Hey new update! Shock Horror!

Sorry it took so long again but hey at least this time it was only a few months and not a few years! haha! Thanks for all the support and love! The fact that you welcomed me back was so flattering and I can't describe how happy it made me :) Adore you guys! and Thanks for reading!

"Are you sure? I won't stop…" Arthur's breath was heated. His hands trailing down the bare skin that was laced with sweat. His tongue worked it's way down Lovino's stomach the taste of him amplified in his weighted and stimulated state.

"I don't want you to stop." Lovino's voice was broken and hoarse, heavy as he panted. The Italian's eyes were dark as they stared mirroring the lust in Arthur's own. It was the crushing of bodies together, fitting perfectly. The taste of sweat, cinnamon and everything that created the perfect Italian beneath him. Lovino moaned loudly, throwing his head back against the pillow. Arthur relished in the sounds of pleasure. He drowned in them. He bit into the flawless skin at the base of Lovino's neck.

"You're mine~" he chuckled, voice husky and deep. "All mine~"

The other couldn't respond, his chest rising and crashing down heavily. Arthur smirked jerking his hips, ripping a loud and long cry of deep pleasure from the Italian's slender throat. Arthur felt his pulse heighten. He loved it, he love this. He could cause Lovino to make such beautiful, lewd and pleasured sounds. Lovino's expressions, moans, his movements, It was everything he had imagined… all those fantasies.. All those times that weren't real… Only this time…

This time…

With a deep and short gasp England shot up straight in bed, sheets damp clinging tightly to his sweaty skin. It took him a few seconds to notice his surroundings. He was in bed and quite obviously alone. He fell back into the pillow, drained from his release. The last tingles of pleasure left his body leaving him disorientated and limp. He ran a hand over his face, coming to terms with what had just happened. If anythingEngland felt bitterly disappointed. Many times he had the same recurring dream, but he had been so sure… this time…

"I'm Awesome!" England jumped as his phone burst into tune. "No you're not dude, don't lie."

That must have been what had woken him up.

"I'm Awesome!" the dishevelled man reached over and picked up his phone pulling it back into the bed. It was too early for this.

"Prussia?" He finally answered it, his voice broken and husky.

"'ey! Artie! You still sleeping?"

England could feel his dazed state slowly seep away.

"Don't call me that- And please Prussia- remember time zones?" He rubbed his eyes glancing at his wrist watch. It was 7:30, England felt like it should have been much earlier. Prussia laughed down the line.

"Nope, aren't you still in Russia?"

England blinked in confusion at the unfamiliar room around him before he began to remember the last four days.

Two-by-two meetings had been held in St Petersburg between his and Russia's politicians. England had been made to attend along side the looming Russia, who smiled softly the entire time. A smile, England noted, that never reach his violet eyes.

The tension between both Russia and himself after the assassination of the Russian spy in London had cause many relation problems, politically and trade-wise. These two-by-two meetings were a way of trying to make it appear as if both countries where trying to reconcile publically while beneath the warm smiles and handshakes tension and hostility held strong.*

"Ah right, yeah." England scratched his head mussing up his unruly hair.

"Well the Italians are at my place at the moment for small trading meeting, Germany is trying to help them up by organising to buy more of their trade. Anyway, I was thinking since I was already taking Feli out for drinks, you could come along with Lovino." Prussia's voice sounded hopeful. England sighed.

"Let me guess, Veneziano won't come without Romano?"

There was a brief pause.


"And Romano won't come without me?" Although he doubted it to be true, England hoped that Romano had requested England himself to come as a condition to his attendance.

"Well that's what I hope… I haven't exactly told him yet."

Oh. Well that shot that hope in the balls.

England yawned. "Sure, I'm flying back home this afternoon anyway, may as well stop by." He pushed himself out of the warmth of the bed collecting his dressing gown from the end his bed throwing it over his thicker long sleeved shirt and cotton grey tracksuit pants. "What time where you thinking?"

"Around six actually."

