Hi! I finally decided to make a Naruto story :3... Just Naruto, nothing else ^.^ I hope you guys like it...

(I do not own Naruto or Omegle)

(Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, english is not my mother tongue)

In Love With The Screen

Chapter 1: Hello Stranger

~ Flashback ~

"Hey, Sasuke! Do you know Omegle?" Suigetsu asked me all excited. Oh, great... Another one of his discoveries on the internet.

"No, Suigetsu... I don't know what Omegle is..." I told him in a bored tone. I really wanted him to leave... It was the first time in these three years in high school that Karin was absent, I wanted some peace for my mind, dammit!

"Well, you have no idea what you are missing! It's awesome! You can either chat through messages with strangers or talk to them through camera!" he said - no - yelled.

"And why would I want to talk with a stranger?" I asked him with the same tone. He smirked.

"Hehe... Well, that's the point. Most girls over there show you theirs boobs, meaning you can have great camera sex with some hot bitches." he said. Ok, now I knew this was just bullshit. Not that I'm gay or something, I just detest girls.

"Hn..." was my answer. He stared at me.

"Dude, are you gay?" he asked me all of a sudden. My eyes went wide.

"The hell with that question?!" I asked him. He looked away.

"Well... You know... Rumors... I mean, come on! You hate girls, you never watch porn and you've never tried to have a relationship with a girl, even though you are constantly surounded by them!" he said. Well, he did have a point, but he can't just say, as if it's nothing, that Uchiha Sasuke is gay!

"Tche..." was all I did. No need to get angry, it's just normal rumors between some jelous boys.

~ End of Flashback ~

"Uhh... I'm so bored... Maybe that site really is something. Wait, no... It's something Suigetsu likes, so no... it's just bullshit... But hell! I'm so bored! Uh... Ok, I'll give it a try... I might found someone interesting enough to chat with... pfft... yeah, right..." I muttered and opened my laptop. I wrote on google "Omegle" and it showed me the site. I clicked on it and the page appeared.

What are you into?

"Hn... It's pretty obvious this site it's just for camera or chat sex..." I muttered. Then I thought about it for a while. Then I decided to write something stupid to have fun.


"...I hate ramen... Anyway..." I muttered and pressed "Video". I waited for a bit and then I could see myself down on the right side of the screen. Above there was supposed to be the other, but it was black. Before I even had the time to curse the camera opened and showed a man mastrubating. I quickly clicked on "disconect" and "new" .

"What the hell is this site, Suigetsu?" I muttered as I waited for the next one. Then a blond girl appeared. Not bad... And so, the chat started.

Stranger: Heey! You are sooo cute! :3 she wrote. What the hell?

You: Umm... Thanks? You are cute too... I wrote... Am I a liar? No, she was ok... could be considered cute.

Stranger: Really? Thank you! What's your name sweetie? ... Ok, too much?

You: Sasuke... Yours?

Stranger: I'm Susan, baby ;) ... Oh, fuck... I knew where this was going.

You: What are you into? I asked her. I couldn't think of something else.

Stranger: You don't know about Ramen?! she wrote and her eyes widened. Huh?

You: About... Ramen? You mean the food?

Stranger: No, silly! I'm talking about that famous guy on YouTube! His nickname is Ramen and in his last video said he uses omegle, so all of his fans now write "ramen" as what they are into in order to find him! she wrote and I could see how excited she was. Ok, how much of an idiot was she?
You: Ok... And how does this guy look like? Just to be sure in case I see him.

Stranger: Well, he is blonde with blue eyes, very very very very very very very cute and has three lines on each cheek that look like whiskers she wrote. Note to disconect this guy immidiatelly...

You: Ok, bye I wrote and disconected. I pressed new and then an other girl appeared with brown hair.

Stranger: Hey hottie ;)

You: Hey

Stranger: What are you into, sexy?

You:... Ramen? ... that's what I had wrote. The girl's eyes widened. What the...

Stranger: Are you gay?

You: Huuuh?

Stranger: Oh, sorry, I was surprised at a moment because Ramen is the nickname of an other hottie from YouTube that uses Omegle... Actually, I'm looking for him 3

You: Ok

-Disconenct- -New-

Stranger: Hiii!

You: Hey

Stranger: How come you are interested in Ramen? Are you gay? xD

-Disconenct- -New-

Stranger: Heyy! Have you seen Ramen? Is he in right now?


What the hell!? Why do everyone talk about that Ramen guy!? Dammit!

-Change Interests: toads!

Definitelly, no one will look for Ramen there!

Stranger: Heyy! Wait a sec, my cam is disconected, be right back!

Hn... Seems like I've finally found a more normal person to talk to.

Stranger: Done!

You: Ok...

