Hey guys! I haven't uploaded a story for a while, but I've had this one swimming in my noggin for a few weeks. And with college stuff getting the best of me, I realized writing really relaxes me. I don't know if anyone is going to read this story, but at least it gives me some practice and stress relief.

Without further ado, please enjoy The Galactic Knightmare, Chapter 1

Home sweet home. Where the world could fall apart around you, but you would feel absolutely safe. The place you always think of no matter how far away you get. It's a place of warmth, love, and peace. It's the place where you grow up. Where you learn. Where you live.

The dark pink star warrior was home. Everything was tinted a gray color, despite it being early afternoon. A result of all the smoke and dust from the fires, no doubt. The crumbled former castle of King Dedede, now being consumed by nature. The burnt down forest where the wise guardian Whispy Woods once shared his most perfect apples. The polluted lakes no longer filled with water, but toxic sludge that belched gas. Yes. This was his home now. What was left of it, anyways. It seemed like only yesterday he had played in the lush green fields with his animal companions and young Cappy friends. But those lush green fields now only held ghosts and guilt. The lone warrior was taking a walk along the edge of what was once Whispy Woods. Not a sound echo but the soft metallic click of his boots when they hit the dried grass. He made his way forward silently, as to not disturb the dead that were possibly buried by. He did not remember where they were buried anymore. He was sure he had purposely forgotten. The figure had his destination in mind, but his calm demeanor gave the appearance that he was in no rush to get there. It was no surprise either, seeing as these next few moments would be his last for eons. He hopped he would never see his home again after this day. It would be best for everyone if that were the case.

Every step brought him closer and closer to his final resting place, which was starting to appear above the horizon. While one might see just old crumbled stones, the old warrior saw a large and majestic castle that could fit one hundred families. Of course, what he saw in his mind was of older days. Castle Dedede had fallen decades ago. And by his own hands he reminded himself. The chaos and hell around him was his fault, and his alone. He would never forget that. The memories of happy days and far aways fought for attention amongst the killing and betrayal, and his guilty conscience would only allow himself to think of the latter. Strange. After everything that had happened. After all of his changes. He still had a heroes conscious.

But he was no hero. Not anymore.

Now standing in front of the castle gates, the warrior observed his surroundings for only a moment. A quick summary of the castle front would be complete obliteration. But a more careful eye would see the simple drawbridge had been blown in half, and the wood had started rotting long ago. The old stone fared no better, and had crumbled to gravel in large sections that danced in the humid breeze. There was a large gaping hole a few meters away from where the drawbridge barely held on, and he was almost certain it was still smoldering. Well, there were many holes throughout the castle. And despite all of them allowing him easy access into the castle, he needed to go through the main entrance. It was just a tiny bit of normality he wanted back. Any fragments he could find, he would take. The drawbridge was raised, which would be a problem for most. But the creature easily spread his beautiful yet hideous dove-like wings, and with a quick flap, drifted over the dried up moat that reeked of rot. He flew through the hole in the drawbridge, and landed without disturbing the dust on the other side. He continued on his way without stopping. He did not look back. He did not look around. His gaze was perfectly straight. The warrior was amazed that he could recall the layout of the castle so easily. Even in its destroyed state, there were still halls and stairs. He had to change his course many times when he ran into a dead-end caused by the ceiling having caved in and blocking his path. It was a small detour and cause for little annoyance.

A large chunk of the ceiling caved in where the warrior would have been in one more step. A lesser man would've cried out and stumbled back, but he did not even flinch. It was obvious to tell that the cave in was caused by the sudden tremors. Perhaps it was an earthquake. But the star warrior knew better. His guests had just arrived. Right on time. He turned around to find a new path to his destination, his old one had been blocked off just the moment before. No more excitement awaited him, and the warrior found his way to his destination. The castles courtyard looked as bleak and dead as the rest of Dreamland did. The large fountain that once stood proud was shattered, and not a drop of water gushed. He was sure the secret cavern where the once majestic Halberd rested was still holding, seeing as the ground beneath him hadn't caved in, but the primary entrance was sealed, and if there was another, he did not know it. One more difference. The entire lot was cast in a bright blue light. The warrior remained under the arches, his eyes toward the sky and the source of the light. He remembered repairing the flying vessel with his friends years ago. Happy times. The ship took its time landing in the courtyard, being careful to land on even terrain. When the engines were cut, that's when the warrior made himself known.

