Last Chapter.

Kyoya placed his hands on Madoka's shoulder and Ginga's shoulder to push them both fiercely aside so that he could have clear view of the screen ahead of them.

"Isn't this amazing, Kyoya?" Benkei asked. "It's all over the world now!"

For a moment, Kyoya was going to ask what his companion was talking about. But then he saw a person who looked just like him - tall hair, scars, ragged clothes and all - celebrating a win...against a certain, fierce white-haired blader who wore a secret smirk on his lips.

An animalistic growl erupted from within Kyoya's throat.

"What the hell is this!?"

Chapter Seven: A Bad Feeling

Kyoya didn't take the news well. That much was to be expected, however. It was one of the things that Tobio had counted on - had hoped for - when he asked Jacques to go along with the plan.

"I don't care what you idiots think! Turn it off! Now!" Kyoya howled, violently reaching past Ginga to grope for the remote that Madoka held close to her chest, her aqua eyes wide in terror and confusion. The teal-haired blader managed to push his redhead rival to the side, and he snatched the silver device right from Madoka's hands, ignoring her cry of protest as he began to press buttons in an attempt to switch the screen off.

"What's the matter, Kyoya?" Benkei asked as he made his way over to stand in front of his idol. "This is good news, right? You've defeated Ryuga!"

Kyoya narrowed his sky blue eyes at his friend, his teeth gritted tightly together. He clenched his fists, his ragged nails biting at the soft flesh of his palms, and his knuckles whitened; after he let out a heavy sigh, he shot Ginga an irritated glance and ground out, "That wasn't me!"

"What?" Ginga furrowed his brows, his amber eyes glowing with curiosity and confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said!" the teal-haired boy spat, folding his arms across his chest and biting down on his bottom lip. He allowed his gaze to scan over all of those in the room - Kenta, who stood in silence next to a dumbfounded Yuu; Benkei, his mouth agape as he tried to process what Kyoya was telling him; Ginga and Madoka, standing side-by-side in tension while they waited for Kyoya to elaborate; and Tsubasa, who had been leaning against the far wall next to the window as though he didn't have a care in the world, though his lips were pressed together in a thin line in anticipation of the blader's response.

Kyoya's fingers curled, his nails raking light pink paths along his tanned arms. "That - whoever it was fighting Ryuga - wasn't me," he growled slowly, as though he were talking to two-year-olds. "I have no interest in what Ryuga is capable of. There would be no point in me battling him, especially if it meant travelling. I'm fine sticking to this city to look for opponents for a while."

As unlike Kyoya as his defense seemed, Ginga couldn't sense anything but honesty in the teal-haired boy's words. But that left so many unanswered questions!

"Then, who...?" Ginga murmured, and he trailed off as Kyoya whirled around and threw his arms up into the air in irritation.

"The hell if I know!" Kyoya covered his face with his hand, sighing heavily once again. Then, he whirled back in their direction with rage swirling in his eyes. "I bet Ryuga is in on it, though! He probably threw the match, just to piss me off." A growl erupted from Kyoya's throat once again, and he clamped his teeth together to prevent himself from spitting out curses and things he was pretty sure he would never regret.

"Kyoya..." Ginga reached forward tentatively to place his hand on the teal-haired blader's shoulder, but he was already pacing the floor anxiously, muttering under his breath. "Whoever it was...they were on Tobio and Ryutaro's side."

Kyoya froze in his tracks, his gaze still fixed on the ground at his feet. Then, he snapped his head in Ginga's direction, his bangs bouncing with the movement. "Capri?" he queried with a husky tone, and he stared at the redhead blankly, as though waiting for a response. When Ginga didn't respond, Kyoya's tense muscles relaxed, and he slumped his shoulders, a small chuckle cutting through the tense silence. "Capri. Capri. It was Capri. Of course it was Capri. It was Capri. Capri..." His laughter grew, interrupting the chants of his enemy's name.

The bladers shot concerned glances at each other; Tsubasa even quit gazing out the window, exchanging looks with Yuu that spoke a thousand words, and every single one of them had the same thought racing through their mind.

Kyoya is going nuts.

The teal-haired boy shook his head to cut off his laughter. "I'm going to go have a word with Capri," he muttered darkly and without another word, stormed out of the room, ignoring the protests from the others.

Ginga and his friends weren't sure what to make of the situation. Why would Tobio and Ryutaro go through the trouble of dressing up some stranger to make him become Kyoya's spitting image? What could they possibly gain from that, anyway?

It wasn't the time to worry about that. Ginga beckoned to the others with a wave of his hand.

They had to follow Kyoya before he got himself into some serious trouble.


"This can't be good..." Ryutaro broke his pose, uncrossing his legs and stretching them as he placed his hands behind himself on the floor to lean back. His bones let out snaps as they popped, relieved from finally breaking the meditating position. Something still weighed within his chest as he struggled to force himself to relax, though. He had a bad feeling, one that came to him during what was supposed to be nothing short of pure relaxation.

Why did it feel like something bad would be happening soon? Just when he and Tobio were granted their good luck? It wasn't often that things started looking up for the pair, so why did it have to start going downhill so soon?