Then the camera showed him... I froze in my seat. He was so beautiful! Wait... did I just say a guy beautiful? Well... he deserved it! He was blonde, with deep blue eyes and... three... lines... like whiskers... on each... cheek...

You: Please, don't tell me

Stranger: Whaaat? :D :D :D

You: Are you...?

Stranger: Do you recognise me? :D

You: Let me guess... Ramen? -.- At this point I saw his huge smile fade away. His pouting face was... cute...

Stranger: Why do you make such a face? :(

You: Nothing personal, actually I've never seen you on YouTube, neither did I know you... It's just that your fans are searching for you here... and they told me... -.-

Stranger: Whaaat? Really? Hahahaha xD Looks like they pissed you off!

You: More than you can imagine ... Hey, this guy wasn't that bad...

Stranger: Anyway, what are you into?

You: Nothing really... I was just bored and my friend told me about this site...

Stranger: So you came to see boobs? xD

You: -.-

Stranger: Ok, ok... Don't get mad, your angry face is scary :P he said. Huh? Oh, yeah, he could see my face too

You: Well, what are you into?

Stranger: Toads :3

You: ...

You: Toads?

Stranger: Yeah! They are so cute and small and cute and pretty and funny! :D Ok, he was stupid.

You: Ok...

Stranger: What? Even though you've also put that you like toads...

You: It's because I wanted to make sure I didn't see any of your fans again!

Stranger: xD lol, you are a funny guy, ehhmm... your name?

You: Sasuke...

Stranger: Cool! I like it!

You: What about you? I don't think that Ramen is your real name...

Stranger: Haha, no it's not... but I can't tell... It's a secret! he said and brought his pointing finger in his mouth to show me he can't say it.

You: Ok...

Stranger: Hey, hey, it's the first time I talk with someone on Omegle so much! I like you!

You: Really? Ok... umm... Thanks?

Stranger: :P Don't worry, I'm not gay xD But I would like to get to know you more... Do you have skype? Omegle is uncomfortable...

You: Uhh... sure, it's Sasuke109.U

Stranger: Ok, wait a bit...

After that I had to wait for one minute. Had I really done this? I mean, I just let a stranger add me on skype... A stupid one...

Stranger: Ok, I added you, accept me and talk to me there! :D

You: Ok... ok I accepted you

Stranger: Ok, bye from here!

And then he disconencted. Not five seconds later I had a message on skype

Naru-Ramen: Heeeyyy! Missed me? :3

Sharingan Sasuke: Not really...

Naru-Ramen: :(

Sharingan Sasuke: ...

Naru-Ramen: :'(

Sharingan Sasuke: -.-

Naru-Ramen: You are mean :c

Sharingan Sasuke: I know... A lot of people say that...

Naru-Ramen: Camera!

Sharingan Sasuke: Uhh... Ok, ok...

For some unexplainable reason I couldn't say no to him... What was happening?The camera opened and I saw him. He really was like an angel... Even though he was a stupid angel...

"Hiiiii!" he screamed. My eyes widened.

"That's... a loud voice..." I muttered.

"That's a low voice... But still very sexy, hehe." he said. Huh?

"Are you really straight? Because I start to doubt about it..." I commented. That pissed him off.

"Huuuhh? Of course I'm straight, bastard! As straight as a line!" he yelled. Uhh... stop being so loud!

"NARUTOOO! STOP SCREAMING TO NO ONE!" a woman's voice was heard. Wait a...

"MOOM! I'M TALKING TO SKYPE WITH A FRIEND OF MINE!" he screamed back. Were they the Screaming Family?

"I DON'T CARE! STOP SHOUTING!" she screamed.

"HOW ABOUT YOU BOTH SHUT UP!?" a man's voice was heard now... probably his father.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, MINATO?!" the woman said again.

"WAIT, NO... KUSHINA! AAAHHHHH!" he screamed and then the door in Rame- Naruto's room bursted open and a blond guy came in with a red haired woman chasing him with a kitchen knife. What. The. Hell.

"MOM! DAD! I'm talking on skype! Get out, he can see you!" Naruto screamed. His mother then looked at me- the screen.

"Oh, hey there! Sorry for what you had to see, it's pretty normal here- WAIT, COME BACK, MINATOOOOOOO!" she screamed and chased the man, who had found the chance to leave.

"Hehe... Sorry about that..." Naruto said scratching his neck.

"Don't worry... Naruto." I told him and looked at him. It took him a while.

"Ah!" was all he did.

"You are revealed..." I said with a smirk on my lips.

"Please, please, please, please don't tell anyone!" he pleaded me. I rolled my eyes.

"Why would I? If your fans hadn't been talking about you all the time I wouldn't even know you right now..." I told him.

"Ohh! Thank you sooo much!" he said. He voice when he talked normaly was also very beautiful. What's wrong with me.

