The galaxy is at a crossroads. The Galactic Republic has become stagnant and corrupt, and the Jedi—guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy—are dwindling in number.

Pirates, encouraged by this state of turmoil, pillage Republic ports in the Outer Rim. In an attempt to end the raids, the Senate has allowed the creation of a NAVY OF THE REPUBLIC.

And, unbeknownst to all, an evil Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, is manipulating everything in a sinister plot to destroy the Jedi and control the galaxy . . . .

Prologue: Machinations of a Would-Be Emperor

The night sky of Coruscant was as devoid of stars as any big city, though there were no cities quite like this one. An ecumenopolis covered every centimeter of the world's surface, all buildings and platforms and walkways. Many of its glittering, durasteel towers stretched over two kilometers from the ground, like knives striving to pierce the sky. In the northern hemisphere, about midway to the pole, lay the Capitol District, which housed the five-spired Jedi Temple, among other things, including the sprawling Galactic Senate and its agencies.

The office of the senior Naboo senator was spare but opulent. An aging, graying man sat by the panoramic window, contemplating the twilit sky that somehow passed for night. His pale, lined face was turned upwards, though his gray eyes gazed without seeing, his mind lost in whirlpool of thoughts, tremors, and visions. The currents of the Force swept around him, bringing him images and feelings of times and places far off. He effortlessly worked his way through them, arranging and organizing events until he found the futures he sought. Once again, his plans began to unfold, but they would do so as he planned this time. He had been plotting, maneuvering, blackmailing, and killing for too long to fail again. His plot would succeed this time; he had a contingency plan for everything. He had worked his way through every scenario, assuring success for every possible failure.

The man settled back into his oversized chair, continuing to gaze up at the sky as his thoughts drifted over to what had gone wrong last time, the events he never saw coming. Seven years ago, he had put in motion his plan to seize control of the galaxy. The blockade of Naboo had occurred on schedule, the Jedi had arrived exactly as he knew they would, and then it was over. Simple as that, the blockade had ended. A technical glitch had caused the droidekas to get caught in their berths, unable to defend the bridge as summoned. This had given Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn the time he needed to cut through the blast door, into the command bridge. Jinn and his apprentice had easily overpowered the Neimoidians, including that idiot Trade Federation Viceroy, Nute Gunray. In a matter of minutes, that glitch had spaced years of planning. The man had enjoyed some small satisfaction in the end by executing Gunray for his failure. He'd chosen wiser, braver men this time, his own apprentice among them.

The aging man turned to his lean apprentice, who stood shrouded in the shadows of the darkened office. His apprentice's red-and-black-tattooed head stayed hidden beneath his hood. So many shadows, so many plots, so much to go right. He handed the man an encrypted datapad. "Contact Jango Fett. I have another mission for him."

Darth Maul inclined his head. "As you wish, my master."

"I will be out contact for several days, as a few matters require my personal attention. You must handle Fett while I'm away. Make sure he performs as instructed. Pay him as much as he asks for. There can be no errors this time."

Maul bowed deeply as he backed from the room, into a secret passage within the office walls. "I will take care of everything."

The secret door slid shut and the man closed his eyes. Maul was a capable soldier, though growing faster than he had anticipated. Still, Maul was no match for his power and would unfailingly do as he was told. His plans would come to pass this time.

He had forseen it.