To WeeJock: Yeah, I'm more of a Hamish/Isobel shipper too (and I own the dvds too yay!). There seems to be more of an audience for Hamish/Belle (and I know Belle's character better). I wasn't much into at first, but it started the ship started to grow on me! Glad you enjoy it too :)

"How much family do ye have back in Storybrooke?"

Belle glanced at Hamish as they trekked along the road up to the highlands. Hamish had suggested taking his truck, but they weren't going too far up and she didn't want to miss a bit of scenery. It was too beautiful to see through a truck window.

"All my family is there" she answered, pausing as images of her loved ones flashed before her mind's eyes. It'd been weeks since she'd seen them in person. "My step-son, Neal, and his wife, Emma."

"Is yer step-son the only child between you and yer husband?"

"He is." Belle smiled, remembering the first time she met Neal. She'd always pictured Neal as the boy Rum had described to her, so meeting a full-grown man took some getting used to. "He's actually a few years older than me. Even if he won't admit it, Neal is a lot like his father."

Hamish glanced sidelong at her. "You married an older man then?" he asked, but as soon as the question came out, he made a rueful face. "I apologize, Miss Belle. I'm interrogating you again."

Belle laughed softly as she stopped, placing a hand on Hamish's shoulder. "I don't mind, Hamish. You're just getting to know me, right? There's nothing wrong with that."

"Anything ye don' want ti answer, ye don' have to" he assured her with the most honest brown eyes she'd ever seen.

"Well, as long as you don't ask what my bra size is" Belle remarked smoothly, earning a low chuckle from her companion as they started up the road again. "Yes, Rum was a good many years older than me, but from the moment we met, it never deterred me. He was so broken and in need of someone in his corner, but so intriguing and delightful and when he loved you, he loved like nothing in this world."

Hamish hung his head a little. "Sounds like a good man. He must have loved you very much."

Belle nodded, a little sadly. She hadn't expected to talk about these things to anyone outside of the family, but Hamish had earned her privacy in just a day's time. She shrugged, her voice slightly saturated. "Like no other."

Hamish could have kicked himself in that moment. He wanted to know about Belle's life, but he knew by her voice he'd dug too deeply. She was a widow, probably not even one for an entire year, and he was dredging up all the sadness and grief this poor woman had been through. He wanted Belle to like him, to maybe even take an interest in him, but he also didn't want to take advantage of her.

"Any more family?" he quickly diverted the subject back to what he hoped was a happier topic.

Belle's face broke out into a shining smile, and Hamish was glad to see the sun return. "I have a step-grandson, Henry. He's actually the one who convinced me to go on this adventure. I can't believe he graduates high school this year."

"I'm glad he convinced ye ti come here to Scotland" Hamish said a little boldly.

Belle staggered a step, lightly bumping her shoulder into his. "Me too."

A slant of a smile spread on Hamish's lips at Belle's playful touch. He hoped he wasn't getting the wrong impression. She seemed to like him and maybe she did want something more than just a companion. He had to keep her in Lochdubh a little longer. Belle wasn't worried about her car or in a hurry to go anywhere, so he'd take his chances at asking her to stay.

The walk to the highland overlooking the town took longer than it should have, but neither of them noticed. By the time they made it up there, the sun was sinking lower in the sky.

"This is beautiful," Belle gasped, taking in the sight of the valley below, the green mountains behind, the calm of the seashore.

"Aye" Hamish agreed, though he wasn't looking anywhere below, his eyes fixed on the wonder on Belle's face. "It is."

They settled down in the soft grass: Belle's legs tucked under her skirt, Hamish leaning back on both heels of his hands. This was better than taking a vacation, he mused as they sat there watching the sun sink behind the mountains. Who needs to go anywhere when you could hold the company of a lovely stranger-turned-companion who finds your home captivating?

"Time ti go back" Hamish announced as the sun's light grew fainter behind the mountain.

"I didn't think about having to walk back in the dark" Belle said sheepishly, her cheeks flaming as Hamish helped her to up.

"Always come prepared" he replied, pulling a torch out of his shoulder bag.

It surprised – and pleased –Hamish when Belle wrapped an arm around his, her body so close he could feel her warmth. She did say he made her feel safe, and he tried to convince himself that's the only reason she had her arm around his as they started down the highland in the fading evening.

They'd walked halfway down the road before a truck passed on the road and it stopped, letting them hitch a ride on the tailgate the rest of the way to town. Hamish offered to cook supper, but Belle captured his heart further when she suggested they eat bowls of cereal instead.

After Belle had changed into her flannel pajamas and Hamish shed down to his undershirt, they curled up on the couch, bowls of cereal in hand, a black and white Western playing on the small tv. Hamish couldn't help but imagine that this could be their life together, and it spurred him to ask the question that had dangled on the tip of his tongue for most of the day.

"Miss Belle," he began, but Belle raised a hand for him to stop.

"Just Belle, P.C. MacBeth" she corrected, eyes shining.

"Belle" he emphasized, giving a lopsided grin. "Will ye stay for a few more days?"

Belle's body went rigid. Hamish was asking her to stay. The question had totally caught her off guard, and she stared at him, his brown eyes staring right back into hers. Those eyes resembled her husband's perfectly but in truth, were nothing like Rum's.

There was always a shadow behind Rum's eyes, the weight of centuries of lose and guilt. No matter how happy they were together, that shadow always loomed behind his eyes. But Hamish's were young and shining and held a hope that Rum could never grasp. Both were beautiful in their own unique way.

She breathed in deep - centering herself as she made up her mind - a smile breaking out across her face. "I would. As long as I'm not distracting you from your work."

"Yer not" he reassured heartily, leaning in.

Belle's heart bolted into a run as she realized just how close Hamish was to her. He planned to kiss her, it was written all over his face, and Belle swallowed hard as she closed the gap between them.

Belle's first thought as Hamish tentatively explored her lips was that she had missed being kissed more than she had realized. As the kiss deepened, Hamish's hand cupped her cheek, fingertips tickling her skin. She sighed into his mouth, taking in every touch, the feel of his lips upon hers.

They broke apart but only by a fraction. Hamish's warm breath huffed upon her skin sending pleasant little shivers down her body. Belle knew where this could lead, and her uncertainty outweighed the need to just let go.

"I don't know if I'm ready for what could come of this tonight" Belle said gently.

Hamish searched her face, understanding and resolve in his eyes. Belle nibbled her bottom lip as they gazed at each other, and sighed again when Hamish pressed a chaste kiss to her lips before saying, "It's okay, Belle. I won't push."

"I'm sorry."

Hamish grasped her hand, his thumb rubbing absently against her skin. "Ye didn' come on a pilgrimage to your late husband's homeland for this."

"I didn't," Belle agreed, but that didn't mean she couldn't be surprised by what she found along the way, "Maybe I can give it a chance. You make me feel safe, Hamish, and I haven't felt that since my husband."

"Stay with me tonight?" Hamish asked, bring her hand up to place a sweet kiss upon her knuckles, his brown eyes hopeful - and really, how could she resist him? "I promise I'll be a perfect gentleman."

Belle laughed softly, feeling a flutter in her stomach that hadn't been there in quite a while. "I'd like that."