Hello! I'm terribly scared right now! I'm handling too many stories at one time! Yay! All of my followers fill kill me, I'm sure, in my sleep! At least bury me with my PSP...that's where I read my fanfiction..! But, um, yeah...Viva La Vida...and Hey, You...and Bad End Night...they will be updated...I SWEAR ON MY LIFE. I SWEAR ON MY CAT'S GRAVE. I REALLY DO. YOU GUYS ARE TOO AWESOME TO KEPP LOVING ME —I BET SOME OF YOU JUST HATE ME NOW, HUH? JEEZ, I'M SUCH A FAILURE :( anyways, new Sly Cooper game came out, had to write a fanfic, couldn't resist...I love this game...though I don't have the fourth one...I don't have a ps3...but I will write this if it gets popular...

"You know, I better not regret buying this game..."

"Trust me, you won't, it just came out a few years ago, and if you've played the first few games, then this one should just top it all off,"

"Yeah, you better hope it does, son, 'cause I will come back if it blows! I'm an old lady, I played these games when I was in elementary school, and I was too scared to buy this game!" The GameStop clerk laughs at my merriness and sees me off as I exit the store. That clerk, Josh, knows me pretty well, I mean, I used to come here as a high schooler and I'm still coming, even in college, so of course we're on a first name basis. Man, GameStop, this store brought back memories. Memories of staying up all night just to choose a new game and get the complete manual with it, or pre ordering games that are coming out, like, in the next two years, or just admiring the games within the small, compact store. It was and still is heaven for me, and if I ever have children, they will be graphic designers like I'm planning to be and rule the world with their skills. Yes.
Anyways, my name is Harmony Peterson, and the game I'm holding in my hand sure sparks some memories, as well, memories of me yelling at the stupid characters in the game and yelling and whooping when I passed a level. Or found a clue bottle. Or defeated a boss. Yes, the game was Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, the newest edition to the beloved trilogy that I grew up with - actually, I still play the games occasionally, since I only took my most prized possessions to college with me. I just haven't gotten around to actually buying this game because, well...what if it's not as good as the reviews say it is? I mean,sure, the graphics have got to be good, it is for the PS3, but I mean the storyline. I know it has something to do with Sly going back in time, since the cliffhanger from the third game said so ("Time will tell...literally! Because I'm building a time machine to find out!" Jeez, I still remember the ending!). Also, I am interested in seeing his ancestors...like Rioichi Cooper or Tennessee Kid Cooper. That would be gorgeous, it would be amazing, wonderful, all of the above! Man, I'm getting too ahead of myself. It is just a video game — but a awesome video game, with a handsome protagonist.

Ah, speaking of handsome protagonists, Sly Cooper tops them all, even Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII. I mean, ever since I first saw him, I believe I was in 1st grade, I've fallen in love with those brown eyes, that gray fur, that sculpted chest (even if it is animated)! Not just him, I'm sure I had a crush on one of the villains, Octavio, I think, since he was an opera singer, and I do go to Julliard, a performing arts school. Plus, his mask was a real plus; Phantom Of The Opera was my favorite opera. Also, Bentley was a real big favorite of mine, and he still is. I just always thought he was adorable, and smart, about everything he does. Murray was funny as a kid, and was revealed to be a huge softie when I finally reached a certain level in the third game. When I was little, I remember promising to find a guy just like Sly Cooper, and marrying him on the spot the second I get! I'm still looking, and so far, I've never found someone with his charming personality or dashing good looks.

The walk home is fast, as usual, I don't own a car, and don't really want one. Taxis are cool with me, as I do live in New York. My iPod is blasting the soundtrack to the musical "Love Never Dies" as I walk up the steps leading to my apartment by Juilliard. I greet the doorman and head inside the cozy hotel/apartment complex. My parents really want my singing carreer to take off, so they put in a lot of their money and time into my lessons as a kid, and so they've also put alot of money into my college funds - which explains the fancy hotel apartment thing. A small chandelier hangs above the lobby, and people are bustling in and out of the area, with their luggage and plane tickets out of here, or with their shopping bags and headed up to their floor to relish their new finds. I wave to a few of my neighbors and stop by the elevator, waiting for the "ding" to go off and for me to step in. After holding the door for an elderly woman coming out of the elevator, I take a step inside and push the 14th floor button and feel the elevator zoom upwards.

