So I got some positive and some negative feedback on the last chapter! I am sooo sorry that I didn't really warn about the mpreg for those who may not like it I apologize! Also as a fair warning I may stop writing on fanfiction and may start writing on tumblr or wattpad or some other site like that. I haven't decided but I won't just leave you hanging! Also about three more stories in the works, one Hetalia the others are well...diffrent movies and t.v shows! :3 Heres the chapter!

Italy was constantly pacing about the house while Germany was at work that whole next week. He was very excited but also nervous. Who was his babies daddy? Which brother? His husband or...

Italy shook his head. He needed to stop thinking such things to himself. He was making himself more paranoid and more sick each day because of the stress he was inflicting.

He didn't want Germany to hate him...or Prussia to want to kill Germany any more than he already did. But it would kill Germany inside if he ever found out what happened those two times a month. If he told Prussia….he would want Italy to to get an abortion no matter whose baby it was.

He bit his lip sighing softly. Maybe a movie would calm his nerves. 'Yes' He thought to himself. He turned on the t.v. to a random show and waited. He felt his eyelids droop slowly. It didn't take him that long to fall into a deep sleep.

Germany got home early that night from work. He was happy to be home. His poor Italy had been so sick lately. He worried about the younger country. He smiled softly seeing Italy sleeping on the couch. It was good for him to get a little sleep.

He decided that he would take a quick shower and take his hubby to dinner. The sweetheart had been working too hard lately.

Germany hummed softly as he entered the bathroom, taking off his work clothes and turning the hot water on. He hissed as he stepped inside and felt the hot water slide across his skin.

He stayed under the water for a good half an hour before hopping out, and managing to slip on the bathroom tiles, sprawling out on the floor he managed to knock over a garbage can and spill its contents across the floor. "Damn it!" He yelled and sighed.

Wrapping a Towel around his waist he grumbled and started to clean up the items, freezing when he saw the little white stick.

"Oh my god." He said as he sat on the ground and stared at the evidence that his husband had left behind.

He was going to be a father!

Italy blinked awake as he heard a crash in the bathroom. "Huh?" He glanced about and noticed the jacket on the chair. Germany was home. He smiled softly at this and got up going to the bathroom and knocking on the door gently.

"Germany?" He knocked lightly again to see if his husband was ok.

He squeaked in surprise as his husband burst through the door quickly and grabbed him into a hug. "Ludwig!" He giggled as his husband swung him around.

"Italy! When were you going to tell me?!" Germany smiled brightly at the younger country.

Italy looked up at him in confusion. "Tell you what?"

Germany's only answer was holding the positive test up.

Italy's eyes widened and he managed to get one word out before puking on Germany's feet.


Germany looked at his husband quickly helping him off of the floor where he had puked, his ruined shoes meant nothing to him as his excitement was raging.

"I-I was gonna have it be a surprise…." Italy lied softly looking up at his husband smiling softly.

"This is surprise enough." Germany spoke gently and hugged his lover.

I know it is short, but Merry Christmas! Or...Happy Holidays or whatever you all celebrate! R & R please, I will be updating a few more chapters over break while I still have the chance! Sorry for not updating!