England paused, the phone wedged between his ear and shoulder as he collected his toiletries bag his hand hovering over the complimentary towel.

"Six? Fuck. More accommodation then." bundling the towel in his arms, he shuffled over to the bathroom, his voice echoing inside the tiled walls. Putting the stuff down he walked back into the bedroom opening up his suitcase and pulling free his laptop. He wiped his face with his warm hand and sighed heavily. "I need a tea…" He yawned again.

"I need a beer."

Logging on England furrowed his brow.

"What time is it there anyway?"

"twenty to seven."

England rolled his eyes.


"I don't know anyone besides you who can drink at that time of morning."

"I do."

"And I bet they're German?"

"Spot on."

England rolled his eyes.

Prussia laughed before he stopped short. "Just a sec."

England was about to respond when he realised Prussia had already left, the soft crackling noise in the background quietening.

"Don't mind me." He murmured. While he waited, England was able to alter his flight slightly. Landing in Germany around four, and hopefully leaving for England eleven the next morning. The phone crackled.


"Don't call me that.." England shut his eyes. Why did America have to influence such condescending nicknames? Prussia laughed again, louder and somehow managed to sound more irritating that time.

"Well I was just speaking to Feli and he said that you could just crash at their hotel room instead of organising your own."

"Oh no it's fine, really,I-" England was cut of by a loud grunt.


"-Don't call me that-"

"-Help me out here, if you're in their hotel room Feli will have to crash at my place… You know.. For the night?" Prussia's voice was low and suggestive. England remained silent, his mind unable to comprehend the shamelessness or the audacity Prussia had within him to ask such a thing. Prussia mistook the silence for stupidity.

"England, I want to fuck Feli tonight, okay? You stay with Lovino and do your shit 'kay?"

"You honestly have no shame."

"Why, thank you~!"
"I believe I lost a percentage of my IQ during this conversation, so I'll be hanging up now…"
Before Prussia could speak England hung up, and threw the phone across the bed, already exhausted.


England, long ago discarding his jacket and scarf, sat that the bar table trying to appear cool and as if he weren't alone. He gave very obvious looks at the door to show he was waiting for someone, which he was, but the judgemental stares he received were turning him self-conscious. He sipped the beer slowly already on his second, the large glass mug cold and wet beneath his fingers. Keep his eyes on the door, he began to roll up his sleeves to his elbows. His tie was loosened and top buttons were undone. Only thirty minutes after he had arrived Prussia turned up opening the pub door, his eyes falling on England before he brow creased in surprise a bemused smile on his lips.

"You're here early." he said pulling out a chair and sitting down. He, too, quickly disposed of is heavier layers.

"So are you."

Prussia smiled.
"Feli called me earlier and said they're going to be late."

Arthur nodded his expression serious. This was a perfect moment then, this was it. He needed information, he just hoped Prussia was going to help him get it.

"Prussia, I need to speak to you, It concerns Spa-Antonio."

Prussia signalled to the waitress and slowly turned back to face England, his eyes guarded.

"Yeah? What about?"

"He worries me."

Prussia laughed.

"He worries me too, at times…" He pushed the table number from the middle of the surface to the side, his eyes fixed intently on England's. "But I believe we are talking about two entirely different things."

"He's trying to woo back Lovino." England said levelly crossing his arms. "That's my concern.

Prussia rubbed his face, his fingers crackling over the snow white stubble that covered his chin messily.

"I always had my suspicions." he said finally. "But-"

"-But you never thought it to be true?"

The bar maid stopped by, giving Prussia a matching glass mug filled to the brim with frothy golden beer. Prussia nodded his thanks before red irises met green.

"Who told you?"

"A reliable source."

Prussia raised a brow but let it drop.
"Well then what do you want from me? I'm more Antonio's friend than I am yours, and I do have my loyalties." He picked up the mug chugging it back, before putting the glass down heavily. "What do you want from me?"

England just shook his head.

"I just want to know what happened. Why did they break up?"