"Anyway, I think I might be going..." I said. His eyes became sad.

"Nooo... stay?" he asked me and made a cute face.

"I'm not a girl, you know?" I told him. He pouted.

"It always works with Kiba..." he muttered.

"Maybe that Kiba guy is gay?" I told him. His eyes widened.

"Hell, no! This guy is even straighter than straight! He's always trying to find girls to sleep with. He once happened to see a gay couple in the street holding hands and he threw up... Just because they were holding hands!" he said. How the hell can he talk so fast?!

"Maybe you are an exception." I said smirking.

"Haha, very funny." he said sarcastically.

"Anyway, I gotta go." I told him and was about to close it when suddenly...

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO! DON'T LEAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" he screamed as loud as he could.

"OK! OK! STOP SCREAMING!" I ...screamed at him. He laughed.

"You screamed too." he said.

"You made me do it..." I told him. He laughed again. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door.

"Sasuke, what's going on here?" my brother asked me when he opened the door. Thank God the desk was against the wall the door also was and Naruto couldn't see him.

"Nothing... I'm just... Talking with a friend..." I told him. He nodded his head.

"Ok, dad told me to let you know that in one hour, when he returns from work, we'll go see some old friends of mom's and his. So, be prepared. They also have a son in your age, so it won't be a problem for you." he told me and left. Fuck, what now? I've already received enough stupidity from Naruto, I don't need more.

"Hey, Sas'ke... I was thinking... Even though we just met and... we don't know each other, I feel like I know you..." Naruto said, making me come back to reality.

"Huh? ... Yeah, that's true... It feels like we already know each other a lot..." I agreed. He smiled.

"I like it! I feel like we can become great friends!" he said happily. I smiled.

"Yeah, we may as well become. Anyway, I have to get ready, we'll talk an other time." I told him.

"Ok! See ya!" he said smiling.

"Bye." I told him and closed the conversation. Then I closed the laptop and went to my wardrobe.

"Now... what should I wear..." I muttered. I picked some black skinny jeans and a white T-Shirt with a little black on it.

When an hour passed my dad came and he quickly got dressed. Itachi, mom and me were waiting for him in the car.

"Ohhh... It's been so long since we last saw them! We grew up in the same village and your father was the other man's best friend and the woman was my best friend and now we ended up with kids at the same age, but still haven't meet each other. It's because they moved so far away! Itachi, you have met them, right?" my mom said. She talked way too much today.

"Yeah, I remember them a little." he said. Really? Suddenly the driver's door opened and my dad came in.

"Ok, let's go." he said. Was that excitment I could hear?

My dad was driving for an hour and we were still not there.

"It's closer by the train, right?" my mom asked my dad.

"Yeah, it's only half an hour with the train and their house is very close to the station, so if Sasuke ends up liking hanging out with their son he can go to their house whenever he wants." my dad said. Oh, yeah, sure... That's exactly what I would do...

"Don't look so happy, Sasuke..." Itachi said and earned a punch in his ribs.

"Ouch..." he said and hit my head.

"Hey, hey, stop it you two! I don't want my best friend to see you with bruises!" mom said. We nodded and stopped. Five minutes later my dad stopped.

"This is it." dad said.

"It hasn't changed a lot." mom commented and we got out. We went to their door and my dad knocked it gently.

"Comiiing!" a woman's voice was heard. Wait a second...

When the door opened my eyes went wide and I froze... This woman was...

"Mikoto! Fugaku!" she said and hugged them both.

"Kushina! Oh, it's been so long!" mom said. Wait, wait, wait!

"Fugaku! It's been so long!" a man's voice was heard.

"Minato!" my dad said and greeted him.

"What's wrong, Sasuke?" Itachi asked me. How was that possible?

"Come in!" Kushina said. We went inside, though I was actually dragged by Itachi.

"Umm... These are my sons, Itachi and... Sasuke..." my mom said. Itachi greeted them and I was still wide eyed.

"Hey, aren't you that kid my son was talking to on Skype before? Oh my God, what a coincidence!" Kushina said happy.

"Ye-yeah..." I finally said.

"Wait, you know their son, Sasuke?" my dad asked me.

"Yeah... actually, we met today... on the internet..." I said.

"Oh, so this is why you are like that! Haha, see, Sasuke? The world is so small!" my mom told me. Yeah, definitelly... I went on a site for the first time, met an idol's fans and learned about him, then found him on the same site, then I talked to him on Skype and now it turned out that he is my parent's best friends' son... Yup, a very small world.

"Naruto! Come down! I have a surprise for you!" Kushina said loudly at the start of the ladder. So that's why they screamed. Big house.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" he said and I heard footsteps. His voice was a bit different in reality.

"Hello! I'm Naruto! It's nice to meet you!" he said when he came down. I was behind everyone, so he didn't see me.

