A/N: Ta-daa~ My second SpUk fic. Only this time, Spain gets to top! 8O *shocker* To those who are reading my other SpUk fic, "Cold Hands," don't worry, I'm not discontinuing it. In fact, I'll be out with the latest chapter within the week. This is just an introduction, sort of, so all the romantic bits will be yet to come. I'm a sucker for slow romantic developments _ Tell me what you think, ok? :3

Genre: Romance/Action/Drama/Comedy

Pairing: Conquistador!Spain x Pirate!Uk. Slight Spamano. Slight UsUk. Human AU, sort of.

Rating: R13 (T) For language and suggestive themes. Rating may go up. No wait, it will for the sake of hot Pirate sex.


Arthur parried his sword once more, doing his best to fend off the attacks of his opponent's captain. Che... He thought, I've heard of Captain Carriedo before, but I never thought he'd give me this much trouble! And it was true; He had heard tales of a fearsome pirate captain hailing from Spain. He'd disregarded the speculations on the new captain's skill for a long while now. That changed of course, as he now found himself under attack and losing the fight. Damn it... If I had given him more credit, I'd have been better prepared! He dodged another swing dealt by Carriedo, unknowing of the backlash of another failed swing behind him. He felt his vision blur and fade to black at the person behind him hit him with their sword's hilt.

Where am I? Arthur groaned, feeling as though he were swimming through a black smog. His lungs felt oddly heavy and he shifted slightly, feeling the beginnings of reaching out towards a light. He realized, somewhere in his rational mind, that this was the sort of thing that happened when one woke from a deep sleep, but he couldn't for the life of him remember going to bed... What happened...? I was on the deck... I was attacked by Captain Carriedo. We were fighting and then... And then— He interrupted his own thoughts as his eyes fluttered open, another low groan exiting his mouth along with a few curses. He lifted his head slowly, and almost instantly laid it back down. His head was pounding, as though someone was using it for a drum. He squeezed his eyes shut before slowly raising his head once more and opening his eyes.

He looked around and realized he was below deck on a ship. He knew it couldn't be his ship because the layout and contents of the room were unlike any he'd ever seen on his own vessel. He was in a tiny cell, the door locked tight and—FUCKING GOD DAMMIT THAT SPANISH BASTARD MUST HAVE WON. BLOODY HELL. The words echoed in his head like a siren. He groaned a third time, finding his inner voice much too loud for the headache pounding away at his temples. Who the hell wins with a head shot? What kind of crew does this bloody git have? He knew it couldn't have been Captain Carriedo because, for one, he'd have seen it coming and dodged. And two, as begrudgingly hard as it was to say, the Spanish man he had been fighting seemed to fight fair. He groaned and slumped against the wall, when all of a sudden, a thickly-accented voice came from outside the cell.

"Hey you bastard, I brought some food, you should eat if you know whats good for you."

Arthur looked intently and found that someone who appeared to be the cabin boy—who was awfully small for a boy, in his opinion—approached the cell, holding a couple of tomatoes. He wasn't entirely sure what to think. The boy didn't sound Spanish, and didn't look Spanish as far as he could tell. Was he Italian, perhaps? All of a sudden in the middle of Arthur's thinking, the tomatoes were tossed into the cell and the boy opened his mouth yet again with a stream of insults.

"Geez, so much for the high and mighty supposedly scary ass British captain, now you're just in deep dog shit." The boy snapped as he smirked at the captain's unfortunate postion.

Arthur's eyes narrowed.

Now, in general, Arthur was a rather patient man. He could handle drunkenness, annoyingly upbeat people—you name it. But rude, disrespectful people were a peeve of his. The traits combined... made his skin crawl. He kept his face stoic as he bent down and picked up a tomato. He tossed it up and down a couple of times before dropping it and lunging towards the brunette, hands and arms flying between the bars and grabbing him by his collar. He yanked him forward so their faces were close.

