A few years later, my mother passed away leaving Peeta and I to run the kingdom. We had two children, a boy and a girl. The boy had Peeta's blonde curls and my gray eyes. We named him John, after Peeta's father. The girl had my dark, brown hair, and Peeta's bright, blue eyes. We named her Annie after one of my childhood best friends. She still came around a lot to see the kids and us. We haven't heard from Gale in quite a while, but the last time I heard from him, he was getting hitched.
We've been through a lot together, but Peeta understood me in a different way that I guess Gale never could. I'll always love Gale in a big brother way, but never in the way that he loves me. My heart belongs to Peeta, and it's been that way all along. I've just haven't realized what I was missing until I found him.
We sit now on the beach, the waves coming up and greeting us as they always did. The kids played in the water, as we sat on the shore our hands intertwined. They never knew what happened to my father, and I guess I'll have to tell them one day, but surely not anytime soon. The nightmares still come from that, even though it has been years. My mother died when Annie was born, but John was able to meet her seeing as he was two years older than Annie. Peeta still whispers to me that 'It's alright' when the nightmares come, and I know it will be. We have each other and our two wonderful kids. As I look up at him now, I noticed there was a dark tint in his eyes. It might have been hope, because I know that he always has hope for the future.
He catched me looking at him and smiled, "Are you alright kitten?" I smile and nod. We watched the sunset and the kids come up back towards us telling us they're ready to go home. As we walked home, I realized that everything has turned out okay for us and that we got our Happily Ever After

~Author's Note~
I didn't feel right leaving the book off on their wedding day so I decided it to end it with their happily ever after. I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm working on two other stories now and I hope you guys will check those out too. Thanks again, for being amazing fans throughout this time. I'll see you guys soon.