His blue eyes glanced towards the door of his bedroom. Having just awakened from a nightmare-filled sleep, he expected to see his butler at the door with breakfast. Of course, he was disappointed. Claude never did anything, at least not unless he asked him.

What a pain. Alois couldn't help but feel unhappy at the thought. But just as quickly as the thought came, he shoved his emotions to the back of his mind, not wanting to deal with it now. Slowly he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

As if sensing his master's movement, Claude walked in with a plate full of eggs and toast, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. "Good morning, Your Highness." He said to him, his face emotionless.

"You're late." Was all Alois responded, pretending to be more interested in his bed sheets.

Claude bowed slightly. "My apologies, bocchan." He set the plate of food down in front of Alois, looking at him as he did so. He noticed Alois' tired, sleepless eyes but was too lazy to say anything.

Alois felt like his soul was being pierced by his gaze. He shifted uncomfortably. "What are you staring at?" He asked, his voice full of annoyance. His mood was sour today, although it oftentimes tended to be.

Claude smiled. "Nothing. Can I get you anything else?"

"Just leave me you stupid demon.." Claude nodded and bowed. Alois watched as he gracefully walked out of the room, his eyes staying on him until the demon was gone. He hadn't really wanted him to leave. He didn't truly want him gone, but he figured it'd be better, at least for now.

He sat for a few minutes until he was positive Claude was gone. Once he was sure, he grabbed his plate of food and tossed it into the garbage. It had only been recently that he had stopped eating, or at least he didn't eat when there was no one around. This action was a way of punishing himself, at least he thought it was. It seemed only fair. Everyone else seemed to punish him, so why shouldn't he? He still hadn't quite figured out what he was punishing himself for, but whatever the reason, he deserved it.

Out of all the things he didn't know, there was one thing that he was sure of: he was unloved. It was this knowledge that seemed to fuel his attitude. Some days he was fine, other days he'd go ballistic. Of course the reasoning for these tantrums was an indirect cry for help, a desperate plea. It didn't seem to work, though. He knew his actions probably weren't the best, but that was the only way he knew how to act.

It seemed as if the whole world was against him. All his life he had been treated like he was worthless, and he was abused. Even now he was still treated poorly, although he had a lot more things.

There was a time when his happiness existed, but not anymore. Sometimes, especially recently, the temptation to end everything was massive. Forming a contract with Claude had been the last hope he had, but even that wasn't working. The small delicate thread of hope he had was quickly breaking.

He laid down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. A crazy smile crossed his lips. "You think you're better than me, don't you." Alois said to no one in particular. He laughed. "No, I'm great too!" His lip quivered as his eyes slowly filled with tears. All of the emotions that had been suppressed exploded to the surface in huge waves. He began to sob uncontrollably. He honestly couldn't take it anymore. His fists slammed into the nearby dresser hard, causing it to shudder slightly.

Hanna poked her head in as she heard a loud noise. "Master, are you alright?" She saw he was crying.

"Yes, get out!" He screamed at her, giving her a reddened glare.

Usually Hanna pretended to be scared, and did as told, but she knew he needed her. She felt pity for him. Even though he continually abused her, she always stayed. It wasn't clear why. Maybe, she thought I find him interesting. It almost seemed like a maternal instinct for her staying, if she even knew what that felt like. "Please, tell me what's wrong."

"It doesn't matter…" His expression was cold, but his crystal blue, almost lifeless eyes were full of deep sadness.

She approached him slowly. "It matters to me."

Alois sniffed and looked at her slightly. He turned his back towards her and gazed out the window.

Hanna touched his shoulder slightly. As she was about to say something, he turned around and slapped her hard across the face, leaving a red mark. "Leave me alone!"

The slap didn't hurt. Her arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace. He buried his face in her chest and sobbed, clinging to her like a scared, lonely child. Gently she stroked his back.

Alois looked up at her pitifully. "What's wrong with me, Hanna?"

She cupped his delicate face in her hand. "There's nothing wrong with you child."

"Then why doesn't Claude like me…?"

She brushed the hair out of his eyes. "I don't know if that's true. Maybe you can ask him."

He slowly turned away from her. His frail, malnourished body shook slightly. He mumbled "Can you please leave so I can get changed?" She nodded and left, taking a last glance at him as she walked out.

Alois went to his closet and pulled out the usual outfit. It was clumsily put on. He cursed under his breath as he struggled with the buttons. Eventually he was dressed. Once ready, he composed himself and walked out of the room, as if nothing had happened.

He decided to go outside to the garden for a stroll. As he went out through the back door, he realized it was raining hard. A flash of lightning sounded loudly above his head. A smile crossed his face as a small giggle escaped his lips. His body felt exhilarated as the raindrops splashed on his skin.

Tilting his head up, he let himself become completely drenched. The previous events of the day temporarily melted as his child-like excitement got to him. There were so many forming puddles around him, he began splashing in them, laughing every time he got hit with a flood of water. It was almost euphoric.

This continued on for a while until eventually Claude came out to fetch him. "You should come inside before you get sick."

"Nope, you can't make me." He ignored him as he played around.

Claude sighed. "Must you be so stubborn?"

Alois laughed mockingly. "Gee Claude, I'm surprised you even noticed." He sat down and glared at him angrily.

Claude didn't seem bothered by his attitude. "Well yes I noticed. It's my job to notice such things." He grabbed Alois' chin gently and looked at him. "Are you mad at me?"

Alois' expression softened slightly. His voice came out as a sad purr. "Yes..because you hate me…" He looked down.

Claude's eyes lit up as he heard his voice. He gazed into his eyes softly, admiring his natural beauty. "Now what makes you think that?" In reality, he didn't really love Alois, but he wanted him to think that. It made his soul more desirable, especially considering he knew he had Alois wrapped around his finger tightly. It was almost amusing to think that Alois had such a strong desire to be loved by him, he'd even do anything to get it.

Alois didn't look at him. "Well, you're never around, and you don't seem to do things unless asked. It's just frustrating." His expression was filled with a longing: the desire to be loved by someone, but not just anyone. By Claude.

Claude took advantage of those feelings. "You think I do those things because I don't love you? I suppose it may seem that may, but it is not so. You're right, I haven't been doing what I should, and for that, I deeply apologize." He bowed. He could sense a small spark lit in Alois' soul at what he was saying. The reaction was exactly what he wanted. "Now, will you please come inside?"

Alois looked away slightly. "Okay.." Claude gently picked him up and carried him inside, Alois curling into him softly. He had a small smile on his face.

Claude spoke as he walked. "Is there a reason you haven't been eating lately?" Alois shrugged but remained silent. "Not only that, but you have cuts and bruises all over you. I can tell they're self-inflicted. You really should take better care of yourself."

"Why does it matter? I deserve it anyway."

"I don't think you do." Alois looked up at that. The damage Alois did to himself intriqued Claude, and was almost entertaining, but he prefered Alois to be in better shape when he took his soul.

Regardless of the reasoning, Alois was in some ways happy that he had noticed. It was validating as a person.

"I guess I'll just need to keep a better eye on you."

Alois smiled at that. His heart leapt a bit at the thought of his demon being around him more. But as excited as it made him, he refused to let it show too much. "Yes, you will. Maybe you'll actually do your job for once."

"My job?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, taking care of me an such."

The demon smiled slightly. "Of course, I'll do much better."

"Good, because that's an order, alright?" He looked at Claude as he said it.

"Yes, Your Highness." Claude snickered inwardly at the order. No doubt he'd follow it, at least the basics of it. Oh I'll definitely take care of you he thought as he walked Alois up to the bedroom to be changed, a small smirk on his face.