Hey guys! So, I am back with a new chapter after close to a year, I'm guessing and I am so so sorry for taking so long to update. I wasn't sure where to go with the story next, but then today I've been stuck inside because of Winter Storm Jonas and had the time to think what I wanted to add.

Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter :) I actually loved writing this and it felt awesome to get back to this fanfic, so hopefully from now on I'll update more regularly!

The next week passed by quickly and when the time came for Klaus to leave, he found himself reluctant to do so.

After all, he was getting along with Caroline famously and if he was being quite honest, he didn't want to return to his lonely home. Though the two spent most of their time in comfortable silence, it made him feel good.

Also, the blonde was turning out to be a wonderful roommate and he couldn't help but compare her to his fiancée. Though Klaus had no wish to marry the controlling brunette, he had to think long and hard about the consequences his breaking the engagement would have on his family.

Though he wanted to throw caution to the wind, he couldn't simply forsake his family and do as he pleased…

With a sigh, he went into the kitchen and reached for the glass of fresh, homemade juice.

"You look upset," Caroline said, reaching for her own glass. "Are you really going to miss our late night movie watching?"

"As a matter of fact, I am… But I have something entirely different on my mind." He confessed as he ran his fingers through his dirty blonde curls.

"What's that?" She wondered, the curiosity evident in her voice. "If you don't mind my asking, of course." She added as an afterthought, not wanting to come off as nosy.

"I don't mind," he reassured her. "And I'm just thinking about my engagement to Tatia." He sighed as he took another sip from the glass.

"Are the wedding plans starting to get to you?" She questioned as she went over to the pantry and took out a jar of peanut butter before going over to where the bread was located.

Though Caroline did not want to know how the wedding plans were going, she realized that his wedding Tatia was inevitable. After all, she had his ring on her finger…

"I don't want to marry her." He admitted as he shook his head. "I just don't see myself having a life with her." He added.

"Why do you say that? I mean from what I know, Tatia is controlling and bossy, but I'm sure the two of you can come to an understanding."

"You don't understand just how controlling and bossy she is." He responded. "Tatia thinks that I will do whatever she wants me to because of what her family did for my family, but the truth of the matter is that I can't stand the sight of her any longer. And marry her? How in the bloody hell can I do that knowing that it will be for naught?"

"Klaus, if you're willing to try and save the relationship that you have with her, you should do that."

"I don't want it to continue, though. Tatia is too much for me- she's all about appearances and money and though that was me a couple of months ago, I've changed."

"How so?" She wondered, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "I mean, don't get me wrong… I like the way you are now in days, but eventually you will become the man that you were all those months ago."

"I won't," he denied. "I've changed and I like who I am more today than ever before." He reassured, a crease appearing between his eyebrows.

"That's good," she smiled as she took ahold of his hand and gave him a gentle squeeze.

Smiling at her, he squeezed back and they nodded at one another, their eyes locking.

Getting back to the task at hand, Caroline made them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and they both ate the sandwiches happily.

Afterwards, Klaus sighed before he stood up just as he heard Kol and Bonnie unlocking the door.

"Our perfect week has come to an end." He told the blonde and with a sigh, she nodded as they moved in the direction of the foyer.

As they got to the foyer, Kol and Bonnie entered with their lips locked and both Klaus and Caroline groaned.

"Get a room!" Caroline called out and Klaus chuckled in agreement as he watched- albeit hesitantly- as his brother sucked face with Caroline's best friend.

Pulling away from one another reluctantly, both Kol and Bonnie looked over at the duo in front of them with large smiles on their faces.

Just as Caroline was going to ask what it is that had them smiling so big, she spotted the sparkling diamond on her best friend's ring finger as well as a band- a wedding band!

"You didn't," Caroline said aloud as she grabbed Bonnie's hand and looked over at Kol's who was indeed wearing a wedding band as well.

"We got married on vacation." Bonnie quipped and immediately Caroline hugged her best friend tightly.

"Congratulations!" She cried out as the two women did a little dance together.

When Klaus did not emphasize his congratulations, the trio looked over at him with confusion in their different colored eyes.

"Aren't you happy that I have finally decided to settle down, big brother?" Kol questioned as he threw his arm around Bonnie's shoulder and pulled her closely to his side.

"I-" Klaus started, unable to continue because of the shock that he was currently feeling. After all, he knew that Kol was impulsive, but getting married was a big commitment…

"How about you two make yourselves comfortable and I'll try and drill some sense into this one," she offered as she motioned in Klaus's direction.

"Fine," they shrugged as they stumbled into the living room with their arms wrapped around one another.

"Klaus, come to my room." She said as she took ahold of his hand and began pulling him down the corridor.

Once they were in her bedroom, Klaus took a seat at the edge of her bed and shook his head in confusion.

"Klaus, are you not happy for your brother? He has found somebody that he wants to spend the rest of his life with and you stay silent?"

