Author's Note: I promise I'll finish this one I swear! If you notice, thing are going to start to change around here. I'm still the same author it's just different layout. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I know I didn't put this on any of my stories. This is because I think we all know who the great genius who made this wonderful show possible but just to remind you all this belongs to Alex Hirsch.

Summary: We all know Gravity Falls is a weird place but what do we know about the people? What if one potion changed everything? DipperXPacifica as usual. R&R Enjoy! (: Rated K+ just in case.

Chapter One: Drink Up

"Argh! Oh how I hate those pieces of... Argh!" Pacifica Northwest was just ranting about her hatred to the Pines family. There was the 'silly little girl' Mabel, the 'truth telling jealous brat' Dipper, and the 'cheap, good for nothing' Stan. The ranting girl was just walking down the streets of Gravity Falls, Oregon when she stumbled upon a little bottle that had pink sparkling fluid in it.

Being as she is, she picked it up and noticed a note beautifully tied to the neck of the bottle. In black ink cursive it said,

For my love, drink up.

"Well don't mind if I do!" She pulled the cork from the top and sipped the fluid down. A mixture of strawberries, candy, and chocolates rushed down the blonde's throat. Suddenly, her pupils were outlined pink and turned to the shape of hearts.

Dipper Pines was sent out to the city to 'borrow food from the dumpster.' Obviously these were directions from Grunkle Stan to get food to put into the vending machine back at the shack. The boy looked down at his feet while he kicked around a pebble until something hit him. Well, he hit something, more like someone. (Word play!) "Oops I'm so sorry miss."

The mystery girl turned around and with a bottle in her hand, Pacifica's pupils became normal circles but were still outlined with pink. Suddenly the bottle disappeared. Pacifica started twirling her hair with her fingers. "Hey Dipper."

"Um, hi Pacifica." Pacifica started leaning in closer while Dipper scooted back.

"Whatcha up to?"

"Nothing much. Just running errands for Grunkle Stan."

"So you're not busy?"

"N-no. Why?"

"Nothing. Just meet me at The Club tonight at 8 PM sharp. See you there love!" Pacifica walked away and blew Dipper a kiss.

"That was weird." Dipper shrugged and walked away to the Mystery Shack. As he walked down the forest path, he bumped into someone else. (Jeez Dipper! Watch where you're going! xD) Gideon was standing right in front of him. "Watch it Pines! I'm on my way to my apple crumb cake Mabel! I have a surprise for her." He reached for his back pocket and saw it was empty. "Oh no."

"What happened?"

"Nothing. Just n-nothing. On a totally unrelated note, have you perhaps seen a bottle with pink magical fluid anywhere?"

"No. Anyways, have you seen Pacifica? She's been acting weird lately."

"No. You know what Dipper, I'll just be on my way back home. Tell little miss crumb apple I love her!" And with that said, he was off.

"Could Gravity Falls be any weirder?" Dipper continued on towards the Mystery Shack.

Author's Note: So how is it so far? Don't forget to review it!

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