(None of these characters belong to me. This is just an AU/Crack fanfic)

Chapter 1: The Given Assignment

William looked down at the manor from the rooftop he was standing on. His partner, Ronald Knox, was by his side seeming scared at the task at hand.

"Ya sure we gonna do this, boss?" Ronald asked, looking at his supervisor with worried eyes.

William glared at his reaping partner from the corner of his eye. He simply nodded, though he didn't like the details of the case what so ever.
The older reaper's eyes looked at the cobble stone road to the manor. He followed a horse-drawn cart up the road and jumped down from the roof with ease as it disappeared behind the golden gates. Ronald followed after him shortly after only he had changed his usual suit jacket to a tail coat. William sighed, he truly didn't like being undercover, especially during the Noah's Ark Circus case. He too, quickly changed into a tail coat. Ronald stayed close to William. He didn't know why he was so scared. He usually enjoyed going on undercover assignments, but after seeing the details of the case he wasn't so sure anymore.
The sound of the knocker startled the blond reaper, causing the supervisor to give a quick glance at his subordinate. The door clicked open and the appearances of a old man drew William's attention back.

"What is your business here?" The old man asked adjusting his monocle to get a better look at the two standing before him.

"We are the new servants and wish to speak to your master about our employment." William said in a steady, calm tone like he always did.
The old man looked at them questionably for a second before stepping aside to let them in.

"Follow me." He said as he guided the pair through the twists and turns of the manor.
Ronald couldn't help but look around, awestruck by the manor. He thought it was big on the outside, turns out the inside made the outside look small in compares.
Not looking where he was going, Ronald almost stumbled straight into William as the older reaper suddenly stopped in front of a door.

"Wait here of a moment." The old butler said, before stepping into the room leaving the two alone.

Ronald stood close to William. The oxford haired reaper looked at his partner calmly. He completely understood why Ronald was acting this way. The door clicked open and the old butler stepped out and let them in. They walked in and William cringed his nose in disgust at the man would stood before them. The Earl Trancy was a large man with a long face and squinted eyes like a raven's. Despite being afraid Ronald straighten up and stood next to Will. The older reaper shivered slightly at the look the Earl was giving them, as if they were thoroughbreds being expected before a race.

"What are your names, gentlemen?" The man voice matched his appearance completely.

"I am William T. Spears and this is my coworker, Ronald Knox." William said, gesturing a hand to Ronald.

Trancy turned his attention to the blond. Ronald shivered in discomfort as he caught a hint of lust in the old man's eyes. He desperately wanted to hold onto to Will's arm, but he knew his supervisor would be disgusted with such an action.

"Well then, we have a room made up for you two in the basement." The earl said, waving his hand as if to send them away.

"Yes, of course." William said in a calm tone, bowing to earl.

Ronald quickly followed after Will as they walked down the halls and down steps. The blond was amazed at how well his supervisor could maneuver through the manor.

"I scouted the manor before we began the assignment." Will whispered to Ronald as they walked down the steps to the basement.

The young reaper froze in his place as the dungeon cells came into view. He didn't realize that his legs were shaking under him.

"Come on, Knox. Don't be scared." The blond murmured to himself as he walked past the cells.

A movement out of the corner of his eye startled him. He looked over at the cells and saw a group of young boy sitting in the corner, scared to death. Ronald's eyes widen and he ran into their room. Will shut the door behind the blond as he ran in.

"What the bloody hell is the board thinkin'?" Ronald lost it then. The boys in the cell threw him over the edge.

"Knox!" William raised his voice as he glared at his partner, "You shouldn't let your emotions get in the way of work. How many times must I tell you?"

The blond shut his mouth as he caught a glimpse of Will's gaze. His gaze... He never thought he would seen even a hint of sorrow in his boss' two tone green eyes.

"Still...they must of lost their minds if they decided to send us on this assignment." He muttered.

Ronald got no reply. He looked over and noticed Will's nose in his To-Die List. He sighed and flopped onto the bed. He slid his glasses off his face and placed them on the nightstand before falling asleep, he knew it was going to be a long month.