The doors to the mighty ship started to open, and the warrior called out. "The wormhole you opened nearly dropped the castle on my head." His first spoken words since arriving in Dreamland.

"You know the Lor Starcutter can't handle light speed. She'd get torn to bits!"

"Would I be searching for those pieces once again?" A harsh laugh was heard.

"So the great Kirby is a comedian now? Oh, that's just super!" With the ship opened up and the ramp extended, the captain floated down the ramp and was face to face with Kirby. They stared each other down for a few moments before shaking hands. They each had a friendly look on their face.

"Magolor, thank you for coming. I am in your debt." Magolor quickly raised his free hand palm down.

"I owe you so much, that this could only start making up for it." Magolor replied with a humble bow. The two separated, but their finger tips were still touching when the warrior was suddenly wrapped in a hug from soft and slender arms. Kirby did not push away or fumble. In fact, he seemed to welcome the embrace. Magolor winked at the warrior and fairy and gave a thumbs up. This sly move was witnessed by the embracer. In return, she took the mature course of action, and stuck her tongue out. Magolor hadn't changed at all. In personality or in looks. Although his cape looked like it had seen better days. Hadn't everyone...

"I haven't seen my love in so long, Magolor. I'm allowed to embrace him." The fairy replied sternly yet with humor. Magolor raised both hands in surrender. Kirby took this time to take his lovers hands in his. At this motion, Magolor backed away slightly to give them some privacy. Kirby would've given the fairy a kiss, but his mask was securely fastened and covering his face. Maybe later. For now, each was content with looking longingly into each others eyes. It seemed like she was trying not to cry. "Do you...must you really do this? Is there no other way?"

"Perhaps, but none better than this. While I am still around, the universe cannot heal from what I have caused. It will be better this way." The fairy shook her head slowly. A few stray tears had escaped, and slid down her red cheeks.

"I will grieve, but I know you are right." She choked on the last words. "I have brought what you asked for."

"Thank you, Ribbon, my love." Fairy and warrior stood in silence for a few more moments. Ribbon wasn't the same little baby pixie from so long ago, like he wasn't the baby star warrior anymore. Not only in looks, but in personality. Ribbon was perhaps a foot taller than Kirby, even though Kirby was taller than his old mentor now. To the common man, she wouldn't be described as breathtaking, but her simplicity made her more approachable. Her bright pink hair now rested in curls instead of a haphazard mess that she used to keep it in. It was still shoulder length though. Her trademark ruby-red ribbon was tied around her waist, and decorated a soft pink cotton skirt and plain white turtle neck. Ribbon had aged well, and even the wrinkles that had started to appear didn't do anything to subtract from her simple beauty. The recent bloodshed and nightmares had caused her to take a serious approach to many things, but deep down she was still always ready to have a good time with friends.

Kirby released Ribbons hands, which gave Magolor the cue he needed to approach. Nobody said anything. The trio stood in a triangle with eyes downcast. These would be their last moments together, and they all knew the first words spoken would start the countdown to the end. Without knowing it, everyone was thinking of the events that led them up to this very moment. The fun times, the hard times, the good and the bad.

