You're with me

Oh my… I really don't know what came into my mind to write this one.
Well, as far as I know, it's just for fun my dear.



Rated M for lemon/lime, words… who knows?

I do not own Bleach.


It's raining again, a heavy rain. Is there a storm? Well he doesn't care, he just fucking hate rain.

He sat alone in the room. Yeah, he was left alone. She left him alone. It was dark, the only light he seen was the fucking lightning and the one that he's holding is a beer that is not even cold. He want to feel its bitterness, the way he feel within his heart. He wanted to drown himself in alcohol.




She was there. She watches him. She watched how lonely he is. How she wish she could help him heal his broken heart and his tattered soul. She will wait for him. Until the time that he will be okay again, that time when he can live and learn to smile again. She will wait for him, everyday.




She heard the door squeak open. Her eyes flashed back to the door. Late at night and it was him. She stood up quickly and grabbed his shoulder causing both of them stumble. He was drunk.

He raise his head and she looked into his chocolate-brown eyes. There was something different, his eyes looks some kind of drunken trance. He smile and felt his warm, rough hands touch her beautiful face, he rubbed it tenderly before bringing his face to her. He bushed his thin lips against her soft pink ones.




She sighed. It's what Orihime Inoue dreamed about all of her life. But she didn't get it. She feel somethings wrong.

She hesitantly pushed him, away.

"K-Kurosaki...-ku...?" but she was cut off as his mouth covered her again. He kissed her nose, down to her jaw.

She can now feel the heat but she wasn't sure about it. 'Why?' she questioned but she wasn't either protesting.

She wanted him, she love him, she had always loved him.


"...shhh. Please."- he whispered in a slurred tone.




He kissed him down to her neck, to her collarbone. He kissed her lips again, tenderly.




She don't want to question anymore for she wanted this, and if this is a dream, she don't want to wake-up.

She gave in to her lust, and slowly she return his kiss.

He start to unbutton her shirt until there is no left to cover her body. She was scared, yet it didn't matter, for he continue. She let his hands wander around her body. Soft whimper escaping from her mouth while he's leaving wet trail kisses from her neck, ample breast down to the place between her legs that causes her to moan louder.

And when he was satisfied, he removes his pants and boxer, covered her small frame with his large and lean one.

"Fuck!" Ichigo began to swear.

He leans in again to capture her lips. It is a rough one but she can also feel its sweetness. His tongue delves in to her sweet cavern and she returns it with her lame and innocent one.

She lost in him.

She pulled her leg up and before she know it, he buried his in her.

She gasped in pain but she doesn't care. At first it was gentle, but not too long it become fast, rough and hard that she think she's gonna break.

He keep on swearing under his growls. And for Orihime, it is the most wonderful sensation she ever felt. She can't stop herself from moaning and mewling while he keep on thrusting.

"Kuros-"again, he stopped her from saying his name.

"Shh…" Ichigo pressed his long lean fingers to her lips and then kissed it again.

"I love you."- he said and he keep on telling that all over and over again until she feel a very special heat building up inside of her lower belly and it's ready to explode.

With his one last thrust, he groan and swear. Her vision turns white and her body grown numb.

Body laying down on the floor, her soft, long auburn locks cascade on the floor, sweat all over their body.

It makes her happy. Alcohol does strange things and this is perfect.



"I love you, Kurosaki-kun."

"I love you too…" he touch her face one more time, "...Rukia." –and he passed out rolling from her top to her side.



Orihime felt her heart shattered into tiny pieces. A thousand knife stab her heart, and her body, it feels like she was drowning in a pool of ice.

River of tears fall down to her face.