Prussia looked around the bar scanning the other customers. Some had been staring at the albino, during various times, but now with his red eyes looking over them, they all seemed to had lost interest completely, back and necks hunched as they tried to dodge his stare. He sighed.
"Frankly, I have no idea."

"You must know something!" England's eyes were wide. Prussia shrugged.
"Sure, I knew they were happy together. Toni would always talk for hours about the smallest things, every single thing. He was proud of Lovino, and he loved him." Prussia's eyes grew dark. "He loved him a lot."

England felt a cold shiver break down his spine

"What about Lovino? Did he love him back?"

Prussia looked into his mug, eyes distant.

"Maybe that's it? I mean, Antonio for a huge part of his life was his mother, carer thing and his boss. And then of course there was the Belgium incident."

England shifted forward.
"You know about that?"

Prussia chuckled.
"Who doesn't?"

England ignored him, his mind ticking over.

"It was around May when they broke up, right?"

Prussia nodded.

"They went on a small vacation to South America. Argentina, Peru… you know, around there? But the weird thing is that they went together as a couple, happy, in-love and inseparable. But when they came back… Well I had Feli calling me up in the middle of the night, crying about how Lovino won't come out of his room. Eight days I think it was… I called Toni but he wouldn't pick up, not after a long time anyway. I think it was after that that they broke up. And then several months later I hear Lovino's gotten together with you."

"What about Antonio?" Why did he get with Bella?"

Prussia snorted.

"I don't even know what to label their relationship. She's there because she's been friends with him for centuries and she saw how hard he took it when Lovino "moved on". He's there because, right now, he is just a mess and honestly he'd just take anyone right now." Prussia sighed. "Toni isn't a bad guy though, despite everything you think… He's just heart broken. He's dealing with it the best way he can."

England bowed his head. It was heavy, the weight on his shoulders. But a question that kept surfacing in his mind was. "Why didn't Romano say something about this?" Why was is only now that England was able to see the difficulties of being in a relationship where they didn't talk. In silence, he thought they were their strongest, but now it was their weakness. He sighed heavily.

"It's like a badly written Soap Opera."

Prussia shook his head, chuckling deeply.

"You have no idea. You've fucked things up too though… I bet hadn't you two started dating, Antonio would have wooed Lovi and gotten them back together. He was quite possessive, very possessive. I remember one time Francis and I were just fooling around and had gotten Lovino drunk. I won't lie. It was not an accident that Toni returned home to find chocolate sauce spread all over his boyfriend, But I haven't seen him so furious… Until the night he had found out about you two." Prussia finished off his mug sighing, content.

England stared out the front windows watching as Veneziano pulled up in the car park in his open top convertible Romano sitting beside him. He raised his glass as Prussia asked the bar maid for a refill.

"Well let's try and forget for tonight the woes of reality."

Prussia grinned.
"To Alcohol!" They clicked mugs before chugging back. Prussia finished first, slamming it down and wiping his mouth dry. England followed soon afterward landing it heavily on the table top. He winked at Prussia.
"Just so you know, I already have a glass over you~"

Prussia smirked.

"We'll see after tonight who is still standing…"


Prussia sat his arm slung over Italy's shoulder, his loud cackling voice recounting the great years of old Fritz.

"I kid you not, that man wore the shabbiest clothes, he was worth the finest in the world but he decided that his appearance was not as important as the nation he served. Me. I fucking loved that guy."
Italy smiled patting Prussia's shoulder soothingly.
"ahhh I think you've had enough to drink now Caro~" He tired sliding the mug away from Prussia's grip, but Prussia's grip was solid, raising a brow toward England.
"How many you had?"
England held up seven of his fingers, his grin lopsided and lazy.
Prussia shook his head.
"No way am I stopping before you pommie."
England chuckled as he sat back into his chair, watching Prussia swallow back the rest of the beer. Romano rolled his eyes, arms crossed.
"What a Fan-fuckin- tastic idea this was."
Italy smiled apologetic.