"Magolor." Kirby finally started. Ribbon and the before mentioned looked to Kirby. He had pulled out a small slip of paper from his glove, and handed it over. "These are the star coordinates to the Master Crown. The information is a bit dated, but I do not know of anyone who has the same space warping capabilities as the Lor Starcutter, so the crown should still be there." Magolor took the paper, and unfolded it. He scanned the paper professionally, having read star charts and memorized dozen of patterns and locations. Ribbon took a peek at the directions, but quickly gave up. "When we have the Master Crown, the Power Crystal will cleanse it of any Dark Matter that may be remaining inside. It may have been destroyed once already, but Dark Matter is...relentless." He turned to Ribbon. "You brought it, you said?" She nodded. He sighed. "I cannot be near the Power Crystal anymore. So Ribbon, being that you are its protector, I will need you to cleanse the Master Crown, if you would." She nodded once more. "After that...It will be time."

"Actually..." Magolor started. "Ribbon and me have put together a little surprise for you. Just something...we'd thought you'd like it." Ribbon smiled weakly, but added nothing more. Kirby was about to ask more, but Magolor turned towards his ship and started up the ramp, signifying that he would say no more. "I guess we should hit the road. The Lor doesn't handle light speed well, so it'll take a few days to get to where we need to get." He stopped at the entrance, and waved the others in. Ribbon started first, and Kirby trailed. He took one more long look around, knowing he would never see his home again. The warrior then stepped inside the ship, and the door closed tight behind him. Magolor was already at the large monitor, punching in the star code. Kirby looked around, and wasn't surprised to see it was exactly the same as when he was last on board. He took a seat in one of the benches facing the bow of the Lor Starcutter, and finally gave himself a chance to relax. He lifted his mask ever so slightly to rub his old crimson eyes.

Kirby heard a soft clicking noise from behind, and could tell someone had just unclasped his mask. If it was Magolor, Kirby would've possibly thrown him overboard, but when he opened his eyes, Ribbon was kneeling in front of him, holding his mask gently in her hands.

"You used to complain about Meta Knight always wearing his mask." She smiled. "Hypocrite." Kirby returned the smile, but he didn't look into her deep pools of blue like she looked into his solid blood-red eyes. His smile faded quickly as he thought back to his old mentor. Kirby hoped he was well. All thoughts of his past melted when Ribbon leaned forward, and gave him a tender kiss on the cheek. After a few moments of silent bliss, they lovingly kissed. Perhaps if things had happened different in the past, Kirby and Ribbon could've been together. Married. Started a happy family. Nothing but wishful dreams now. They parted, but only by a few centimeters. Kirby shivered.

"Where did it all go wrong?" He whispered airlessly to himself. Ribbon silenced him with another kiss, then parted slightly.

"None of this was your fault. It was...his...fault." Kirby shook his head.

"I could have fought back. I am the strongest warrior in the galaxy. I could have won out over his influence if I had just..." Ribbon held Kirbys hands tightly in hers. She brought them up to her cheek.

"You were just a child when it happened. You had no idea what was happening." There was a long pause from Kirby. Long enough as to where Ribbon thought Kirby wasn't going to reply at all. But in a whisper that was almost silent even from this close of distant, he whispered two words.

"Thank you." Ribbons eyes flashed confusion. Kirby could read the sign. "Thank you for never giving up on me...when everyone else did." Ribbon grinned softly, gave one more kiss on the cheek, then stood. With mask still in hand, she approached Magolor and the screen, and once again tried to make sense of the crazy patterns that Magolor could read so easily. Kirby rose as well. Enough grieving. It was time to get started. "Magolor." He spoke aloud in stark contrast to his whimpering moments ago.

"Wait, something's messing up the keyboard." Magolor inspected the perfect keyboard that looked to be in working order. "Oh, wait, I just threw up on it from listening to you two. That must be it." Ribbon gave Magolor a shove.

"Magolor, I'm sure if you just called Landia and explained what happened-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Ribbon!" As Ribbon and Magolor teased each other, Kirby knew that the two were now just stalling for time. Neither of them wanted to help Kirby with his final plan, but both knew that not only was it the best possible course of action for the universe, but Kirby wanted it, and they were two of his only friends left. Almost everyone else was either missing, hated Kirby, or dead. Still, he let them goof around for a bit longer. A couple more minutes wouldn't hurt. When Magolor started mocking what Ribbon said in a whiny, high-pitched voice, Kirby stepped in.

