'Gisborne, forget her, she does not love you!' The Sheriff is becoming irate with Guy's passion for Marian.

Even though he was angry at her for choosing his enemy and betraying him to Hood every second she was trusted in the castle, and even now that she had let Hood all over her... Causing her to become pregnant... He still loved her, even more now. He still believed that she loved him. Maybe not in the same way that he loved her but he could ad would change that. If... If... he could ruin her life, she'd soon come back to him... Yes! But how could he ruin it? Take away something she loves dearly... Yes! That's it...

'I need to kill Hood' Gisborne mumbles to himself aloud.

'What? Are you muttering to yourself again? Deary me Gizzy, how many times have I told you about mumbling?' Vaisey shakes his head and walks away.

'Nothing, I wasn't mumbling' Guy scowls at the Sheriff. 'I need to kill Hood, that way Marian will come crawling back' He announces loud enough for the Sheriff to hear.

The Sheriff doesn't look up from his money and raises his eyebrows showing that he was listening. 'A clue... No'

'But my Lord? I will be getting what I want, and you'll be rid of Hood, that's was you want isn't it?'

'Yes, in good time! Gisborne, listen' The Sheriff stands and walks towards his Master at Arms and stands behind him, he rests his hands o his shoulders

'I am'. Guy tenses.

'Well, I have a plan' The sheriff starts grinning evilly, 'I am going to put him a quarantine over the village of Nettlestone and this means that barricades will go up, yes? Are you still following?'

'Yes, but what will be the excuse for the quarantine?' Guy questions the shire.

The Sheriff's eyes glisten with power and cruelty. 'Pestilence, we'll announce that the pestilence has came to the village and that means no one will go in or out. I've hired a man of potions called Loren to slip a poison called 'Red Dwarf' into there food or water as he will coincidently get stuck inside the barricades. Meaning that Hood's heart will bleed terribly, causing him to obviously go and try to save the pathetic parasites and Loren will poison Hood. Hood dies along with the affected peasants. Sorted' The Sheriff sneers and walks away back to his large wooden desk.

Guy frowns and nods. 'But how does this draw out Marian to me?' He questions carefully.

'Gisborne! Is all you think about that darn woman?' Rage fills his voice but he calms himself. 'Hood will die, Marian has no one to turn to since her shrivel of a father is long gone, so she will come back to you. But I don't want to see or hear from her, got it?'

Gisborne grunts but nods in approval. 'Good, make it quick.'

Marian is sharpening arrows on her bunk and glances at Robin, he is lying on the bed sleeping.

She watches his chest rise and fall in a rhythmic pattern and a tear rolls down her cheek.

'I love you', she whispers silently.

Much stands up, 'What was that Marian? You said something?''

Marian jumps and leaves her trance. 'Me? Uh, nothing, I was wondering how he was?' She recovered herself and her gaze fell onto her husband again.

He turns to look at Robin and then back to her, 'Go see him, wake him gently'. He shrugs.

Marian hesitates and sighs. She might as well...

She walks over to his bed and slumps onto the floor next to him. She looks at his hand that is lying over the side of the bed, palm open and soft.

She takes her own finger and gently strokes her finger tip across his palm. 'Robin? Are you awake?' She whispers tenuously.

The light creeps in through the cracks in the handmade roof and illuminates Robin's face. His lips tender and soft as she watched them move slowly and then she heard him murmur.


A smiles of relief spread across his wife's face and she wiped away a tear that had stained her cheek.

'Robin!' She whispered loudly but faintly.

'I'm sorry' She heard him mumble again, his eyes still shut.

Marian frowns and wipes her face for a second time. 'What for? And please open your eyes, I don't feel very comfortable talking to you when their closed...'

'For everything, for leaving you countless of times, for storming off and getting myself injured like this. For leaving you at the alter to meet Gisborne...' Marian cuts him off.

'Shh, Robin don't' She whispers and places her finger onto his lips to stop him but he turns his head away and opens his eyes for the first time. His eyes well with tears and a hand moves towards her cheek and he cups it. His finger caresses her cheek bone.

'I'm sorry for not being there when Gisborne stabbed you and left you for dead. I could of... could of... stopped him!'

'Robin please stop'

'And most of all I'm sorry for leaving you and going to the Holy Land. You're right, I did want glory'

Marian is crying and she lays her head onto his.

'Stop. Robin, I've only ever wanted you safe'

'I love you Marian' He looks up at her and into her teary eyes.

'I love you two Robin' And she looks down into his...