough for Kuroko to hear.

Kuroko answer back, "Kuroko Tetsuya, a new teacher from class Seirin S."

"Tetsuya eh, my name is Akashi Seijuro. I'm from class Seirin T, please be my lover."

Akashi stated with the last statement as an order.

Ignoring the last statement, Kuroko just drag Akashi literally towards the class Kagami was supposedly assign to.

"Tetsuya, stop dragging me this instant and give me a kiss." Akashi ordered.

"Akashi-kun that is not an appropriate thing to say to a teacher, and most importantly, you must call me Kuroko-Sensei, not Tetsuya."

"You are my lover now, so I can do whatever I want."

Kuroko was over-panicking even though his face doesn't show it, 'How can a five-year-old simply learn to say such things...Must have been the parents.'


"Kagami-kun, Kagami-kun..."

Kagami was found lying dead on the floor when Kuroko enters, and with each of the students staring at Kuroko like he was a grand prize readily to be accepted by anyone.

Kuroko gave a painful chop onto Kagami's stomach yet again with a loud, "Kagami-kun!" which led Kagami to let out a loud painful yelp.

"Ku-Kuroko, you cruel, but adorable bastard...!"

"Kagami-kun, control your words. You don't want any of the students to learn any bad words, do you?"

Thinking back to his students, Kagami quickly spun around and examine the current situation of his class: normal, quiet, and definitely settle down-GOOD!

After that, Kagami gave Kuroko a big hugged and a whisper to the ear, "I don't know what you did, but I'm happy with the results, so maybe I can make love to you all night as thanks."

Kuroko just scoffed, but before he left Kagami's class, he end up giving a small kiss onto Kagami's cheek which causes everyone in Kagami's class to glare and curse at Kagami.

The class went back to its chaotic state later on, which made Kagami's day awfully bad except for the kiss given by Kuroko.