HEY! So... this is going to be a Naruto version of the swan princess! The one with prince Derek and princess Odette. xD so yeah! Oh! And Mebuki has long hair. I don't like how she looks now so yeah...

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, it belongs to Kishimoto, and the swan princess.
But I do own the characters Hishikiro, Kazuki and Toshiaki.

'Waaah! Waaah!' a small cry came from the chambers of a bedroom in the Haruno Kingdom. Queen Mebuki laid back down on her pillow in exhaustion, her long strands of hair falling on the bed. King Kizashi stood teary eyed at his new born baby daughter. Her tiny head showing tiny slivers of bubble gum pink. Kizashi broke into a smile and kissed Mebuki's forehead. The doctor handed the new born to the nurse, who cleaned her up and handed her to the happy couple.

'Be careful, and support her head.' Advised the nurse. Mebuki held her daughter and kissed her. There was a pounding on the door. King Kizashi opened it and revealed to small boys, aged four and six. The two boys ran to their mother and peered at their new sister.

'What can we name her, Okaa-chan?' the oldest son said. King Kizashi stood near the window and saw a beautiful cherry blossom flower.

'How about... Sakura?'

'Sakura? That's a lovely name. What do you boys think? Should your baby sister be called Sakura?'

'Yes! Sakura is a very pretty name!' the youngest son said. His older brother nodded and smiled.

'Sakura Haruno, welcome to the world.'

-Three months later-

All of the kingdom went to the royal just to get a glimpse of the new daughter. Even the neighbouring Kingdoms came to celebrate.



The two women ran and embraced each other. They squealed.



The two men merely nodded and gazed at their wives. The two women were gushing about how much the changed since they graduated Konoha high school.

'Oh Mebuki! Congratulations on giving birth to Sakura. She has your looks!'

'Oh stop it Mikoto!' Blushed Mebuki as she twirled her long hair. Mikoto placed a hand on her friends shoulder and giggled.

'How are Toshiaki and Hishikiro? They must be at least five or seven now!'

'Four and six! They are so sweet and loving to Sakura.'

'Okaa-chan!' Mebuki turned around and saw her youngest son run up and hug her legs.

'Toshiaki? Oh my! He has grown so much!' gushed Mikoto. Toshiaki noticed the blue haired lady and blushed, trying to hide behind his mother. Hishikiro jogged up to his mother and bowed respectively to the Queen of Uchiha's.

'Konnichiwa Mikoto-hime.' Hishikiro said as he bowed. Mikoto blushed at his matureness and bowed back.

'Okaa-chan! Gomen! Toshi wouldn't get his haori himo on! Ototo!' Hishikiro told his mother while scowling at his brother. Mebuki sighed and bent down to Toshiaki height.

'Listen to your Onii please.' Mebuki looked into her cheeky son's eyes and smiled. He nodded and followed Hishikiro. Hishikiro pushed his brother in front of him and both of them exited the throne room.

'My, my! Your boys are so kawaii!' Mikoto squealed. Mebuki smiled.

'Okaa-chan! Up!' Mikoto looked down and saw her youngest son; his arms outstretched as if to say carry me. She picked him up and played with his fingers.

'Sasuke is so kawaii! How old is this sweetie?' Mebuki asked. Mikoto blushed.

'Sasuke is now two years old.'

Sasuke started to play with his mother's hair, twirling it in his fingers, putting it in his mouth and sniffing it.

'Sasuke, Otō-san is calling for us.' Mikoto turned around and saw her oldest son striding towards them.

'Itachi nii-san.' Whined Sasuke as he buried his head in his mother's neck. Mikoto stroked his back and placed Sasuke into his brother's arms.

'Is this Itachi? Wow! You are a fine young man. You must be seven now!' Mebuki said. Itachi bowed and shifted Sasuke on his hip.

'Hey Sasuke! Do you want to see the princess?' questioned Itachi, this perked up Sasuke a lot. He nodded repeatedly and jumped out of Itachi's arms. Itachi held his hand his brothers hand and they both walked to the little wooden crib. Itachi carried Sasuke and positioned him so that the toddler could see the baby.

Sasuke reached into his pocket and took out a small, silver locket. It was the shape of a small cherry blossom flower with the words Sakura inscribed on the front. Sasuke dangled it playfully in front of the infant. The small child became fixated at the swerving object. Sasuke giggled and dropped the necklace. The baby grabbed the necklace and covered it with her saliva. Sasuke reached out to her, his hands just out of reach of her face.

'Nii-san! She have big forehead!' Sasuke giggled. Itachi smiled.

'Yes, yes she does.'

'She gonna be my wifey!' he said enthusiastically. Itachi placed him down and looked at his parents. They were with the Haruno's. He sighed.

'Sasuke! Itachi!' Itachi looked past his parents and smiled.

'Sasuke, guess who's here.'

'Naruto!' Sasuke shouted. The two boys ran and high fived each other. Itachi smiled.

Itachi left the two boys and stood beside his father. He saw Hishikiro and walked over. The two boys nodded, acknowledging their presence.

Suddenly, the two mothers gasped as they saw Naruto help Sasuke as he attempted to see Sakura again.

'I have the most amazing idea!' Mikoto squealed. Mebuki squealed back.

'Omigosh! Me too!'

'What is your idea?'

'What's yours?'

'Let's say it together!'

'Ok. One. Two. Three.'

'Sasuke and Sakura should get married and unite our kingdoms!' the two ladies squealed at each other and started chatting about how great it would be.

'Fugaku, do you accept you boy marrying our girl?'

'Sure Kizashi, but is your girl going to be able to handle our boy?'

'Well. Let's see.' The two men laughed and thumped each other's backs.

Itachi took a glimpse at his brother.

'Looks like you're getting your wish after all.' Itachi muttered. Hishikiro looked at his sister and sighed. 'An arranged marriage. Oh no.'