"Friends..." His tone said it all. Ribbon swatted Magolor on the back of the head, Magolor swatted Ribbons arm, and that was the end of it.

Magolor turned back to the console, and looked down at the single flashing button like it was a scorpion. He eyed his friends. "Everyone ready?" They both declared they were ready. Magolor nodded, then activated the warp drive. The Lor Starcutter suddenly sprung to life as it hovered into the air. "While it's going through the wormhole, it'll work on autopilot, but in a few hours we'll be in the correct galaxy, and I'll have to manually pilot from there." The grand ship lurched from side to side slightly as it prepared to warp. A sudden back thrust that would've knocked an unstable man over let everyone know the ship was traveling through space. But seeing as two of the occupants floated and the other was as sturdy as a boulder, nobody was thrown. The journey had started. Kirby turned from the group, and headed for a door on the starboard side of the vessel.

"I would like to be alone for a bit. I will show myself out." Kirby planned on heading to the old training room to practice with his mighty lance. He really didn't need to, but training was his emotional release. Just as the door to the training grounds opened, Magolor spoke up.

"W-wait." Kirby caught the stutter immediately. "Kirby...bud...I've been your friend since we were both kids. Besides that one incident with the Master Crown anyways, but ever since then we've been buds. Now I'm helping you...I'm helping you with your final wish." He placed a hand on his forehead, and pushed back his hood. Magolors brown skin was shining. He was sweating. Obviously he didn't know how to continue. "And it's just...why? Not 'why am I helping you' per say. But...'why am I helping you with this?' I don't understand everything that happened." He paused to catch his breath. "...You know I wasn't there for the whole story. Just the beginning and end. One side of the story had a corrupt murderer, and the other had a wise master. But I don't know the middle part. The...the transition from Point A to Point B. I'm just-"

"Magolor." Kirby held up his hand to quiet the rambling magician. "What are you getting at?" He asked a little harsh. Magolor sighed.

"I was hoping...you could tell me what happened to you all those years ago. I've never asked before...because I knew it was a personal thing and sore subject. But seeing as how in a few days you'll be gone..." He trailed off.

"Actually," Ribbon started. "I wasn't there for the beginning or the end. Just the middle. And during then I knew many shades of you." She directed this at Kirby. "Neither of us really knows the full story though..." Kirby nodded, cutting off Ribbon. The events the transpired years and years ago had shaped the universe into what it is today. Nothing had gone right, and Kirby wished he could forget everything. But knew that wasn't going to happen. It would never happen. But for his two closest friends. Friends that were going out of their way to help him despite everything, he knew that he could relieve the memories once more. For them. Kirby nodded.

"I will tell you the full story." He replied with dim eyes. His heart was already turning and twisting in his chest, which was causing him an unbelievable headache. He felt like his horns were digging and twisting into his skull. But he was going to tell the story. They deserved it. Kirby motioned for his friends to sit in a circle. They did. It was silent all around as Kirby thought of where to start. Where was the beginning in this giant mess? He pinpointed a spot. A few days before the hell started. He opened his mouth to start the story. "But first." He said instead. Kirby turned to Ribbon, and curled his fingers toward him while looking at his mask. He wanted it back. Ribbon huffed, but handed it back nonetheless. Kirby slipped it on, feeling the cool metal relax him. Now he could tell the story.

"My story starts decades ago. In the Pupupu Village. It had been a few years since I had vanquished Nightmare with the Star Rod." Both Magolor and Ribbon shivered at the dark gods name. Kirby sighed. Here we go.

"This is the story of how I became the monster,"

"The demon beast,"

"The shadow,"

"The Galactic Knightmare."

So there it is. Chapter 1. Most chapters won't be this long, but I refused to break this chapter into two parts.

Please comment, favorite, like, follow, click, tweet, and worship if you happen to like what I spit up! (Kidding you sillies...about the last 5 anyways)