With a sigh, Ryutaro got to his feet and ran his fingers through is unkempt hair - he had only gotten up a short while before and hadn't thought much about trying to look decent if he would only be seeing his best friend and their new pal, who had decided to stay over instead of return to his hotel, that day. He bent to take the sheet and pillow from where it had been laying out on the couch - he'd offered to let Jacques sleep in his bed - and folded them before placing them off the side where they wouldn't be in anyone's way.

"I suppose now would be a good time to tell Tobio," he muttered, yawning.

"Tell me what?" Tobio's gruff voice sounded from the kitchen, where the boy had been pouring himself a glass of orange juice. His yellow hair was in a bushy mess - even messier than usual - and his eyes were dull and tired. He leaned back against the counter as Ryutaro made his way over to him. Tobio lifted the glass to his lips as his friend began to speak.

"Well, remember how I had a really good feeling before we met Jacques?" he began slowly, hesitantly letting his smoky gaze flicker to Tobio's.

"Mm." Tobio licked his lips and set the glass down with a clank before he crossed his arms. "You have a lot of good feelings, and most of the time, they don't mean anything."

Ryutaro nodded; he knew his friend had a point. But perhaps he always had such feelings because nothing bad would happen to them? This was the first negative feeling he'd had in quite a while, after all, so it could very well mean something. "But this time, it was bad. I can...I can still feel it." He dropped his eyes to look at the ground and lifted a hand to his chest, breathing in heavily. "It...was suffocating. I felt so...terrified. It was like we were being threatened, were in danger, and there was nothing any of us could do about it."

"Any?" Tobio raised his brows. "Don't you mean either?"

"Not at all." Ryutaro shook his head. "Jacques...he's in the same boat as us. I think we're all in trouble..."


"Remind me again why we have to fly all the way to where the match was held," Yuu said, leaning over Tsubasa to meet Ginga's gaze. Kenta's response clearly wasn't enough to satisfy the boy, as he just had to be told the exact same thing numerous times before deciding to accept it.

Ginga met the boy's emerald gaze, a faint smile on his own lips. "We just don't want Kyoya doing anything rash. We'll join him when he goes to talk to Tobio and Ryutaro, just to make sure he doesn't exactly do something that might end really bad."

"Oooh!" Yuu's lips parted as he took in the words that his older friend was telling him, and then he nodded several times, giggling. "I get that! Sounds fun!" He moved to lean back in his own seat, squirming as he tried to get comfortable.

"That's exactly what I told you," Kenta mumbled darkly, and when Yuu shot the boy an innocent glance from where he sat across the isle, Kenta quickly turned away and immersed himself in conversation with Benkei.

Ginga turned back to Madoka and met her gaze, his own full of anticipation. Neither of them knew how this might play out. Kyoya had boarded the plane, frustrated and cursing, and he was still keeping to himself somewhere away from the group. When Ginga had tried to coax him into talking - or at least into sitting with them for the hour and a half plane ride - Kyoya only growled and ignored him.

Surely, things wouldn't go too well for Tobio and Ryutaro when they landed?

"I'm not sure how we're gonna be able to get through this," Ginga whispered to the brunette girl. Next to him, Tsubasa stirred, as though he were interested in the words they would exchange. The redhead leaned closer to Madoka, his hand falling atop hers. "Do you think Kyoya will go crazy on them?"

"He seems pretty unstable," Madoka noted, tilting her head towards her friend. "It's no telling what'll happen. You know how Kyoya can be. You have to expect the unexpected with him."

"You're right, but..." Ginga sighed. "I don't really understand why this is irritating him so much."

"Well..." Madoka shifted her fingers, turning her hand to clasp Ginga's, and once she found herself comfortable leaning into his shoulder, she mumbled, "Wouldn't you be upset if you were in his situation? Someone just pretended to be him; sure, the battle turnout was for the best, but it's kind of like a meaningless win. Everyone thinks you won, but you're the only one who knows it's not true. That wouldn't be a very good feeling, would it?"

Ginga shook his head slightly so as not to bother her. "Point taken. We'll just have to make sure it doesn't get out of control, though, okay?"



"Well, whatever it is, it really can't be that bad, right?" Jacques queried, his sky blue eyes flicking from Tobio to Ryutaro and back again. His fingers tightened around the glass of water he has sitting in front of himself. He hadn't bothered to get himself out of his disguise; his hair was still a teal shade as dark as Kyoya's and the scars still stretched beneath his eyes, the decorative face makeup having been a bit more durable than Ryutaro had thought.

And for some reason Ryutaro could understand, he had a strange sense of dread whenever looking Kyoya's look-alike straight in the eye.

Ryutaro and Tobio exchanged a glance, and after a moment, the dark-haired boy sighed. "I can never tell for certain. But I think we've got something bad headed in our direction, Jacques. You might want to be careful for a while."

Wow! Longest chapter yet! I'm just gonna quit making promises to update quicker, because I'll probably never keep them. Sorry!

.::Review Replies::.

brave kid: Thanks and will do!

TheAlmightyFireHawk: Hahahah right XD

Malluchan: Hahah (: Hope you liked it!

Light8mare: Oh yea, I look forward to writing Kyoya's confrontation with Tobio XD Thanks!

A.B.D.Y.Z: I'm so sorry for not updating faster XD I just suck, man lol. Glad you liked it!

TaiNotscha: Done! Sorry for taking so long heh

GalaxyPegasus14: Just wait a bit longer X) Thanks!

Reviews mean a lot! Thanks for reading!
