Disclaimer: I swear, if I owned any of DC comics and had any influence, there'd be no need for such a tragic note.

If you don't cry after reading this, you truly are a heartless being.

A Note


Thank you.

Mother would condemn me to hell, but you gave me a chance for heaven.

Thank you for your love, your time, and giving me a family.

Thank you for believing in me, for caring, and for giving me a reason to live - and to die.

You gave me wings and now I can fly.

Always yours,


Bruce just stared at the note typed upon his screen. It was the last message his son would give him and he wasn't sure how to take it. To think, in the short time they were together, shorter with him than anyone, his son would think him worthy of this thank you note. Dick and Alfred deserved one so much more than him. They were the ones who gave him wings, not him. All Bruce ever did was put the boy in harm's way.

Tears streamed down his face, unable to be held back. His throat grew dry and contracted, unable to make more than strangled gasps if he breathed at all. Shaking, he barely managed to stay in his chair, gripping his head in agony. His son... dead... so young... He hardly knew the lad and now he was gone. Everything hurt, inside and out.

His last message was a thank you. This was how he showed his love, through gratitude. He only wished he could have said the same. Thank you for living. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for all your hard work.

Thank you, for loving me as much as I love you.

Always have, always will.


A/N: I originally wanted to make this a comic (4 pages, paneling already worked out) but I'm not that good of an artist, not for these scenes. Honestly I've been holding back tears ever since I learned and fully accepted that Damian was being killed off. He was an adorable little snot, really, and he showed great potential as a character. I pray they throw Bruce a bone in the future and bring him back... before they force a new Robin on him. For once I'm good with the idea of him going solo for a while. He has three bird boys after all, and a Batgirl, who'll be keeping tabs on him. They need him too.

Though if they bring back Steph to fill in for a while I won't object too badly. Hope you've enjoyed. If anyone wants to draw this out, please do! PM me or send a link via DA if/when it's done.