Author's Note: Hey guys – first, please accept my apology for the extreme amount of time between my last update and this chapter. I had a pretty catastrophic event that happened that has taken up a lot of space and time in my mind and life. Unfortunately, writing has had to take the backseat to taking care of my family during this time.

Fortunately, though, things are looking up, and luckily the Scandal gods have given me a ton of inspiration – both in the form of excellent episodes, and in reading other members' stories. I'm finally back in my groove, and ready to start on new stories… but of course, I couldn't do that without finishing Full Circle.

I know most of my original readers have probably long moved on from this little story, but I hope that those of you who have favorited and followed will come back for the finale, and I hope that new readers enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Thanks for everything guys – and now for the HOA!

Chapter Eight

Six on the second hand, two New Year's resolutions
And there's just no question what this man should do
Take all the time lost, all the days that I've cost
Take what I took and give it back to you
All this time we've been waiting for each other
All this time I was waiting for you
We've got all this love, can't waste it on another
So I'm straight in a straight line running back to you

All This Time – One Republic

Olivia stood nervously in the rose garden, pacing in small circles and wringing her hands. Inviting Fitz to meet her here, Sleepless in Seattle style had seemed like a good idea at the time; however, now she feared that she had made a mistake.

What if he didn't show up? What if he didn't love her anymore? What if he'd decided that what they had wasn't enough for him anymore?

All of these toxic thoughts filled her brain and clouded around her, making her feel as though she were choking. Her heart raced faster and faster and she felt the beginnings of a panic attack coming on. She checked her watch again, and, noticing that it was officially six minutes after the hour, decided that it was time to go. Surely, if he were coming he would have been here by now, and she did not want to further embarrass herself by waiting for him longer.

Just as she gathered her things and prepared to walk away from the garden and this part of her life, she saw him step out from the shadows and into full view. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked at the figure before him. How was it that he was able to still take her breath away after all this time. Nearly ten years had passed since the two had originally met, and he still had the same effect on her.

She stood still and let him come over to her, keeping quiet and letting him make the first move. His eyes appraised her for a few moments, silently taking her in before finally opening his mouth to speak.


The one little word – so simple, and yet so meaningful for the two of them.

"Hi." She responded – they exchanged looks of wonder with each other, as if not believing that they were both finally here.

"I got your letter"

"I figured as much – I'm glad you made it."

He chuckled under his breath at the absurdity of their conversation. They had waited the better part of a decade to be with one another, and now that they were on the precipice of a lifetime together, all they could come up with was small talk? He was pretty sure that wasn't how the fairy tales went, and he had long since decided that he and Olivia deserved every bit of their happily ever after.

Deciding that he couldn't wait another second to start on their forever, Fitz scooped her up in his arms, bringing her close to him before delivering what might have been the most passionate kiss he had ever given her. The kiss was loaded with emotions, and all the things that they no longer felt the need to say to each other. In that kiss there was forgiveness, acceptance, love, and hope. It was their new beginning, starting over and starting fresh, and it was exactly what they both needed.

After several minutes of holding each other there in the garden, Fitz looked around to see that the sun was beginning to set. He put her down, not breaking contact as she righted herself and looked up at him.

"What now?" she asked, as if unsure of how to proceed from here.

"Now?" he said, taking her hand in his, "Now, my sweet baby, we go home - together."