Vega let out a little squeak of surprise when I pinned her to the bed. Maybe she thought she had me all figured out now that she'd gotten me off once, so I was glad I could still surprise her. Maybe she thought that just because I sometimes got mellow around Cat after sex, the same applied to her. I was glad to prove her wrong there as well.

I stared unblinkingly into her eyes, waiting for the inevitable flash of fear that would come when she realised she was helpless and trapped. Only… it didn't come. There was a myriad of emotions swirling in those deep chocolate-coloured orbs, even darker now with lust, and need, and want, and… acceptance, and… affection? But no fear.

"Jade…" her voice was soft, breathy, and I didn't have any more luck untangling the knot of emotional content in that murmured word than I'd had with what was displayed in her beautiful brown eyes. Fuck! Why couldn't I ever understand her? Sure I could usually predict what she was going to do, almost precisely. But I always struggled to understand why?

I kissed her swollen and bruised lips hard, to shut her up. This time I did bite, and she whimpered. I tasted blood.

Still there was no fear in her eyes. She wasn't even trying to struggle. She just lay there, letting me maintain my death-grip on her wrists. God! Was that trust I saw on her face? At least fight back! Was she just gonna let me do anything to her? I'd made her scream; I'd made her beg; I'd left my marks and bruises and teeth-marks on her body; I'd even made her bleed, the little droplet of blood on her lip a testament to the sharpness of my fangs. I'd fucked her, played her body like a musical instrument, making her emit whatever note I wanted her to, a composition of sex and pleasure and wild passion. I'd watched her fuck and be fucked by Cat, practically serving her up as the redhead's new sex toy, albeit a very willing one. And after all that, she wasn't scared or angry? Did the depths of Vega's compassion and forgiveness know no bounds?

That's what it means to trust someone, said an annoying voice in the back of my head, that sounded suspiciously like Beck's. Or maybe Vega's. They may have power over you, but you trust that they don't abuse it. Well, I didn't do trust too well. And abuse I was all too familiar with.

I shifted a little so that I could grind my thigh against Vega's centre. She let out a little moan and thrust her pelvis against me. This I could understand. Her body, at least, was predictable in its reactions. It remembered what we'd been doing all night, and knew what was expected. I could feel how wet she still was against my leg, could feel the damp sweat on her smooth flawless skin as I lay against her, and the heat radiating off her lithely-toned body. I could smell her shampoo and deodorant and perfume. I could listen to her gasps and moans. I could look at her beautiful face as she built towards her climax, my thrusts against her steadily driving her onwards and upwards; could watch as those round, perfect cheekbones became flushed, and her long lashes fluttered.

She raised one knee, bracing her foot against the mattress to try and get more leverage to thrust her hips up against me. Her thigh insinuated itself between my legs, and I instinctively started grinding my core against it, leaving a slick trail of moisture on her skin. Now we were both climbing towards ecstasy together.

"Jade…" she gasped put between moans. "Jade… I…" She trailed off.

Don't! I wanted to yell at her. Don't ruin good, fun, no-strings, meaningless sex by talking! I was going to tell her to just keep her mouth shut - that I didn't want to hear her annoying, whiny, velvety, sexy, perfectly-pitched voice saying stupid stuff that didn't mean anything.

But when I opened my mouth, what came out was: "Tell me that you want me." My voice sounded so strangled I didn't even recognise it as mine, at first.

She answered straight away, no hesitation, voice full of conviction. "I want you Jade! I've always wanted you. Ever since I met you."

I thrust hard against her, and suddenly I was coming, my orgasm rushing over and through me like a surging wave, lights exploding behind my tightly-shut eyes. I buried my face in her neck and cried out, "Oh fuck! Tori!" But I don't think she noticed that I used her first name, for I could feel her body trembling beneath me with her own release, as she added her cries to mine.

"Oh God! Jade!"

As I came back to my senses, I realised that somewhere along the line I'd released my grip on her wrists, and was now holding both her hands in mine, our fingers intertwined. Fuck. I really was getting soft.