"Now you listen here you piece of shit. You need to learn to respect your superiors. Your captain may have taken me, but that doesn't mean I can't hurt you. If I wanted to, I could kill you right now. I could slam your head against these bars until you're brain dead. I could snap your neck boy." He hissed, "And 'if you know what's good for you,'" He said, using the green-eyed boy's words against him, "I wouldn't stand close enough to the bars to be grabbed by a dangerous pirate." He shoved the boy backwards as hard as he could and was thoroughly satisfied when he landed hard on his butt. "Scram kid, and I wouldn't come back, if I were you."

"What-the-fuck-ever bastardo, you don't scare me, I saw the fight, you got knocked out by some random guy, you can try and bang my head against the bars but I'll make sure to rip your fucking hand off before I'm dead." The cabin boy yelled at him from the ground, scrambling to his feet and picking up a tomato and threw it with all his might right into Arthur's face. The boy's lips curled into a smirk when the tomato gave a satisfing squishing sound as it smashed against his face, slowly sliding off revealing a very angry Brit. Arthur was clearly not amused.

The boy quickly backed away from bars soon after, however, to avoid being grabbed again as he picked up another tomato, this time throwing it at the pirate's chest, yet again hitting it's mark.

"Why you little—"

"No, you listen here stupido!" The boy interrupted Arthur before he could get to speak. "You're a prisoner here on the ship so you don't get to threaten people, you should be lucky that the tomato bastard even kept you alive. If I were him I would've killed you on the spot you caterpillar eye-browed freak!"

The boy yelled as he produced a throwing knife, twirling the knife threateningly at Arthur. As a feared pirate, Arthur wouldn't usually be bothered, but in his compromised state, he didn't know how he could fight back. He discreetly searched his pockets and realized that he was stripped of his pistol and his knives, which was to be expected. To be killed by an angry cabin boy, how low have I sunk? Arthur laughed in spite of himself, not backing away from the bars.

Why did the captain keep me alive?


"VIVA ESPANA! VIVA ESPANA!" Antonio was on deck, celebrating with his crew as they chanted the words victoriously. He held up his sword with one hand, and in the other a wine glass. "This victory is for all of us, and for our motherland Spain. To celebrate, everyone will have our finest wine tonight!" he brought the wine glass to his lips, and upon finishing it smashed it to the ground. His crew members all cheered around him, and started making a ruckus on deck. Everyone was happily passing around drinks, and telling each other of their own experiences during the fight. Antonio made his way through the crowd, randomly grabbing people's drinks and then consuming them, going around to make sure everyone was having a good time. His crew members didn't mind however, because well… he was the captain.

After a few rounds, he decided to go to the pirate's cabin to relax and think of his next plan of action.

So I have the Brit now in my clutches... he thought, remembering how the other Captain had been defeated. He stared upon a blank piece of paper, and a quill trying to jot down his ideas, but to no avail. This is no good. He rubbed his hands over his face, trying to refresh his mind. The alcohol had started to take effect, and he wasn't thinking straight anymore. I might as well visit our prisoner, and get some information from him. With that, he grabbed a bottle of wine supposedly to share with the Brit. Though he was a prisoner, he was still a guest on his ship and he had to show him some hospitality. He then made his way down below deck, trying not to stumble as he walked.

"H-hey what's going on there?" he said, hearing voices from one of the cells. From afar, he could see his cabin boy seemingly arguing with the prisoner.

Antonio brought his palm to his face, as he looked at the scene before him. "Ai ai ai~" Lovino, his cabin boy and the prisoner Captain Kirkland seemed to be fighting. Since it was Lovino he sent down, somehow he was't too surprised. This was the first time he'd seen such a grand fight that came from either side of the cell bars, however.

"Uhm… hola~?" Antonio said, trying to get the attention of the two. When this didn't work, he tried poking Lovino on the arm. "U-uhm Lovino…" he said, still not being heard. He then tried to poke the prisoner who was pressed against the railings, but even he didn't seem to notice his presence. He sighed, and felt like he had no choice but to take one of them by force. He swiftly grabbed Lovino by the collar, and dragged him away from the cell. "Lo siento, Captain Kirkland." He said, shouting over Lovino's shoulder. "I will just have a word with him, ok? It looks like you have been well acquainted."