"Gilbert, no more 'okay?" He gently kissed his cheek. "Stop now~"
Prussia reluctantly agreed leaning over to bury his face in the crook of the other's neck, Italy however didn't notice Prussia's advancement for affection and stood up. "I guess I'm takin Gilbert back to his home… Arthur?"


"Do you have a place to stay tonight?" Italy supported Prussia as he began clinging off him, his fingers lazily toying with Italy's top buttons. Romano bristled, glaring.

"Can't you fucking wait until you're in your room you fucking horny potato?"
All three seemed to ignored him. Italy wasn't fazed, Prussia had already unbuttoned half his shirt and was kissing Italy's collar bone and England just stared blankly before he responded lamely.
"No, I forgot to book some."

Italy smiled.
"Oh really?" He voice was high and gave the air of it being rehearsed. "Well it looks like Lovi will have to take you back to the apartment, right Lovino?"

Romano stared at Italy before looking at England who looked as though he were capable of passing out.
"You gotta be kidding me."

It had been a mistake to let the Englishman and the German to challenge one another to a drinking competition. Romano saw the errors of his ways and cursed God, Mary and Jesus for not blessing him with the biceps and abbs of Germany that would make the shifting of his off-his-face boyfriend from the taxi to the hotel room that much easier. Stooping under the weight England's almost unconscious body as they exited the elevator. Romano had received many odd stares as they walked through reception, a few who were horrified at England's intoxicated state. Romano, though, felt almost protective over the brit, sending back heated glares.
"Fucking posh people, they're all snobs."
England was incapable to answer intelligently.
Romano opened up the room door and carried the other inside.

"You fucking ass… Wake up." He pushed England up against the wall trying to support with an arm before stepping back to take a breath. England's weight slowly slid his body down the wall until he fell onto a crumpled heap on the floor. Romano stared at his boyfriend and sighed. "England." He kicked the other gently, trying to arouse some consciousness. "Wake up." England remained unresponsive. Romano knelt over and picked the others shoulders up to try and pick him up, however Romano underestimated his strength and the weight of England's unconscious body. He overbalanced with a yelp and landed on England's stomach.

England hardly stirred, continuing to breathe softly. Romano crinkled his nose, England smelt heavily of beer. Placing his hands on England's chest he began to push himself up and off when England began to giggle. It was soft and childlike. Romano smiled sitting back on the plush carpet flooring. England still had the ghost of a smile on his lips, making his face pure and childlike. Romano rolled his eyes affectionately. Had England been awake he would have called him pathetic to his face, but under the safety of England's unawareness, Romano allowed himself to appreciate it openly. It was cute, sweet, it was one of the sides of England that Romano had fallen for. It was something childlike, undeveloped in his personality and it surfaced rarely but it reminded Romano that England didn't have much of he childhood he had… not the childhood of certainty and security that Spain had provided for him. He remembered when England hesitantly revealed his 'imaginary friends'. He watched England wander with them, when England's thought he wasn't looking, and playfully interact with them. He couldn't see them or anything like that, but England believed, and that shine of faith in his green eyes seemed to reflect into his own.