"Rufus, I'm home," I yell as I unlock the door to my room, 141B, and step inside the apartment. Of course, Rufus, my Siamese cat, is too lazy to come see me at the door, so he waits for me to come by his room (the laundry room with the washer and dryer) to properly greet and feed him. Father setting the video game box down on my kitchen counter, I make my way to his room. I must admit, he is teetering on the edge of being "fat", but that's only because his fur takes up so much space on his little (okay, big) body of his. His crystal blue eyes lazily open, and he lets out a meow. I squat down and run a hand through his light blonde fur. He meows again and I smile, standing back up to get his food from the cabinet above the washers. That wakes him up, he stands up from his cushy blue bed and stretches his paws and hind legs to come and rub up against my pant leg, meowing all the while. "Yes, Rufus, I see you love me, only because I'm giving you food," I mutter the last part to myself and pour the cat food into his sliver bowl. After patting his head, he digs into the food and I walk away to hook up the game.

"Okay, this seriously better be a good game..." I sigh as I kick off my blue Converse and plop down onto my green bean bag to start the game. My black hair is pulled back into a ponytail and is held up by a wave clip. I also have green eyes, from my day's side of the family, and my pale complexion is from my mom's side, as she's Japanese and my father is German. The screen flickers on and my heart skips a beat - the thought of wasting money on a failure of a game scares me! "Well, I can always return it and get my money back..."

" 'Hello, this is Sly Cooper, and I'd like to request a ride,' "

"Oh, Sly, you're so funny!" I squeal and bury my face in my blanket that I grabbed after the first 2 minutes of the game's walkthrough. So far, this game is...great! It really is, the system works well, the characters — even if they do look different — are still the same old Sly, Bentley, and Murray, and the high definition is really cool. The cell shading for each character is very delicate and just overall, I can tell it's going to be an awesome addition to the trilogy. I watch as Sly runs from his ex-girlfriend, Carmelita, and hops onto the van, right when they're about to go back in time, I imagine.

" 'Do NOT slow down, Murray!' " Bentley instructs as the time machine is started up.

" 'I never do!' " the pink hippo, with his new mask that I think is actually kind of a good look for him, replies and presses hard on the gas pedal, and the van starts up and is going, going, going —!

Uwah...my head is killing me...ouch, ouch, ouch..! What the flip happened..? Wasn't I in my room playing on my PS3? Ugh, my whole body is just throbbing... I blindedly grope around the darkness, only to find that the ground was purely made out of metal, or some hard, metallic material. It's not a...cage, is it? Oh my gosh, if its a cage and I've been kidnapped and am being sold in the black market as a slave to please other people or do other people's bidding I'm calling my mom and she better come get me as fast as she can or I swear I will not go back home for Christmas this year! I groan softly, holding my head and trying to make sense of the situation. It's pretty dark wherever I am, and there's no one around, from what I can see...wait! Is that a...body? A person? I try to blink open my eyes a bit more, they feel like they've been glued shut! My vision gets clearer and clearer, and finally I see...

"W-Who are you?"

I blink. Twice. Then three times. After rubbing my eyes furiously, I blink one more time. Is...is that who I think it is? Wait, more importantly, is there...fur on my skin? A-And my ears feel awfully out of place...they're not on the side of my head, then where..? O-On my head? Like a...a... "..Cat!" I squeak out, reaching above my head to touch the furry extensions that are actually pretty sensitive when I touch them, but more importantly, there's fur on my arms! And legs! All over! Pure, white, silky fur, just like a cat! I ignore the people in front of me, I have to find something out —

"A TAIL!" I shriek, feeling the furry extension swish around due to my shock and anxiousness. Just what is going on here?! How did I get...how did I get...

How did I get in the flipping Sly Cooper universe?!

"Um," my attention snaps back to — to Bentley! He's real, right in front of me! And he looks shocked, or more like startled, is the word. He asks again, "E-Excuse me, but h-how did you...get here?" He adjusted his glasses, surveying me like a new computer. I backed up againstthe van's (I think I'm in the van, all of Bentley's high tech computers and equipment is back here) wall. Murray and S...oh, jeez, Sly Cooper! In the flesh! Or, fur! His brown eyes were widened in shock, and Murray's matches his expression. I tremble a little bit, only because I get shy around strangers, and well, because my favorite and childhood heroes are right in front of me, gawking at me like I'm some sort of exhibition.
I stutter out, while pointing to each of them, "B-B-Bentley, M-Murray and S-S-Sly C-Cooper?"

If I thought their faces couldn't get more shocked, I was wrong. All three of them asked at the same time, "How do you know our names?"
I can't register their question right now, I'm too busy freaking out inside. It feels like my brain just went haywire and did fifty summersaults and just won the Olympics for the third time. I break out of the van, pushing the doors open and looking around frantically, not recognizing where the heck I ended up, somewhere in the past, I knew, but not knowing was freaking me out! The quiet, serene forest filed with bamboo surrounded me, almost mocking me with its peacefulness and just how it was being there! Why is this freakig me out so much? I just wanna, wanna—!


Thank you and until next time, I'm hiding in a bush. T_T Drop a review!