New years.

Sora Riku Kairi Roxas, Xion and namine where spending new years together, at sora's apartment. it was just a one bedroom apartment, nothing special.

Sora had been cleaning for two weeks, it was finally perfect when the first two guest arrived, his brother roxas and his girlfriend Xion. "hey big brother, we brought chips and dip. roxas said helping xion with the dip. xion was quite frail compared to roxas, but she could knock a person out before you knew it. she is a shy person it took her a year before she would let roxas introduce her to everyone. they get situated in the apartment and another guest arrives, riku.

"hey sora where would you like me to put the beverages?" asked riku carrying bags of soda and paper cups in. riku is soras' best friend. riku used to be a darkness addict, he had let it overwhelm him. now he spends his time working at the police department. when he had all the soda containers on the counter placed out, he went to the dvd player sora owned and turned on the tv. he put a disc from his pocket in and the screen showed a count down timer showing 240-00-00. "tell me when it is 8:00." said riku holding the dvd remote. it was 7:50 the next guest arrived, namine and Kairi.

"Sora can you help me im about to loose grip!" squeaked wile loosing grip of a fruit bowl. sora quickly caught it, and placed it on the counter. wile kairi behind her sister was carying two trays of mini sandwiches, "thanks sora, where are the burgers?" kairi said, when her stomic growled. Kairi and namine are actually twins but as they got older Kairis hair became red wile Namines hair became blond. Namine was dating Riku and Kairi wasn't dating sora. infact she wasn't dating anyone, and neater was sora.

"their ready if anyone wants them, they're in the oven and buns are on the counter now with condiments. riku its time." said sora pulling out a tray of hot hamburgers. riku his the play button and the countdown timer started.

they all eat and talked about their daly life. later they played party games, pictionary, and other party related games. the count down timer was at 015-07-13

everyone was ready for new years. They had their hats, noise makers, and their other in their arms, except sora and kairi. Before the countdown could end Xion made a toast "to everyone. i thank you for being my friends, and inviteing me to this celebration. im my family we have a tradition to make a wish for the new year. my wish is that everyone here to have a successful and happy year."

sora knew his wish, to be with kairi. he wanted to be the one to hold her till the end. the timer was now at 001-07-13. everyone was in front of the tv getting ready to count down. sora was feeling lonely seeing his brother and best friend having a partner to share this event with, he looked at kairi. her eyes full of happiness and joy ready for the new year. sora grabbed her hand lightly when he heard everyone yell "10" she looked at him with a little shock, but crossed her fingers with his, letting him know it was ok to, "9" they took a step closer to each other. "8" their shoulders bumped. "7" sora let go of kairi's hand and wrapped his arm around her waist. "6" kairi blushes with sora's embrace. "5" she turns around "4"she wraps her arms around his neck. "3"she closes her eyes. "2" she puckers her lips as if to kiss sora. "1" sora kisses her with passion as everyone cheers "Happy new years"