Just a note:



Paris, France. Not the place Lorna Belndia would normally find herself at, especially during the night. She'd been wandering around the city lost for what felt to be most of the day, which was correct.

'If only Draco hadn't been so insistent that I come visit him and his new family', she thought, her visible golden eye, the left, narrowing. The other didn't move for it wasn't there, the remains covered by an eye patch. That side of her face didn't really move at all from crusted burns that were given to her by an epidemic when young. The pestilence burdened her with a maimed right side of her face that refused to be hidden. Of course a mask would hide them, but she thought that it would make her look too intimidating to her nieces, not that the eye patched helped a lot.

Her right arm, side and leg were also plagued with burns, but no one but maids and such have seen those.

"I love that boy, and his wife, but sometimes I think he should learn when it's too much."

Lorna practically stomped down the cobblestone streets. Her long, red-brown hair laid on her back, threaded in cobwebs, and her light green dress coated in dirt from trotting through unused alleys. Oh she could hear him now.

"'Climbin' trees again m' dear, I see?'" Lorna mimicked with a mock Scottish accent, "' Need ta' drill 'n sa'more ettiquette lessn's inta' dear Lorni's'", she spat out the nickname, "' little head, do we?'"

"Dear sissy, ya' wound me."

Lorna cocked her head to look towards the new voice, a shadowed figure in the dark. Her words spoke just enough of her feelings.

"I hate you."

The figure stepped out, showing a man with short dark brown hair. He pretended a stab wound to the chest, his face contorted in counterfeit pain.

"Oh, so this is how it ends", he poised a hand at his forehead for dramatic effect," crushed in hate by the ol' hag."

That earned him a good whop to the head.

"Ah! She hits me!"

Kick to the shin.

"Oh the pain!"

Swat on the arm.

"Will this ever stop!"

Huffing at the sarcasm, Lorna settled with giving a death glare to the man. She prodded him with a foot to gain his attention.

He gazed down at her with deep, green eyes. She glared back.

While opening her mouth speak of her distastes, the man smirked. She stopped, giving him a wary look, worried of his next choice of actions.

"Finished yet, Lorni?"

"Oh that does it!"

Lorna grabbed his shoulders, twisted him down to her height, and gave him a nice, good bloody nose by the will of her hand.

Knocked down by the force, the man propped himself up with his elbow and grabbed his now bleeding nose.

Lorna was fuming, all to the amusement of the man causing his smile to appear once again.

"Nice ta' know ya' missed me Lorni."

"Shut up, Draco!"

I was sitting thinking, really wanting to write. Then it came, falling from the heavens, glowing in heavenly light. An idea. An idea of a phantom of the opera fanfiction to be precise.

This chappy is more of a short, comedic, intro more than less. In the next I will bring out more of the story line. Until next time.