I hadn't lifted my face up yet - my head was still pillowed on a luxurious cushion of thick, silky-soft and fragrantly-scented chestnut hair - but I felt Vega bring one of my hands to her mouth and kiss it. I let go of both her hands, but she just took the opportunity to put her arms around me and start stroking my hair. I wanted to tell her to stop, I really did, but I couldn't trust my traitorous voice at the moment.

"That was so freakin' hot!" Cat's awed voice woke me out of my reverie. I looked to the side, and saw her sitting sprawled close by, legs shamelessly spread and fingers slowly stroking her sex. Yeah, I think we know who the biggest voyeur is here. But at least Cat's predictable - predictably always horny. Part of the baggage that comes with hypomania. I still hadn't decided if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Just part of who Cat was, I guess. I found myself smiling.

"Come here, Kitten."

Tori turned her head towards Cat as well. "Yeah, Cat. You know there're two people here who are happy to help you with that…" Looks like I really had stripped away all of Vega's inhibitions.

Cat kneeled just in front of us. I slid two fingers into her wet heat, pumping them in and out and curling my fingers to hit her G spot. But it was Tori's thumb that danced over Cat's swollen clit. We managed to find a rhythm that gave Cat lots of stimulation without us getting in each other's way. The writer in me appreciated how that was kinda like a metaphor for the way the whole night had gone - me and Tori, orbiting around Cat (an energetic source of light and life) at a minimum safe distance, caught in a gravitational field of mutual and simultaneous attraction and repulsion, and unable to pull away, but afraid to get too close in case we crashed into each other and exploded (though I was still laying on top of Tori, skin-to-skin and cheek-to-cheek, and the universe hadn't come to an end yet - but there had definitely been some major explosions). Fucking like rabbits (Jack Rabbits? I really hoped I got to see the look on Tori's face if Cat ever pulled that out of her hat), whilst trying not to hate - or want - each other too much. I'd thought this night was all about Cat and Tori. But maybe it was really about me and Tori after all. Guess that meant Cat had been right all along. That was a scary thought. Or maybe I was just over-thinking it all because of my tiredness - it was almost 5am by now, according to my bedside clock.

Cat had done most of the work herself, and it didn't take long for Tori and I, working in tandem, to bring her to completion. She collapsed beside us, a goofy, satisfied grin on her face. I finally made eye-contact with Tori, and she was smiling up at me with a similar expression. I may have had the same look on my face, but I'll deny it if Vega ever tries to say so.

I rolled off her, and sat on the edge of my bed. Behind me I heard Vega muffle a yawn. Cat giggled.

"Bedtime for Tori!"

"Bedtime for everyone," I said. I got up to turn off the light switch, while Cat and Tori settled themselves in bed, Cat arranging herself in the middle with Tori on the side of the bed Cat usually slept on when she stayed over, leaving me my usual side. I climbed into bed beside them. It was a big bed, and Cat had snuggled up as close as she could get to Tori, who had her arms wrapped tightly 'round the smaller girl, leaving me plenty of room.

"'Night Tori!" Cat chirped in a voice that was altogether too loud for this time of night.

"'Night Cat." Tori's voice sounded very tired.

"'Night Jade," the redhead said in a more properly subdued voice.

"G'night, Cat," I mumbled.

After a slight pause: "Goodnight Jade," from Vega, in a softer voice still.

I hesitated before answering. "Goodnight… Tori." I knew she'd hear me say her name that time.

A/N: This project started out as an idea for a short little story about a fun threesome Cat, Jade, and Tori would have one night after going out clubbing and having a little too much to drink, the story beginning as they got to Jade's house. I also had in the back of my mind the possibility of a sequel about them dealing with the aftermath. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised there was so much more to the Catorade dynamic than just a simple night of drunken passion. I wanted to explore other aspects of their relationship, and what might come after that night of drunken passion. Which meant I had to expand on the lead up to the 'action' so as to properly set the scene for all that I wanted to put in later. Which meant that my original short anecdote turned into a multi-chaptered monster, which in turn became the first part of an open-ended series that I'm planning, the total length of which I currently have no idea of. But such is the writing process - characters and storylines sometimes take on a life of their own, directing their writer as to where they want to go, rather than the other way around. I whole-heartedly welcome aboard any of my readers who wish to take the journey with me, wherever it may go, and through however many instalments it may take to tell.