"Caroline, it's just I know my younger brother and he changes his mind continuously no matter how hard he tries not too. He's married to your best friend for crying out loud and I can't help but fear that as soon as their honeymoon phase subsides, they will understand what a mistake they made…"

"Klaus, your brother may change his mind like a person changes a pair of socks, but Bonnie would have never agreed to marry him if she didn't know for certain that their relationship would work out."

"I just don't want either of them to feel as if they are pressured to remain married if it isn't working. I mean, look at Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom… They got married like two weeks after they met or something like that and though they had some grand love according to E! News, it still didn't work out."

"Oh my god," she said aloud as she stared at him with surprise in her bright blue eyes.

"What?" He asked, the confusion evident in his voice.

"It's just I would have never taken you as a fan of the Kardashians, but here you are- in the flesh."

"I'm not a fan of the Kardashians per se, but they always appear on the covers of all those major magazines- call me curious." He shrugged.

"Uh huh, sure." She said sarcastically with a shake of her head. "So, who's your favorite Kardashian? Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, Kendall, or Kylie?"

"Well technically the last two are Jenner's if we're being picky, but I think Kendall is probably the most humble of the lot."

"Model by day, tomboy by night." She said as a smile appeared on her lips. "But I happen to like Kendall more than the others as well."

Nodding, he sighed as he ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.

"I'm just afraid that Kol will regret getting married and may grow to resent Bonnie."

"Klaus," she started as she took his hand in her own and smiled at him reassuringly. "When Kol and Bonnie met, I'm certain that it was love at first sight. Kol may be younger than you and less mature, but I honestly believe that they did the right thing. It shows me that they want to be together for a lifetime and that's really all anybody wants nowadays, isn't it? So many couples are getting divorced, but I can tell you right now that I know that Katherine and Elijah as well as Bonnie and Kol will live long and prosperous lives together. And really, that's the most important thing."

"But what if it doesn't work, Caroline?" He asked again as he put his face in his hands.

"It will," she reassured as she gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Now, can you please go out there and give them your congratulations?"

"I guess," he sighed as he stood up.

Following Klaus out into the living room, they both groaned as Bonnie straddled her now-husband and quickly the newlyweds separated. A blush appeared on Bonnie's cheeks and Kol laughed aloud as he ran his finger up his wife's leg.

"We were literally down the hall." Caroline told them matter-of-factly and they all began laughing.

When they were able to get their laughter under control, Klaus made his way over to his younger brother and gave him a hand before he embraced him.

"Congratulations, Kol." He said and the brothers smiled at one another.

Then Klaus embraced his new sister-in-law before he gave her his biggest smile.

"If my brother ever does something wrong, you know who to call, right? I'll happily put him in place if necessary."

"Thank you," she laughed. "But I'm thinking I'll be able to put Kol in his place myself. After all, he loves me immensely. Isn't that right, darling hubby?"

"Well…" He started before she gave him a little slap on the wrist. "Of course I do," he winked as he reached for her, but she danced out of his way and made her way over to Caroline's side.

"How are my godchildren doing in there?" Bonnie questioned as she put her hand on the blonde's belly.

"They're doing great," she assured as she met Klaus's eyes which were filled with happiness.

"And how has your week as roommates been thus far?" Kol asked though it seemed like he wasn't all that interested to know.

"It has been wonderful," Caroline said and Klaus nodded in agreement.

"So, are there any photos from your wedding ceremony that you're willing to share?" Caroline questioned just as Bonnie took out her cellphone.

"As a matter of fact, there are." Bonnie smiled as she patted the seat beside her.

Taking a seat, Caroline smiled as she saw Bonnie's screensaver. It was of Bonnie and Kol exchanging wedding bands and the blonde couldn't help but feel tears coming to her eyes.

"Are you alright?" Klaus asked, the worry evident in his voice as he sat down beside her.

"Eve-everything is fine… It's just- Bonnie and Kol look so happy and that makes me so happy."

"We do, don't we?" Kol said as he looked over at Bonnie with light in his chocolate brown eyes.

Sighing dreamily, Caroline nodded as she rested her chin on her hand.

"I know for certain that in the future you will find a man to share your life with and find a love like the one Kol and me share." Bonnie told her. "As a matter of fact, he may be sitting in the room."

"What?" Both Klaus and Caroline said in unison as they looked at one another with confusion in their eyes.

Smiling at them, Bonnie looked from one to the other before she shrugged.

"I'm just saying," she assured. "And my feelings always come true. It's just a matter of time until you both realize you belong with one another."

"Bonnie," Caroline said.

"It is bound to happen. Now, it is up to you both."

There you have it! So, Kol and Bonnie went on vacation and got married! And though it seems quick, I can assure you that though they will have some difficulties, at the end of the day they'll be truly happy and in love with one another. Also, the ever wise Bonnie knows that at the end of, Klaus and Caroline will be together with their babies. And yeah, I mentioned Khloe and Lamar because it came to mind, lmao. Also, I like Kendall most hence the reason for their agreement on which Kardashian sister is the least like the others!

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~Hana :p