"So, you are our son's friend! Haha, I still can't believe it!" my mom said. You can't imagine how much I agree with you mom.

"Huh? Your son's friend?" he said. Hn. Time to make my entrance.

"Yo..." I said and stepped forward.

"SASUKE?!" he yelled.

"Stop screaming, Naruto!" his mother yelled at him and hit him on his head. Still, as hot headed as before.


"Ok, ok... We'll talk about that later..." I told him. Well, actually I was just like him.

"Then why don't you go to Naruto's bedroom?" Kushina said. We nodded and went to his room. I sat on his bad and he closed the door. Then took his chair and sat in front of me. We stared at each other for a while when we finally said at the same time:

"How the hell did this happen?"

"Don't ask me..." Naruto said. He was cuter in reality.

"Are you kidding me?! This is insane!" I said.

"It's still true... Anyway, you are cooler in reality! And... taller..." he said and pouted. I chuckled.

"So...?" I said.

"Come one, look at me! I'm so short! I don't like it!" he whined.

"Ok, don't cry..." I told him. He glared me.

"You know... You are a bastard..." he said.

"I know... everyone tells me so. You are not the first one." I told him. He just stared at me. Damn, I was actually enjoying this.

"Ok, soo... what should we do now?" he asked. I thought about it.

"Do you have any video games?" I asked him. He smirked.

"Absolutelly!" he said and went over to his console.

After half an hour of arguing about which game will we play, we finally decided to let the fate decide. Naruto put all of the games in front of him without watchig - me helping- closed his eyes and picked one.

"You are kidding me, right?" he said.

"No way..." I said.

"Then let's play GTA!" he said.

"NO!" I told him. He pouted.

"You know this doesn't work with me." I told him and grabbed the game to put it away.

"Then, I guess the only way is by force." he said.

"Huh?" when I turned I saw Naruto pushing me down screaming "ATTAAAAAACK!", though he hadn't stepped right, ending up... CHUUUUU~~~~~

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" I yelled and pushed him.

"I-I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I'm really sorry! You believe me right!?" he said worried.

"Y-yeah, I believe you... I saw you!" I told him. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Boys? Are you ok?" his mother said.

"Yeah, mom! I just started tickling him!" Naruto said with a chirfull voice.

"Nice one..." I told him. He grinned. Then smirked.

"Don't even think of it." I told him.

"I've already thought of it. I even said it to my mom as an excuse, but lies are not good!" he said and attacked me again, pushing me to the ground and starting tickling me.

"Ahhh! Stop it! Stop it! Sto-Ahahahaha! Stop it! Naruto!" I yelled, but he didn't stop. With all my strength I pushed and started tickling him instead. He was laughing as if it was the last time he could laugh, not resisting much.

"Damn, I'm tired!" I said and sat back.

"Aahahahaha, that was fun!" he said and sat too. We stayed there and stared at each other. Damn, I could fall in love with him if I stared too long... but I did it anyways, I stared... Even though I knew what would happen in the end. I kept on staring. Without realising it we both started getting closer to one another, until our lips were inches away.

"We... shouldn't..." he whishpered and our lips touched a bit.

"I know..." I told him and pressed my lips on his. We started kissing passionately and I really couldn't stop! I wanted more! More! More! I licked his lip, begging for entrance and he gladly let me in. Our tongues battled for domination, until mine had finally won. I started searching his mouth, licking every possible place. He then put his tongue into my mouth trying to do the same, but it felt like he was very tired. Then it came at me. I parted our lips, a string of saliva conecting us. We panted as if we had been running for hours.

"Sorry... " I told him. He kissed me again... And again... And again...

"It's ok, I like it... even if I was about to die from loss of oxygen..." he said chuckling. He had put his hand around my neck and his chest was touching on mine. Damn... His blushing, erotic face was so hot! I wanted to eat him! We kissed again and then parted. Ok, we had to stop.

"What the hell... we met only two hours ago and we made out..." I said. He looked at the ground.

"Maybe I'm not that straight anymore..." Naruto said. I looked at him, but he wouldn't look up.

"I guess the same goes for me." I said and looked down as well.

"Sasuke..." he muttered. I looked up and stared into his eyes. He came into my hands and held me tightly.

"A-are you sure about this, Naruto?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Can... C-Can we start going out, Sasuke?" he asked me. My eyes widened.

"O-ok... I guess there's no problem..." I told him. He looked up and kissed me. After a while, I agreed to play GTA with him.

So, this is it guys! I can let it be like that or add one or two more chapters to reach the... ahem-se *cough*x- ... I leave it on you! Please review and let me know... though... Now that I think about it, I will probably add one or two chapters... Anyway! Thanks for reading it, please tell me what you think and see you next time!