Bonus Chapter

"What do you think is happening? I can't see very well from here... WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? I could have helped you plan. I'm good a-," Bianca's eyes widened and she suddenly let out an ear-spllitting squeal, "AAAAAAAH! THEY'RE KISSING! CHEREN, THEY'RE KISSING!"

She had grabbed onto him and was now shaking him violently, despite his protests, "Bi-Bi-Bianca, le-let go!"

She did, with an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I guess I just got a tad excited."

Cheren scowled at her, running a hand down his rumpled clothing and fixing his glasses, which had almost slipped off his nose, "A tad?"

The smile slipped, replaced by a sulky frown, "I said I was sorry. Geez, it's just really romatic. I mean, she's been looking for him for two years! And then, he shows up out of the blue to confess his love!"

Another squeal followed her proclamation, making Cheren wince. She returned to the window, a sappy smile on her face, sighing like a lovestruck fool. Cheren grunted, sitting down opposite of her, stealing covert glances at his friend. He had no idea why he had developed feelings for her, of all people. It would have made more sense, to him anyway, to fall for Touko.

She was calm, peaceful, quiet, strong...and yet, there had been nothing but familial affection for the brunette. Bianca, however, was a different story. The blonde was loud, emotional, sometimes annoying, and quite frankly a crybaby. And his platonic feelings had blossomed into a mess of romantic tangles that annoyed him.

He'd always been the logical one of the group and his feelings for Bianca were the furthest thing from logical. It was pure ludicracy.

A soft touch on his hand had him snapping out of his trance, his cheeks turning the slightest pink, much to his disgust. He looked up into concerned green eyes, eyes that seemed much too bright.

"Hey Cheren...You okay? I'm sorry if I've been rambling. I'm just really happy...I mean, it's every girl's dream to have a boy confess he likes her and then," here her cheeks flushed and he couldn't help admiring how it lent her face a softer glow, "Kissing her. Sorry, you probably don't want to hear mushy stuff like that."

She made to move away, but he grabbed her wrist, keeping her in place, "Cheren?"

He snorted, shook his head then let her go. She let out a shaky breath, fiddling with her hands, something that Cheren found both endearing and annoying. He massaged the bridge of his nose, wondering why on earth he'd been cursed to feel this way.

"I like you."

Bianca's wide green eyes became even wider at his nonchalant comment, her whole face turning a deep red, "...E-Excuse me?"

"I like you, you idiot," he said gruffly, toying with the zipper on his jacket, questioning his own sanity, as he waited for her to reply. He had no idea how she felt, really. But he'd had enough of keeping this...thing...bottled up, tired of pretending he didn't care for her.

And then he was suddenly knocked back against the ferris wheel car, his head smacking against the metal. Bianca had launched herself at him, her scream of delight putting all other to shame and nearly bursting his eardrums.

"I like you too, sourpuss!"

He groaned as she made herself comfortable on his lap, giggling like a schoolgirl, gushing about how she'd have to tell Touko, and that now they could go on a double date and that she'd wanted to tell him how she'd felt for so long but hadn't the courage, and on and on.

And then his brain had short-circuited when she'd pulled his head down and planted a big, sloppy, wet kiss on his lips, laughing at his gaping face.

When he was finally able to think properly again, he decided that his temporary lapse of judgement had been totally worth it. And that his feelings for a certain sweet, pretty blonde made perfect sense.