He then turned his attention to Lovino, who still seemed rather upset. "Hey Lovino, what is the matter?" he said, holding up the other's face gently so that their eyes would meet. "I just gave you the simple task of giving our prisoner food, why did you go and declare war on him or something?" he sighed, and started picking up some tomatoes that fell on the ground.

Lovino glared at his captain. "You should have killed him or we should at least turn him in for money, Captain Kirkland has a huge price on his head, why keep such an annoying British bastard like him!" Lovino yelled, stomping his foot and smashing a tomato in the process. "If he gets out he'll only try to kill some of the other crew, you or escape, besides you know you didn't even beat him fair and square right?" Lovino said crossing his arms with a scowl on his face.

"L-lovino? What are you talking about?" Antonio smiled and laughed nervously, seeing that Lovino had known the truth behind the fight. Though he had no plan on keeping it a secret, really, it would be rather embarrassing if news as to how the British Captain was defeated.

"Ah! I see why you really won't kill him!" Lovino continued, barely paying attention to Antonio. "You're too 'honorable' to kill a man you didn't beat but I guess that didn't stop you from taking all the credit huh? Tch, so you're also going to drink with him, what do you plan on doing? Getting him drunk and getting information out of him? If he's as high-ranked as you say he is then he probably won't fall for it stupid tomato-head, " Lovino grumbled as he pocketed his throwing knife.

Antonio sighed and shook his head. "I will make sure he gets the proper recognition, but remember this was done as a team. We conquered that ship as one unit, there's no such thing as just one person taking all the credit you know~? Do you see me partying by myself? No! When you go on deck you will see that everyone is celebrating because this is a victory for all of us... for Mother Espana! And since you're part of the family now, it's your victory too." he said, then patting Lovino's head. "Oh, what am I saying? I guess you are just too young to understand. And I didn't bring him wine for that purpose, idiota. I'm not that despicable." He was getting tired of arguing with Lovino, so he just let Lovino say whatever he wanted, and waited until he finally decided to follow orders and get on deck.

"I won't tell anybody for now that you didn't beat the British bastard but watch yourself down here with him tomato bastard, or he'll squish your head into bars like he tried to do with me." Lovino said as he started to walk back up to the top of ship to go be with the rest of the crew but then paused looking back at Antonio, "Pft, then you really would be a tomato head, a squashed one though." Lovino remarked as he resumed his climb back up the stairs, still grumbling to himself.

Antonio finally turned his attention to the prisoner, walking in his direction. "That boy is a real handful." He murmured and slowly approached Arthur, with one hand in his pocket and the other holding up the bottle of wine. "Like I said earlier, I'm really sorry that was the welcome you got on this ship. I assure you though, that we Spaniards are very different." he said, then getting close enough to be able to eye the other man completely. "Oh by the way, I forgot to formally introduce myself." Antonio removed his hat, and bowed before Arthur. "My name is Antonio Fernandez Carriedo—captain of this ship and commander of the Armada... at your service."


A/N: That's all for now :3 Do you think Antonio and Arthur will get along? Well, obviously Lovino and Arthur didn't XD Btw before I forget, I must reveal something. This was actually co-written with me by my lovely girl and RP partner, Callie who plays an amazing England. *Gasp* I feel so lucky :3 (Obviously I was Spain, so yeah.) And oh, my friend Julia also makes a guest appearance as Romano. I edited this quite a lot, however, to fashion it into one big fanfiction. Fusososo~ Please do tell me what you think, and I will get the next chapter out as soon as I can. Gracias, amigo~!

Edit: Thanks to Tamagoakura for pointing the lack of need for Romano's accent :D Yeah, now that I think about it, it wasn't such a good idea :P