Romano watched as England's face fell back to neutral and started to push himself back up again. He got onto his knees but paused when his knee pressed against something soft. A soft moan was heard from England's lips. Romano looked down and felt his heart lodge in his throat as he saw his knee was pressed up against the other's crotch a bulge pressing against his leg. He swallowed thickly and slowly pulled away, his face heated. Stupid England, what on earth was he dreaming about? He stood up fully and stepped took off his shoes and held it, feeling the weight of his designer shoes in his hands. He looked down at his unconscious boyfriend.
"Oi!" He threw the shoe at England. "Wake up!"
England jolted awake with a groan, his hand reaching down to his stomach where the shoe had landed heavily. "Ahhh what the fuck.." He looked up blearily eyed. "Where are we?" Romano held out his hand to the pull the other up onto his unsteady feet and letting him lean against the wall. This time holding him there.
"I'm my hotel room." He answered before guiding the other, once he had gotten his bearings, toward his bed. England whistled as he looked around, eyes unfocused.
"Nice place. Needs more orange though."
Romano rolled his eyes turning on the lights in the bedroom.
"More orange?"
"Yeah its too dull in here. Orange is pretty."
Romano could see what England was saying, it was a very dull coloured room, white and beige everywhere. He sighed the reason this place cost a bomb was because only boring people would spend so much money on accommodation that lived on prestige rather then because of their actual tourist assets… also they were in Germany. Go figure. He helped England to the large double bed he and Italy had shared the night previously. Gently and slowly, he lay England down. England rolled on the bed, giggling again. "Its comfy."
Romano pursed his lips but a smiled tickled at the edges.
"Stop acting like a drink and come here. Don't go on the bed with your shoes on!"
England stopped before allowed Romano to help his undress. He took off his coat and scarf dropping it on the floor. Romano removed his own coat tossing it on the bottom of the bed, his scarf beside it. England groaned as Romano started to take off the rest of his clothes, complaining that it was cold. He changed his tune when he slid under the covers of the bed, a large smiled playing on his lips.
Romano took off his jeans folding them in half before looking up.
"Do you know what I like best?" England tucked his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling.
"No Arthur, I don't… but I bet it's tea or the colour orange or something like that."

"I like tea, earl grey. I like orange too. I like rain on the roof. I like reading books by candle light and sitting by fires. I like rollerblading in green parks and I like watching TV with you."
Romano remained silent and walked to the door turning off the light.
"I like you too Lovino… I like you best."

Romano climbed onto the bed and tucked his knees under his chin, embracing them tightly. This was one of the first times that England had actually said something like this. At times Lovino would feel England's feelings as if they radiated off him. England had gestures and Romano could read every one. When he lied he couldn't hold eye contact. When he was happy he would try to hide it but he would smile softly to himself. When he was angry or sad… well anyone could tell then, unless he wanted to hide it. Then Romano could tell by the way he fumbled his words, twisted his fingers nervously. Romano could also tell when England loved him. It was through silence, when England was daydreaming with Romano beside him, Romano would wonder what it was that England was thinking… then England would look at him, his eyes still misty with fantasy and he would smile. That was how Romano knew he was thinking off him…He always felt England's emotion was the strongest at that point. Romano lay down, getting under the sheets, and cleared his throat.
"I uh, Arthur. This is over due… I think. And well… I think, perhaps, maybe, this is something you should, perhaps, maybe… know…" He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I like being with you…" It felt better to get off his chest and soon the words were flooding. "I know at times I'm nasty and I know I hit you… a lot, but its only because I don't know how to say everything I want to. I don't even understand what I want to say sometimes. But I know that I feel know and I know how I feel when I'm around you…"

He stopped, expecting the silence that followed, but soon it had dragged on for too long. Had Romano not made it clear enough? Was Arthur misinterpreting his words? Romano looked up worried and touched the other's shoulder, only to find that Arthur's eyes were shut, his nose whistling softly as he slept. Romano pulled back and growled, cursing this bad luck.

How could he have been so freaking stupid. You at least have to make sure your boyfriend is awake before confessing. Idiota! Vafancullo! He paused when he felt England move his arm wrapping around him and the quilt securing him in an embrace. Romano's anger melted away as he rested his head on England's chest, falling asleep to the rhythmic beat of Arthur's heart beneath.

* This actually happened in 2013 (When I first drafted this chapter) Look it up if you want to?

I thought I might actually let you guys in on how I write? Maybe it will explain why things take so long XD I usually hand write the chapter first then I edit it as I type it up. I let it rest for a bit and then come back later to edit it again or make changes if it all just sounds stupid and then when I'm sick of it sitting on my computer I edit it once more and then post it up. XD For something edited so many times you'd think you'd get better quality XD Sorry~

Adore you all hope you have a great start to 2016!

Mr Alex