The team made their way through the umbilicus and into Artie's office, dragging their feet out of exhaustion. Claudia nearly collapsed on the floor, barely making it to the closest chair she could find, Myka's eyes were barely open, and Pete's stomach was growling unnaturally loud.

"Finally you're all here… wait where's H.G.?" Artie barreled through the door yelling.

"She's in the car, sleeping." Myka said with a yawn. "It's been a long week for all of us, but especially her so I told her to stay."

"Why what happened?"

Myka was quiet for a while, her head turned down. "She got hit with the artifact, and she kept seeing Christina. She was reliving everything that happened." A tear ran down her face at the memory of her friend's pain; she wiped it away with a finger, trying her hardest to hold her own emotions in. "So can we go back to Leena's? We can have our weekend and come back on Monday to fill out paperwork."

"Fine. Go. Drive safe; see you all on Monday, barring an emergency ping." Artie turned and walked down to the warehouse floor.

They got to the car and Myka saw Helena leaning against the window. She was awake and fresh tears had begun to fall.

"Hey Pete, can you drive? Claud I'll sit in the back." Myka opened the door and slid in next to H.G.

"Helena?" Myka whispered as the car started to pull away from the warehouse. "Hey."

The older woman stayed still, trying desperately not to sob out loud. She turned her head when she felt a hand cover her own, looking into hazel eyes; so filled with concern, kindness and love. 'I'm okay,' she mouthed, not yet trusting her own voice.

Myka nodded, sliding closer and tangling her fingers with Helena's, leaning into her, their bodies molding together just right. Helena simply sighed with relief and joy at having someone she loved so close to her. Her tears stopped and a smile tugged at her lips, as Myka turned her head, lifting their joined hands and placing a kiss on the older woman's knuckles.

When they got to the B&B, Pete turned around, about to announce that they were home when he saw his friend sleeping against the woman they have all come to know and care for. "Pssst… Claud?" Pete gestured to the back seat with his chin and Claudia turned around, almost instantly wide awake and ready to squeal. They saw the women's hands; fingers intertwined, sitting on Myka's thigh.

Claudia woke Myka and H.G., all of them getting out of the car slowly, aches and fatigue returning with a vengeance. As soon as Myka got around the car to Helena's side, she returned her hand to their previous place, holding on tight to the Victorian woman. "Let's get some rest." Myka squeezed Helena's hand and leaned against her again.

When they walked through the door, Myka immediately pulled her toward the stairs and to the bedrooms. "Myka?" Helena was timid and nervous.

"Yes Helena?"

H.G. looked into her eyes, unable to ask her the question weighing on her mind, on her heart. Myka knew what the question was, and she knew how hard it was going to be for the older woman to ask.

"Look, if it's okay with you... do you mind if I stay with you tonight? I think we could both use the company." Their fingers were still laced together, Helena nodded as she went into her room to get ready for bed; Myka retreated across the hall to do the same. "I'll see you in a minute."

Helena pulled the blanket back to get under the covers, Myka joined her. They faced each other, comfortable in each others presence; even in silence they were content. Slowly Myka's hand found it's way into Helena's, both women letting out a breath neither knew they were holding.

"Thank you." Helena whispered to the woman laying next to her.

That night, both women slept better than they had in a long time... hand in hand.